Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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For Molly, this day might have started out as a painful one, not only from having to see her sister in the hospital - let alone Finella, who, while a rival of Chelsea's, still seemed badly enough hurt that Molly couldn't help but worry about whether or not she would be able to pull through - but also from seeing the strife continue to engulf those closest to her, even now. But a ray of sunlight would soon break through the clouds, as she was greeted by the unexpected arrival of a few old friends from her past. They hadn't seen each other in some time, but Molly was sure they all had plenty of great stories to tell - she certainly had plenty for them. She couldn't wait to get caught up with everyone!

"Kennedy!~ Heeeey! I'm soooo glad to see you again," Molly cheered, running over to pull the Jungle Queen into a tight embrace. "How's Haleigh doing? Tell her I said hi, okay?" For a moment, Molly was able to forget the turmoil that had led her to standing here in the hospital. This was like a family reunion - even when most people in the room weren't related to her, they were closer to Molly than some of the people who actually were. Here, she felt welcomed. The whole room seemed to be bursting with love and excitement, and when it all spilled over into her she couldn't keep her feelings under control. Perhaps, after everything that had happened, that was all she needed.

However, the mood would quickly turn sour a moment later. When Molly looked up from Kennedy's side, she saw that Jonathan was attempting to defuse the tension - and Harmonia wasn't taking it. She shot a glare back at them before she and Chris stormed out of the room - and when Molly saw it, she let out a sigh. It felt as though a weight had settled on her shoulders, which slumped downward as her head turned to the floor. As naive as it might have been, Molly was hoping that the appearance of some familiar faces might have been what they all needed to turn the mood of this encounter around and set everyone off on the right foot. This was, after all, supposed to be a time to be happy. This was a time of looking back fondly on the past, sharing memories, but still looking onward toward a brighter future. But it seemed that Harmonia and Chris, at least, weren't ready to let it all go.

"...I'm sorry, Jonathan..." Molly said with a sigh. "Moni can just get...stubborn about things some times." She certainly knew how Harmonia's temper could lead her into trouble, but she at least hoped it wouldn't have come up now, of all times. This was certainly not the time.

Chelsea, meanwhile, looked up at the flowers that Ryan set at her side. She blinked a few times at first; as Ryan himself noted, flowers weren't exactly her thing. They were too silly, too frivolous, for a tough and determined brawler like her. Most times, she might have balked at the offer. But this time...she was willing to take it. Something about this felt different. It was the thought that counted, after all. She was happy to have someone around who actually cared about her this much...

The cold, hard look in her eyes softened just a little, and she nodded her head toward Ryan, the corners of her lips turned up in the slightest of smiles. Her voice came out in a weary rasp, but she smiled to him nonetheless. "...thanks, Ryan...that was nice of you..." Rolling over to get closer to the table by her bed, Chelsea reached to take the card in order to get a better look.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Jonathan backed up as Harmonia got in his face and poked her finger into his chest. Just great….not even five minutes meeting Molly’s girlfriend and he already became a bad enemy of hers. Karl forced her and Chris out of the room as Kennedy and William stepped aside letting the two bickering women exit the room to blow off their steam, but that did not stop the yelling from ensuing outside as Kennedy shook her head.

Sure know where to pick up the crazy ones, Molly,” Kennedy responded as she return the smaller blonde’s hug. “Haleigh? Still a slut sometimes, but she’s got Sara to rope her back in. Had the mother of all hangovers before I left so I sent her ass to bed with two aspirins and a slap on her booty.”

George and Karl would introduce themselves as Jonathan shook their hands nodding to them both.

Nice to meet you, guys. I’m
Jonathan and that’s Ryan and William behind me. You guys must be the ones that helped Chelsea out against Finella,
” Jonathan stated.

They helped Chels against an ice cream flavor?” William asked confused.

Finella! Not vanilla!” Jonathan corrected as he pinched his brow.

Jonathan shook his head as Kennedy would take note of the two men herself walking up to them. She knew Karl meant business based on his appearance of work clothes alone and the fact that he said he was a wordsmith meaning journalist in her eyes. George was definitely the regal type with the outfit he sported and he did look pretty cute. He wondered what this pub and oil night was all about.

