Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Standard POW Match: Winner takes the loser as a POW

Aella Midori had been a name Touka had heard beyond just wrestling, for well over 20 years the two were very aware of each other, in different ways. First she was someone who she met backstage at wrestling shows before she feuded with her mother, and once she started to feud with her mom those encounters grew less and less pleasant. Once Ayane won the feud and Aella actually joined her after coming to see her as the best wrestler in the world they met even more...and somehow despite the fact that she respected her mom those encounters got even less pleasant. Touka wouldn't say she got bullied growing up but Aella was the closest thing to that she got, she didn't like how 'boring' she was compared to Ayane or that she didn't seem to have the same passion in wrestling, which lead to some...comments about her body that Touka didn't like. Ayane dealt with anyone who did her wrong, for all of her faults as a person she was a good mom to her but with Aella she seemed to develop a soft spot and at most she scolded Aella for the things she said but compared to what she usually she did Aella got off easy and she knew it. This only seemed to encourage her behavior and Touka wondered if secretly Ayane made Aella do it to see if she could goad Touka into action, but it never got worse than a few shoving match, Touka refused to play the game Aella wanted.

That is until she started to wrestle, she didn't consider that the one person she could say she didn't really like would remember her, happen to be in the same place as her children whens he joined, and was watching her matches for any signs of her actually wrestling. It was a storm that you could never have predicated and yet somehow seemed to be fate in a twisted way, because shortly after her victory over Eirina, she got word that Aella wanted a match and Touka could feel the implication that she would be running away if she didn't accept. Aella was going to insist on this either way, might as well face her and get it over with. At least she had something to surprise the fans with now, something she had been working on for a long time.
Her music played and soon Touka Akan came out dressed in a new stunning attire. For a moment her new look seemed to shock the crowd before they started to cheer louder and Touka's smile grew at the respect being given to her. It was a good to know that while she wouldn't be wrestling as long as many others she would at least have time to make an impact before she was done with wrestling, and if she could beat Aella she could at least put that on her list before she was done. Touka stepped down to the ring and entered it as the announcer went over the match rules, which she knew to be standard but the twist of it had surprised her with the POW addition. She knew what it meant but tried to ignore the idea of it, the only way it applied to her was if she lost and she did not intend to lose to Aella after all that happened up until now.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Aella smiled softly as she put on and prepared her new ring gear. Something she felt she was long overdue for, and modeled after one of her original attires it only felt appropriate for her match tonight against an... old friend of hers. Or rather... that's how Aella oh so fondly remembered Touka, but the woman may have a different opinion. "Man that brings back memories." Aella thought to herself as she looked into the mirror, admiring her toned body and and more revealing outfit, showing off her abs was a must, especially when battling an Akan.
"I do hope Ayane is watching this match, hmm maybe I should invite her to some tea, it has been quite a while since we've spoken." Aella said to herself idly, as if not worried about her match with Touka, which wasn't exactly the case, but she was fairly confident. Especially given the stakes that she had made sure to have attached. "Hehe oh this will be fun." She said to herself with a smile before walking with a strut to the entrance position where her music would soon start the moment she made it past the curtains.
Smiling as the strings played Aella stood there amidst strobing green lights, taking in all the cheers and whoops she was getting. Between the new music and new attire it was almost as if a all new Aella was stepping out to the ring, and she was ready to show everyone what she was truly capable of. But first.. Aella would look across the ramp and to the ring at her old victim Touka. Smiling softly as she locked eyes with the woman Aella would walk down the ramp towards the ring, confident sway in her hips as she did so while climbing the steel steps before sliding her way into the ring and quickly stepping forward until she and Touka were face to face with one another after oh so many years.

Looking the taller woman up and and down and drinking in the sight of the Akan matriarch in her new outfit Aella had to admit she was impressed, and excited. "Ara Ara Touka Chan, you clean up nicely." Aella said with a smile and hands on her hips as she looked up at the woman. "I'm so happy you accepted my invitation, it's been far too long since I've been in the ring with an Akan." She said before holding a hand up. "I know in the past I was a bit cruel, but it's been a long time so I hope we can put that behind us." Aella said, offering a handshake to her opponent... but it would in actuality be a trick. Should Touka accept she would find Aella firing a knee into her stomach for her trouble!

