Meet and Greet Coffee.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by LawHell »

"I look forward to it love haha" Shego would grin as she would also stretch a small bit as she would listen to Huan for a moment before she was told to come at her and with that Shego did not wait as she moved quickly towards the woman goring for a tackle aiming to put her down hard to the mat if possiblee and would try to mount her if possible thinking for a moment and with a grin. "We shall see lover haha want some gloves and leg guards so we dont have to hold back?."
Last edited by LawHell on Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Seeing the tackle huan would let shago take her to the ground at the same time wrapping her legs around her midsection and putting her. Hand against her neck to push to the side trying to work her into a headlock.

"If you want me to beat the ever-loving shit out of you then how could I refuse. But get out of this first... Or tap.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by LawHell »

Shego would soon crash down to the mat as she would feel a pair of kegs wrapping around her body but before she would have time she would be grabbed into the headlock and held in place by Huan, Shego would try pull her self up and grab at Huans arms trying to pull them off her as best as she could. "Gahh fine I will get you woman haha, I hope you don't mind the rule Tap or Nap? Haha."

Shego would try her best but honestly she did not mind been trapped in such a way thou none the less she still worked to get herself free.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

"I figured we wouldn't settle for one fall anyway, I would prefer to have you awake at least for now though" Huan would say as her free hand wandered down to grab Shago's butt and squeeze it a little hoping it would distract her enough to more to lock in a guillotine choke. She wouldn't use her full strength though as she wanted to keep Shago conscious and possibly so she could free herself, it would make it more fun.

"Tell me love, do you like it down there?" She would say as she squeezed a little harder for just a second.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by LawHell »

Shego would grunt as she would try to move to get to her knees and lift Huan up with her body her goal was to try to get up so she could body slam down Huan's back to the floor to see if she could stun the woman and brake free of her hold that was now putting a choke on her thou with a few gasp and a few quiet moans she would grin as she would answer Huan. "You know I do woman just wait thou I will get you."

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Feeling her back lift Huan would let go and smile as she unwrapped her legs. "Get these gloves, and don't complain that I hit hard" She would say as she sat up, after she finished the sentence she would give Shago a kiss before pushing her back with a playful smile and standing up. When She received her gear she would take her usual fighting stance, skip from leg to leg and throw a few punches in the air. After that, she would look at Shago, bite her lower lip for a second and make a becoming motion with her hand.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by LawHell »

Shego would smile as she would look toward Huan who soon grabbed and kissed her before pushing her back, Shego would go into her back and bring out two sets of gloves and leg guards passing a set to Huan. "These are a new prototype set, made to keep the fighter comfortable and deliver a full effective impact."

She would comment as she put her set on soon bouncing somewhat similar to haun before given the go-ahead where she would not hold back moving some speed throwing a combo of punches and kicks to try to keep Huan on the back foot aiming to try to make an opening where she could grab her and go with a hip toss to the mat.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Huan would back up defending from the punches and kicks, she probably could retaliate but for now, she was gadgeing how good Shago was and she did not disappoint. At a certain moment, she would leave herself open to see what her opponent would go for. When she would attempt a hip toss she would find Huan firmly planted on the ground and wrapping her hand around hers to lessen the leverage. After that, she would flash an impish smile before throwing an uppercut to the other women's stomach. After that, she would step back and go for a sidekick to her abs.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by LawHell »

Shego would smile as it seemed she was making progress on Huan with her attack as she did not wanna leave the woman unimpressed by her skill though she was not mainly a striker thou so she was trying her best to keep up with her, though that would soon slam to a halt as the throw was stopped before she would see Huan wit that smiles before she felt the strike to her and followed by the kick to her side causing her to stagger back putting her guard once more before she would try to go back on the offensive with her.

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Re: Meet and Greet Coffee.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Seeing as her opponent went back on the offensive Huan would sway out of the way of her first attack before delivering a straight punch to her face. After that she would go on the offense, throwing a combination of punches slowly getting closer to then deliver a knee to her stomach and pushing her to the mat to mount her.

"How are you liking that? I would hate to disappoint you."

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