Oil night? Need an extra fighter? I got the curves to trail any bitch in any substance, sweetheart, ” Kennedy flirted as she tickled George under the chin and she wanted to tease Chelsea’s crush a little bit.

Mr. Schneider, nice to meet you as well. Heard about your little accident back when I started my career in Mexico,” Kennedy greeted as she shook hands with Karl.

When Chelsea grabbed the card and opened it, she would find pictures of different animals inside depicting Angel, a Great Pyrenees, a small American Eskimo, a Boston Terrier, a black cat, and a small fawn. Chelsea would recognize these animals as Jonathan’s pets and Marzia and Ryan’s dog, Bear. Upon seeing the tagline of the card, the words across said ”Rough paws? Get well soon, Brawler Bunny!” Jonathan scratched the back of his head as Kennedy came over to Chelsea patting her back.

Learn your lesson about your pride yet, Chelsea?” Kennedy asked as she stood crossing her arms acting as the substitute mother. “You had me worried sick.”

Hey kid, I need a moment alone with you for a few minutes,” Jonathan whispered over to Molly.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Harmonia and Chris definetly put some focus on themselves, but Harmonia did'nt care anymore. She was too sad, too worried, too distraught and mostly... too angry!

She heard what Chris had to say while her blood started to pump faster, her breathing became more laboured and everything around her faded, leaving her with the only thing she could concentrate now. Chris. Chris and her accusations.

And the worst thing was that the small rocker was right about most things. Harmonia had betrayed Finella when she needed her, had rather tried to become friends with her biggest rival. But Chris did'nt stop and when she had finished her speech Harmonia slapped her cheek with such force that the hallways of the hospital echoed back the loud crack.

"How dare you talk to me like that. What do you know? The things Fin shared with you, the things Fin knows. She did'nt knew that our uncle lied to her, telling her I did'nt want to see her anymore, don't want to have her around me anymore because she would hurt my career!","she shouted." You arrogant little shit, I did'nt leave Finella, she went into hiding! She did'nt wanted to be found... ", Harmonia snarled but choked at her last words as the tears came back." There was no day I have'nt thought about Finny. Not a day I did'nt miss her. I did what I could to find her. Do you think I am proud? Yes Harmonia, great, while you drank champagne and lay in silken sheets, your sister probably went hungry to bed always in danger of getting raped!", she whimpered.

" When she came back to me we were different women. Her way of life was'nt what I was used to by now. It had impacted us and ultimately made it hard for us to connect again. Don't you think that this fucking hurt? Shall I tell you about the evenings we screamed at each other instead of being glad to be back together? Believe me that really hurt us deep. I know what I have done wrong and what I have caused now is in a bed, wired to all sorts of machines fighting for her life, so thanks, I know what I have done wrong. But never, never accuse me again of not trying to reach out to Finella. Because I did, six long years.", Harmonia said, looming over the smaller woman whom she just slapped. Her head was red, her eyes were full of tears.

"I know I started it. And for Finellas sake and only for her sake, I apologize.", she said and looked to her side. "For now at least we both have to be strong for Fin. No one needs one fight over and the other one starting. But this is'nt the last thing you heard of it.", Moni warned her. Then her features softened as the tears came back. "Well then, lets go back to our sister and do what good sisters would do.", Harmonia nodded and turned to walk back into the room.

George saw Kennedy and smiled. "You really would be perfec', miss kennedy. I am always lookin faw 'alen', so if you like we can book a ma'ch faw you.", he grinned and blushed slightly when Kennedy approached him tickling his chin. Still, George remained strong. Chelsea was here and needed his attention so the pastellohaired pub owner and manager took to Chelseas bedside and took one of her hands. It was quite the cute picture appearently and Karl had to chuckle.

Moni reentered with Chris and immediatly approached Molly whom she gave a kiss and a big hug. "It's ok now.", she whispered. "Let's leave the fighting. Please carrot, by the way Mr.Ashworth,a wonderful nickname, introduce me to your friends.", she said with a smile and when Angel tried her luck with Moni again the Austrian went on her knees and accepted all the love the beautiful girl had to share."

