Pride And Confidence

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Pride And Confidence

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina emerged from the locker room of the LAW gym dressed for an in-ring workout wearing a one piece leopard print swimsuit, with matching kneepads and boots. She was going to meet up with her nephew Dan and work on a day of grappling and holds once he finished up with a busy morning. Alaina knew he may be a bit late as his appointment before his dear auntie Alaina was his girlfriend Irelia Xu. Alaina knew she had some time, and from kicking off the day at 6 AM to noon with client after client Dan would not be 100%.

The amazon decided to head to a practice ring and start to run ropes, she would work on her endurance today as well as some mat skills she decided. Running ropes was basic, easy, and one of the best things any wrestler at any level could do to work on their game. She climbed up onto the apron then through the ropes, doing some stretching and standing tall in the middle of the ring to make sure she claimed it for herself and Danny when he managed to make it to his training appointment.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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'Finally I'm back and I'm ready to get in shape again!' Christina had been in vacation for a month now. She had just came back from the Phillipines and was looking to get some extra workout in. Coming out the locker room she had on a white sports bra with white leggings and black kneepads. She also wore basic athletic shoes as she would enter the gym hoping it would be quiet.
'Huh? Whose that in the ring?' She saw a figure inside the practice ring and when she got closer she thought her eyes were deceiving her but really it was Alania!

"Oh my god..." she turned away gasping and trying to hide her excitement! The first day coming back and she saw a legend in the ring right in front of her.

'Calm down Christina...just calm down...' She took a deep breath and decided to start a conversation with the Jungle Amazon.

"H...H...Hey there...I umm...I know you might not know me but my name is Christina Perez...I'm from the Middleweight division but's so nice to see you Alania...I'm a big fan and I'm also from San Diego.. hahaha..." Christina was cringing to herself on how awkward she was making herself.

' I know what Emma feels when she was around me...'

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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Alaina saw someone approaching and stopped leaning over the top rope to wave at them as the made their way over. The woman clearly was a wrestler and sported a hell of a fit figure. Alaina smiled and nodded as she came close introducing herself. "Hey Christina, it is always nice to see a fighter from my hometown stepping into the ring! I have seen some of your matches too, you are quite impressive between the ropes!" Alaina said trying to give her a bit of confidence. She could tell Christina was nervous. Alaina had that effect on younger wrestlers it seemed.

After a moment Alaina stepped on the middle rope and pulled up on the tope rope. "I am not sure what you were going to work on today, but today was an in-ring type of workout for me and my trainer nephew is still with a client. If you want we can do a workout and practice whatever ya like." Alaina said inviting Christina into the ring with her.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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"Oh...Oh really!? Me and you working out and practicing!? I mean...I won't pass off that opportunity with you getting oooooollllll....I mean bolder...hahahaha..." Christina was about to say older but stopped herself looking down embarrassingly.

'Way to go Christina...' She said to herself very disappointed.

"But yeah. I'll accept your offer and hey...maybe we could get a private match going? S...sorry to ask that but I have been out for a month...spent time with my fam in the Phillipines and now here I am trying to prepare myself for my return to the ring...mind helping me get unrusty?" She would ask Alania.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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Alaina grinned as Christina pointed out Alaina's age. It was true. In three more years she would be 50. Would she still be wrestling? She hoped so but could not say for sure.

"Well step on in and show me what you can do Christina. I won't hold back." Alaina added with a sly grin keeping the ropes open so Christina could easily enter the ring. Alaina was eager to show the young grappler what an older lady could still do....

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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"Oh wow really? Well ok. I'm not gonna hold back either!" Christina climbed the apron and went inside the ring.

"Oh wow it's nice to be back in familiar ground but before we gave at it I need a moment to stretch out first. Don't want to pull a muscle ya know what I'm sayin?" Christina went to a corner and proceeded to warm up doing some stretching exercises.

"So Alaina...I always wanted to ask you. I know I shouldn't talk about your age but at 47 you dont look still look like you're in your prime...what's the secret?" Christina would ask while stretching.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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Alaina nodded and did a little more stretching of her own as Christina began to open up a bit. "I just spend time with the family, eat right, and hit the gym hard. I take care of myself even when I was retired from 2013 to early 2017. You get what you work for ya know?" Alaina said feeling flattered. She knew it took her longer to recover and that if she weren't quite as strong as she was in her prime, or as fast. She came damn close though thanks to the hard training.

"So how about you? You look to be in stellar shape and have to have worked out non-stop even if you were gone for a month. What is your training routine like?" Alaina asked stepping towards the center of the ring to show that she as ready to roll.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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"Well I still have a base so getting in shape is quite easy for me...I usually just work in mostly strength and conditioning. Barbells, deadlifts, jogging, squats and rolling...etc."

She had finished stretching out her hamstrings and noticed that Alania is ready to tangle. Christina was excited that she gets to wrestle with a legend and was ready to show her moveset and impress the Amazon.

"So before we start...let's just make this a standard match...first to pin or submit wins...sound good to you?" The Filipina woman would ask circling around Alaina.

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Re: Pride And Confidence

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Alaina nodded as Christina went over her vacation workout. She did a good job staying focused it seemed, and the standard match rules also seemed to be good for the training today. "Sounds good to me. Ding ding ding!" Alaina said acting as the ring bell herself. She circled another second before moving in to grapple with Christina! Alaina wasn't trying to overpower her, instead she was jockeying for position trying to snapmare Christina down to the mat before wedging her shin against Christina's back as Christina was sitting on the mat. Alaina then clasped her hands together around Christina's chin trying to lock in a reverse chin lock to start things off!

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Re: Pride And Confidence

Unread post by Weonna »

When Alaina began to ding as if she were a bell both women were circling each other with Christina in a low stance ready to grapple with the Amazon. As soon as the two would lock up Christina was rather surprised how fast Alaina was as she managed out maneuver her and grab her head throwing her in a snapmare!

"Gaaahh!" Before Christina could recover she quickly placed her shin against her back! The Filipina's first instinct was to protect her neck and when Alaina would try to lock in a reverse chinlock Christina quickly grabbed her wrist with her right hand preventing the Amazon from completely locking it in and in one swift motion she would pop her hips and spin out of Alaina's grip! Christina still had the Amazon's wrist and while Alaina stayed on one knee Christina decided to wristlock and hold her there for a quick sec as she thinks of her next move.

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