Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Showing off the mat skills and submission moves that made her a terror when she was a baby face and heel wrestler. Thereisa was able to move just as well now just as she did when she was younger, keeping her opponent trapped in the armbar hold and bending it back but not as fair as it could go due to not wanting to injury the boy in her grasp. Imagine her shock but not surprised due to Deku being able to roll his body and be able to get his feet underneath himself and able to lift her body up for a shocking pinfall attempt, as the ref quickly gets into position to start the count due to Thereisa shoulders being down.


'Nice try boy... but you're not beating me that easily,' The older woman would say. As she pushes her hips up and traps her male opponent head in between her legs this time, while twisting her hips to the side so that she is laying on her side and placing Deku in a head scissors hold this time. Her experience is starting to show as she just translation from a pinfall attempt to another submission hold with ease.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Deku grunted and groaned softly, pushing the pain in his arm to the back of his mind as he pushed forward, intent on pinning Thereisa's shoulders down to the mat from her armbar position that she had him in. Luckily he had managed to get the pinfall, with the referee coming down to start the count. Unluckily for Deku however it only made it to the count of one before Thereisa changed tactics.

Truthfully Deku was hoping to force the woman into releasing her grip on Deku altogether in favor of saving herself. However she was showing technical experience that the boy had thought was long buried as she transitioned him into a modified headscissors with her on her side, keeping Deku from pinning her! 'Dammit.' Deku thought to himself, punching the woman's hurt knee with a growl as he thought of some way, somehow to get out of this. Eventually however he would try to use his legs once more to push them over until Thereisa was on her stomach. If able too Deku would push down on her legs while attempting to roll forward in a effort to get his head free from Thereisa's grasp!

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Being able to out wrestle her male opponent with ease was something that Thereisa had planned from the start of the match. But seeing as Deku has been targeting her leg she is forced to change her game plan and stick to mat and chain wrestling to see if that would be able to handle him, or more or less allow her leg to recover enough for her to put some weight back on it soon.

That plan backfired due to her opponent slamming his fist into her hurting knee that forces the older woman to jerk and loosen the hold around his head, as Thereisa would bite her lip till it was bloody to keep herself from crying out from the pain. That was all Deku need as he was able to escape her hold by getting her to roll over and by pushing her leg down to free himself, rolling away to create some distance between herself and her male opponent Thereisa would get her feet again this time more cautious and keeping her hurting right leg back and her left leg is out at front.

'Still targeting my hurt knee hmm... not very hero like Deku-kun.' in that same mocking tone of hers. She can only laugh cause the man is doing everything in a way that makes it seem like he is the big villain and hero, the heroine trying to stop him, as the crowd is starting to turn and chant and cheer for her to win.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Deku would glare at Thereisa after managing to escape her clutches. Again she was trying to make him out to be the bad guy for targeting her knee, this time the crowd starting to turn on him as well as a result. But it wasn't a big deal to Deku since he already had to learn to tune them out during his dealings with both Ana and Serilda. So it wasn't like now was all that different.

For now the male was focused on Thereisa, more specifically her stance. 'Her hurt leg is back.. and there's blood on her lip, likely from biting it to keep from screaming. its probably hurting a lot more than she's letting on. So that's where my victory lies.' He thought to himself with a glare towards Thereisa.

"You don't know a thing of what it means to be a hero, so shut up and fight me!" Deku snapped at Thereisa with uncharacteristic aggression, unconsciously channeling traits of his childhood rival as he glared at his foes. "So bring it!" Deku shouted as he charged at Thereisa, knowing her speed would be hindered as he leapt up, attempting to land a dropkick on her and knock her to her back!

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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If it is one thing to set the older woman off and that is very easy to do now days. But hearing her opponent say that she has no idea on how to be a hero... when she started out being an innocent hero baby face when she started wrestling, that just made her snap at that moment as Deku drop kick slammed into her chest and sent her out of the ring to the outside where she lands on her feet from going over the top rope.

Limping over to the ring steps... Thereisa would slam her hurting leg into the steel steps with a loud thud. 'AAAAHHHH FUCK', she screams out. As she feels that rush of adrenaline going through her body, as she slides back into the ring and putting pressure on the hurting leg... even putting the limb forward this time as her anger is starting to make her unfocused due to being insulted deeply and she wants to make Deku pay for that.

' You have the nerve to say that to me... I was a hero doing all of that nonsense that they do to please everyone. So don't you act all high and mighty with me, little boy, when you have your rival acts nothing like a rabid dog trying to get scraps,'
Thereisa would say.

Her pride... her honor has been insulted and she will be damned if she allow him to get away with that, as she beckons him to come forward waiting for another moment to present itself so that she can land a counter that would take control of the match again for her this time.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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'...well that worked better than intended.' Deku thought to himself as he kipped back up to his feet after the drop kick and watched as Thereisa fell over the ropes, landing on her feet outside the ring that had to hurt even without a previously targeted leg. As if that wasn't enough though she then slammed her leg into the stairs and screamed in agony as a result. Something Deku didn't know if it was intentional or not.

