Alice Charlston vs April starling

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Alice Charlston vs April starling

Unread post by PerfectCalm »

Alice stepped into the aisle to the roar of the audience. She walked down the aisle,arms outstretched. Once she got to the ring, she made a show of leaping over all of the ropes at once. She flexed one bicep at the crowd and flipped them a thumbs up. She was wearing her alternate outfit today, a green bikini top with black straps and a green skirt with parted sides up to the knees and a black fire pattern on the bottom. She was also wearing a choker. She had been exercising and working out non-stop since her previous humiliating defeat at the hands of one Kai’sa, and was absolutely sure she was ready for whoever LAW was going to throw at her.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Entrance Music:
from about 3:04 until song end
The lights went out in the arena as the announcer chimed in. "This bout is scheduled for 1 fall!" A spotlight was shining in the center of the ring where the end of a rope fell to the center of the ring. The spotlight then shined up onto the catwalk where April was clad in an orange bodysuit and had on a harness as she repelled down from the catwalk to the center of the ring. "Standing at 5'8 and 140 pounds. She is the excellence of elegance. Agent April Starling!" The announcer called out as she stopped repelling down the rope a few feet up from the ring. She then unhooked her harness in the air while keeping herself supported with one leg hooked around the rope.

She then unwrapped her leg from the rope and swayed back with her legs as she then swung them forward as she used her arms to pull up, making her body swing into an arch as she then released the ropes and finished her flip as she dropped down to the mat in a three point stance. She stood up as she smirked looking around at the crowd and over to Alice, giving her a wink. "Pleasure to meet you darling." she said in her British accent as she unzipped her body suit, pulling it off of her body in a teasing manner as she revealed her orange two piece bikini and the body of the hoodie tied around her waist went from being pressed against her back to drooping down into place over her rear as the only piece of the body suit left was her orange calf high boots with black laces as she removed the rest of the suit and flung it towards the prop staff. She then traded which foot she bounced on as she warmed herself up, clamping her hands together as she rotated her wrists from side to side to warm herself up as she smiled and then approached Alice and extended her hand out to Alice for a friendly shake. "Let's give the crowd an excellent show."
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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Alice accepted her opponent’s handshake. “Seems like you already have.” She teased. She retreated back to her corner, waiting for the bell.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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April grinned at her tease and gave her a polite bow as she backed up to her corner and nodded to the ref that she was ready to begin. When the bell rang, she would then circle Alice in the ring, eyeing her with caution as she tried to inch in closer to her and lock-up with her in the center of the ring.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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Alice eyed her opponent’s stance. Typically she would be on the defensive, but recent trends had made her question that line of thinking. Alice would charge in low, elbow out, and elbow April in the gut. If she was successful she would follow it up quickly with an uppercut

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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April wasn't expecting such an aggressive move from a face, so when she got hit with the elbow to the gut, April groaned out as she bent over. However, she wasn't going to get fooled twice, and when she noticed Alice trying to come in with a uppercut, she caught Alice's forearm and twisted herself around and back behind Alice as she would counter the uppercut with a hammerlock as she pulled up on Alice's arm. "Oh my, I wasn't aware that I was going against a street fighter."

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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Alice grunted softly as April stuck her in a hammerlock. “What can I say? Once a city girl, always a city girl.” She would try to ram her elbow that was not in the lock backwards into April’s chest. If this succeed she would seise the opportunity and sweep the other girl’s legs, to try and bring her to the floor.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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April grunted out as she was elbowed in the ribs, making her release her grip, she was then caught off guard by the leg sweep as April let out a grunt as she fell onto her back at the mat. She then rolled herself backwards to try to get some distance from Alice and rise back up to her feet.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

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Filled with adrenaline, Alice decided to push he even offensive. She would push towards April and grab her hands, then knee her in the ribs. If that worked she would attempt to headbutt her. Alice felt it a little unorthodox, but recently she had discovered that orthodox didn’t always mean best.

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Re: Alice Charlston vs April starling

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

April felt her hands grabbed and let out a groan as she was hit in the ribs, she however noticed the incoming headbutt and managed to shift her head to the side to where Alice whiffed. She followed through by letting her arms lock around Alice's body, which if Alice still kept a hold of her wrists would bring Alice's hands back as well as April would let out a grunt as she would lift Alice off of her feet and arch back, pulling Alice forward to flip over her to land on her back while April maintained her gripped and bridged, attempting to execute a Northern Light Suplex pin attempt.

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