The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Mandy silently fumed to herself as she laced up her boots and waited for her cue. After losing her first fight in humiliating fashion to Katrina Kell, Oscar's stupid girlfriend of all people, she had been pulled aside and was forced to sit down and learn the basic rules for wrestling so there wouldn't be any more foolish losses from the crass corsair. On top of that, she was forced to be shown more moves and given lessons before accepting more matches! The only reason she wasn't placed with the young lioness's was because of the giant fit she threw when the idea was brought up... needless to say, Mandy was more than looking forward to taking out her anger on her next opponent.
Hailing from Canada and coming in at six feet tall and one hundred and eighty pounds, hide the treasure- here comes the Crass Corsair: Mandy Cannons!!
Hearing her cue, Mandy would head for the ramp and strike a pose, sticking her tongue out and winking with a smirk as her music played- receiving an abundance of jeering from the crowd that remembered the woman's previous match.

Mandy would just flip them all off as she walked down the ring and climbed on it, waiting for her opponent to get in so she could get this over with.
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Alice was less chipper than usual. She sat on a bench in the changing room, wearing her standard attire, a sleeveless white top that exposed her midriff, green lines down the sides, and a pair of short, tight white shorts with the same green lines. Normally she would be jumping around like a woman possessed, but after a pair of bad matches previously, she was beginning to doubt herself. She pushed these thoughts away, thinking of her victories rather than defeats. A stagehand nervously wandered into the dressing room. “Miss Charlston? It’s time.” He said sheepishly. Alice sat up, and shot the man a charming smile. “Thanks pal, wish me luck!” She said as she pushed open the doors. She strutted to the ring in a show of fake confidence, partly to impress the crowd, partly to intimidate her opponent, but mostly to reassure herself. She climbed into the ring, and got her first good look at the infamous Mandy Cannons. Alice’s false confidence faltered for a moment. The other woman was far larger than her, not to mention heavier and brawnier. The doubts returned to Alice’s mind, but she pushed them away. “Why does it matter that she’s big? The bigger the come, the harder they fall, right?” She thought to herself. Besides, she had faced and defeated larger opponents before. And she had seen Mandy’s previous fight. She was almost entirely untrained. Surely that would amount to some advantage, she thought. Alice gave Mandy a warm smile and stuck out her hand. “Alice Charlston, pleased to make your acquaintance. May the best woman win.”
Last edited by PerfectCalm on Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Mandy would blink as she stared down at Alice, processing the woman in front of her before letting out a wheeze... the kind that slowly turned into bellowing laughter as she clutched her stomach. This got more boos from the crowd before Mandy started to speak.

"BAHAHAHA!! They threw me up in a match against a shrimp like you!? Look at you! You look like you need a booster seat in the car! HAHAHA!!"

She wiped away a fake tear at the exaggerated taunts before harshly smacking Alice's hand away, sneering down at the woman.

"Cram it, shrimp. I'M the best woman here. You'll make for a perfect little jobber to show off just what I can do..."

With that sinister message in the air, Mandy turned on her heels and went to her corner- waiting for the bell. She'd share a hard stare at Alice while waiting- like a predatory animal wanting to go for the kill.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Alice sighed. Mandy was acting exactly the same way her previous match had said she would. No matter, now Alice had no reasons to hold back. The bell rung, and Alice assumed a defensive stance, analyzing her opponent. Alice knew she couldn’t win an outright confrontation. She mentally listed her advantages. She was probably faster, and definitely more experienced And better trained. If she were to win this match, it had to be through speed, holds and chokes. She came up with a plan. She would sprint towards Mandy, then turn right and clamber up the ropes as fast as she could in order to get atop Mandy’s shoulders. It was risky, but worth a shot.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Hearing the bell, Mandy grinned as wide as a shark as Alice came at her. She extended her arms to try and grab the rookie- but would be surprised to see Alice avoid the (easily telegraphed) grapple attempt and start climbing up her shoulders!


A very confused and easily tempered Mandy would shriek at Alice and start swinging her arms sporadically, spinning her body around to try and throw her opponent off!

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Alice’s plan was working. She had to weaken Mandy as fast as possible if she wanted any chance at winning. She would tense her legs around Mandy’s neck to weaken her and secure her position, and use her hands to start pummeling hero throat and face eith all her strength.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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"Gkk! Gurk! Bleh!"

Mandy would make a set of comedic noises as Alice punched and pummeled her while getting served a headscissors on her neck. The crowd cheered loudly for the young rookie! After some more flailing, however, Mandy would get a devious idea... she would do three little hops as if getting read to jump... before throwing herself backwards in an attempt at dropping Alice downwards towards the canvas and going splat!

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Alice felt her heart drop as she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Fortunately, she had plenty of energy this early in the match and recovered quickly, save for being somewhat dazed. She tried to push the heavyweight off of her to little avail, so began trying to squirm out from under her.

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

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Mandy smirked as she saw Aluce try to squirm out from under her

"Aw, you want out already? Fine. You make for a lousy pillow anyways"

Mandy would take one of her hands and grip it tightly against the struggling Alice in a vice, taking the harsh move and adding onto it by pressing Alice's face into the canvas as Mandy pushed herself up. After that, she'd take a few steps back and glare at Alice

"Try that shit again, and I'll beat your sorry ass way worse than it's already going to be"

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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

Unread post by PerfectCalm »

Alice groaned as she pushed herself off of the canvas. The needed to act fast, and powerfully, lest Mandy take control of the situation. She would run towards Mandy and attempt to kick her knees out from under her.

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