'This isn't good. She's mad, really man. I need to proceed carefully.' He thought to himself, watching as the older woman entered the ring, her leg still clearly hurt but she put pressure on it all the same, as if she had forgotten how much pain she was in. 'But she's still in pain.' Deku reminded himself as he glared at the now furiously Cyber Widow.

Theriesa was clearly mad but also clearly in agony, and as she ranted it became clear why. Not that Deku agreed for even a second, but he could at least see why she took such offense.. in her own twisted way.

However Deku felt no pity... in fact.. he was mad himself now. "If you think being a hero is about pleasing people... than you were never one to begin with!" He roared at her furiously, knowing he was poking an already angry bear, but at this point he didn't care, besides he had a plan. A reckless plan, but one all the same, if he played his cards right... he could end this here and now. "You don't know anything about him or me, all you are is a monster!" Deku roared at Theriesa, not moving himself yet, instead he was trying to incite her into attacking first. He knew that if he moved she would have a counter in mind, he needed to reverse that situation and try to end this match here and now.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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If there was an award for putting your foot in your mouth... Deku would have won it as many times as possible due to him doing it repeatedly by saying the things that the older woman has had to hear ever since that night, but he did something worse by calling her a monster in front of everyone something that stops her cold in her tracks.

Reaching back with her hands and starts to undo her hair tie... letting her hair free as she glances at her opponent standing in front of her and just glares at him, eyes starting to water a bit before she focuses on what at stake knowing that she needs to beat him so that he doesn't try anything with her daughter who has a crush on this fool.

' Ziel Anvsiert' those words leave her lips. Switching her stance as her right foot is now out in front as she starts to circle her prey, taking swipes at her male opponent with her hands before waiting for the perfect moment to take Deku down to the ground with a single leg take down wanting to start work on the limb and make the match more even.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Deku knew he had done it now. It was clear to see from the way Thereisa seemed to stop dead in her tracks as the words left his lips. He knew that if this didn't work nothing would. But it most certainly did. In fact he would even go so far as to say she was furious even judging by the look on her face after his words.

What made it all too clear however was the woman reaching up and undoing her ponytail, causing her hair to come undone loose and wild, as if a physical representation of the woman's mental state. 'Ok... I asked for this... Now I gotta make it work. Lets hope I can do this... and stay in one piece.' Deku thought to himself seriously.

Startin to circle the woman Deku would bob and weave out of the way of her swipes, knowing they were nothing serious, but he'd still rather her not lay her hands on him if he could help it. But then the pin dropped and Widow came charging in, going at him for a single leg takedown. Something he was far too slow to stop, so instead he rolled with it, attempting to raise his other leg up in a effort to try and wrap both around her head for a headscissors as they hit the mat!

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Getting Deku to the ground was the easy part... the hard part was keeping her advantage and not leave herself open for a counter or anything that would catch her unaware and leave her starting back at zero. But her opponent is crafty and was able to do just that by getting her head and trapping it with a head scissors like submission hold, as the older woman would grunt and strain to free herself from the hold as she is trying to get her feet underneath her to push herself up.

Getting to her feet... Thereisa would show off her strength by grabbing Deku back and starts to deadlift him off the canvas and into the air in what looks like a power bomb position, but instead she stumbles forward and crashes over the top rope sending herself and her male opponent to the outside and her back slams against the floor with a loud thud.

' AAAAHHHH', the older woman would scream out. Laying still on the outside her chest rapidly going up and down as she rest there trying to recover feeling drained, and the damage is starting to build up making it hard for her to move at all, as she doesn't even know where her opponent is even at.

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Re: Charity Match: Hero-Deku vs Fallen Heroine-Thereisa

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Deku panted tiredly as he threw his legs up, managing to catch Thereisa in a headscissor after she had charged and taken him down to the mat in one move. She was fearsome and relentless, even more so now that he angered her, so from here on out he knew he would have to react to everything that happened with perfect timing and the perfect moves in response. Anything less and he was as good as done.

After managing to lock the scissors in though Widow was quick to go back into her next move, trying to stand. 'All according to plan.' Deku thought to himself, already preparing himself to drop down in preparation to continue his attack on her. Unfortunately that happened to have been where his plan went awry.

But not in a way he would have ever expected. Before he had a chance to do anything Widow's hurting leg seemed to give out on her sending both Widow and Deku stumbling right into the ropes. 'Uh oh.' Deku thought to himself once they fell over and into the air. Instinctively he undid his legs from Widow's neck and covered his head, bracing for impact once they crashed into the floor below.

"Ngh... that was... unexpected." Deku said softly as he stood up and looked over to see Widow in a far worse place than him on the floor. 'I... actually may be able to use this.' He thought to himself, waiting for Widow to start rising up to her feet, then the moment she did he would dash forward, leaping up, not at her but at the ring itself! If successful he would aim to push his foot off the ring apron and launch himself to the side with more force towards Widow, winding his arm back as he did so before swinging his arm out with a ring assisted version of the superman punch!

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