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Music starting and soon Touka heard Aella arrive, watching her come down in an outfit that reminded her of how she looked when they first met. She wondered if she had dressed that way because of who she was facing or if Aella had always planned to go old school again but eventually dismissed the idea she was changing her look just to mess with her. She at least seemed as confident as ever, taking a strut down to the ring while her eyes stayed on Touka and she smiled at her all the way down, a smile that didn't seem very hostile but her eyes were ones that recognized who she was facing. The back and forth in her head on how much Aella had planned for this only continued when she stepped in and seemed pleased by Touka's get up, and acted friendly about meeting with her once more.

"I know...since the last one you wrestled was Denji.." Touka said but stopped there since she didn't want to leave an opening to talk about her husband with someone she didn't trust just yet. Aella at least remained polite admitting she was cruel in the past and acting like they could put it behind her. In truth it was foolish to think someone would stay the same after so long, in that time Aella even had a child who wrestled here, and Touka at least wanted to give her a fair chance. "Yes I'm sure we can so long a-huggghh!" Touka gasped, when she went to go shake her hand her arm was pulled and Aella quickly kneed her in the belly. She coughed as she backed away holding her stomach and her face full of surprise at taking a cheapshot like that.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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'Oh Touka. Always easy to fool.' Aella thought to herself after driving her knee into the woman's stomach. Immediately the crowd burst into boos at the underhanded tactic and the bell rang frantically to officially start the bout no that a shot had been fired. Neither bothered Aella much though. In her youth she had dealt with far more heat on her than what she was experiencing tonight and she thrived, really this match was just walk down memory lane the more Aella thought about it, especially once Touka had mentioned Denji. Her husband and someone Aella had wrestled a few times back in the day. 'Ah good times, wonder how he'd react about this now?' Aella thought to herself as she moved forward, ready to press her advantage on Touka.

Seeming to approach from the front Aella would suddenly turn sharly, pivoting on her foot and spinning around behind her foe. If successful Aella would reach out to try and grab the wrist of her opponent as she did so, pulling it up and against Touka's back if she managed it to try and catch Touka in a hammerlock! "Ara ara Touka chan, I guess you don't take after you're mother in terms of ring awareness." Aella said breathily into Touka's ear before reaching around with her free hand to rest her palm on Touka's abs, playfully running her finger over them. "Mhmmm lovely abs. I wonder... did you happen to get those from Ayane Chan too? How about the toughness?" Aella asked, intentionally pressing her chest against Touka's back before suddenly digging her hand into Touka's abs for a iron claw!

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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So far it seemed she had been naive to assume Aella had changed with time, she was still someone who was going to make Touka's life hell. The bell rang but now Touka was still hunched over, only sitting up in time for Aella to come running in after her. She tried to get up but Aella zipped past her and grabbed her arm, securing a hammerlock before Touka could do anything, holding her in place for the moment as Touka struggled more. "Ring awareness? You hit me with a cheap shot?" Touka sputtered, unable to hide her anger. She didn't get angry often, now she had just given away that Aella was bothering her and the match was just beginning. Her anger would patter off when Aella brought a hand to her stomach running her fingers on it and teasing Touka some more before asking a question with obvious intent.

"Aella I swear I wi-iilllaaagh!" Touka screamed when Aella's fingers turned into a claw and she began to dig into the flesh of Touka's belly. She should have known that it would be her primary target given the kind of match she had come out to 'congratulate' her on. Trapped in the hammerlock she could only face forward while her abs were being scratched shaking in place but unable to move too much from how her arm was being bent.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Aella knew she was well and truly in Touka's head even before she made her way to the ring, her brief cameo after her bout with Eirina alone was all she needed to plant those seeds with their past being the fertilizer. So with that psychological advantage Aella would press further against Touka, looking to truly push her, both mentally and physically, in a way similar to what Ayane did to Aella back when they first met. 'In fact.' Aella thought to herself with a grin as she raised a leg up and wrapped it around Touka's own in preparation for a transition. "Touka Chan you seem upset. You should know that you always keep your emotions in check during a match, tsk tsk." Aella chided playfully as she moved to brace her free arm over Touka's face before pushing to the side.

If she was successful in doing so Aella would have the woman being bent across her leg at the waist, trapped by her leg, and of course her fingers still digging mercilessly into Touka's midsection for a iron claw assisted abdominal stretch. "If memory serves this was a favorite move combination of Ayane chan's. Do you remember it Touka Chan?" Aella asked, the sweet tone in her voice fading slightly and getting a bit more hard and mocking as she spoke while looking down at Touka with a grin, knowingly mocking her and enjoying every second of it.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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While the submission worked on her stomach, Touka had to endure more taunts from Aella while she seemed to be in a bright mood. Her words told her that she knew she had a mental edge because of that cheap shot but Touka tried to ignore her lecture and criticism from the person working on her stomach. She kept her body tight resisting the submission and working to turn so she could free herself from the hammerlock before Aella suddenly pulled her back and let her arm go, quickly turning the submission into one that she had seen enough times from her mother and the reason Aella was using it at all.

"Ngghhaaaahh.." Touka groaned as her body was stretched and clawed with the stretch claw combination. Wiggling in the submission to try and free herself but knowing she was in a tight spot with Aella having a clear goal in mind, and targeting it from the start. Touka's struggles would get more intense as the pain got worse, refusing to let Aella dominate her like this and throwing an elbow back to help her with her fight.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Aella grinned wider the longer she had Touka in this hold, it was a good feeling, one she had wondered about for a long time given she constantly pressured Touka to step into the ring in their youth. Now that they were adults however Aella was able to experience that feeling in a way that was even better than she could possibly imagine. Really it was just too bad Touka was too preoccupied screaming in pain to answer her questions, but if anything it meant her hold was working correctly, so Aella didn't mind.

What she did mind however was Touka suddenly swinging her arm back into her side! "Ngh!" Agh!" Groaning in pain with each collision Aella would wince and quickly decide to abandon the hold. Rathering that over sustaining any serious damage early on. So without further ado she would drop her hand from Touka's stomach undo her hold... but not before bringing her arm forward to slap Touka on the ass before pushing the woman away with a cheeky smile.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Touka swung for the fences, fighting off the attempts by Aella to keep her trapped and work on her stomach as if she was testing her. She didn't like it, the elbows would tell Aella that with her trying to force her off and get away from her attacks. This at least seemed to be getting Aella off her and time to slip out before Aella showed she still had some control by letting her go and slapping her ass.

"Aghk!" Touka gasped stepping forward before turning around with a look of shock mixed with an embarrassed blush. She wouldn't get mad and rush in, that was something that Aella would want even if she did want to just move in and punch her. "Mmmhhh...Did you just come here to mess with me? What are you planning to prove after all these years?" Touka asked trying to get some answers from Aella who had so far been a complete enigma.

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Re: Touka Akan vs Aella Midori - 20 Years to Fight

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Aella watched with total amusement as Touka stumbled away, holding her rear end after the slap to her ass courtesy of Aella. Granted she hadn't gotten off scott free either. Subtly rubbing her side where Touka's elbow had connected Aella would flash a teasing grin towards Aella as the woman demanded answers for her actions. "Ara ara Touka chan. I don't think I'm the one with something to prove." Aella said playfully while leaning forward.

It was clear she was inside Touka's head and Aella would take advantage of that by worming her way in even deeper. "But do remember I was the one trying to get you to step in the ring for years, how I not take the chance to do so when you finally womaned up?" She said with a casual shrug of her shoulders, as if the logic was plain as day... But immediately after Aella would suddenly look at Touka with a sharp, intense gaze that she was more known for. "I also wanted to see how you measured up." She said in a tone that was significantly colder and more calculated, one that belonged to a veteran as storied as Aella.

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