Eheheh, yes heyy, heeeey, you're a good girl. Yes you are. Yeees you aaaare! ", Harmonia smield while getting her face licked by an excited Angel. "Well, Angel seem to like me well enough.", she said and looked to Jonathan. "I am so sorry for my behaviour, Jonathan. Please accept my apologies. As you surely can understand, emotions rode high the last hours. But...",Harmonia started, no she would'nr say her name. "Fins friend and I agreed that the well being of my sister is more important now.", she said and saw Kennedys look.

"Hey, if it is'nt Bagheera herself. We talked quite a bit on twitter Miss Kennedy. I can't wait to see you in the ring." Moni tried her best to give everyone positive energy. The war was finally over and the most imporant thing was to build bridges and so she went over to Chelsea." I am glad that at least you are concious.", she smiled and took Chelseas other hand, squeezed it and nodded. "Want my future sister in law all safe and sound.", she chuckled and gave a wink to Molly, who undoubtedly would blush.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chris' hoarse voice said all it needed to. Every hated thought for Harmonia, each verbal jab she hadn't the chance to send the Superstar's way. Things the looming blond needed to hear, like it or not. Each word seemed to hit just the right spots, the girl calling herself Fin's sister breathing becoming more and more labored with each word. When the rock star finished, for a second she started to think maybe something had stuck in her thick skull.

That was when a crack resounded in the hallways and more than likely into the room the two came from. Her head whipped to the side and her cheek stung horribly from the slap. This time it was Moni's turn to rant, tearing at the smaller girl's own as she spoke. Chris knew she only had one half of this story, and she knew her partner had a lot of people she likely had to hide from with all the sketchy shit. And the Harmonia that she had sat across from months ago, planning out her promo to become the Superstar rather than one of the many ex-models, she wouldn't have just abandoned her sister. But the snow haired girl had convinced herself, based only on Fin's side, that Harmonia hadn't bothered searching. That the girl really had wanted nothing to do with the wolf, and how this move to help Chelsea had been her secretive way to reaffirm what their uncle had told them.

The rocker, stunned at first from the slap and then hearing Moni's side, finally turned to face the equally pissed woman. She still glared up at the ill-named 'Superstar' despite her weakened stance. Even if she was wrong about Harmonia not wanting to find her sister in the 6 years they were apart, this bitch had still tried to bring her sister to heel. There was no escaping that fact, try as she might with the sympathy card. So what if they had some moments late at night where they yelled at each other? So what if they didn't mesh together after so many years apart? So what if Harmonia stood over her, tears spilling out and played the sympathy card? The facts still remained that Fin was hurt over what Harmonia did. And intentional or not, it wasn't something so easily forgiven.

When it all seemed over, the two unwilling to back down from their stance of who was in the right here from how their red eyes glared at each other, Harmonia decided to be the bigger woman. It was a backhanded apology, but an apology nonetheless. The tension left Chris' body after hearing it, knowing that the girl unfortunately had a point. After a hellish battle like that, no one needed a second one so soon. Her hand finally rose to her red cheek, breathing out a shaky breath. "Fine. For now, truce," she spat out. "But only until Fin's healthy again. Once she is, you're gonna get everything you deserve for this." With the blond's warning, it only seemed fair to give one of her own.

The two soon re-entered the room, Harmonia moving back to the crowd that started to accumulate around the victorious Chelsea and Chris walking past them all, shoulder checking Harmonia for calling her 'Fin's friend' - a better option to the punch she really wanted to throw. Plus, with how out of it she was it could be excused.

She didn't give much notice to the new people. Not that she would have sought interaction with them anyways, given how poor her social skills were. But especially now, when all she cared about was her unconscious sister. Though she did at least stop by the beaten up William, answering the question he asked before she had been sent out of the room. "It's Chris Yukine. I'm only one here who stood by Fin through all of this." That was gonna be all he'd get out of her, before she moved and pulled up a chair to sit next to the broken Hellraiser. The highflying lightweight lightly took her partner's hand, going silent as the rest kept on the festivities to try and bring up the mood in the room.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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"Yeah, I guess so, but..." Molly shrugged her shoulders, looking out at the door after Harmonia had made her departure. She truly did love her, and she had seen how kind and generous and loving she could be. The date they had been on, going through Tokyo in the wintertime, was still one of Molly's fondest memories. But she couldn't deny that Harmonia's headstrong nature could get her into trouble, too. She just wished that if she was going to do that, she would save it for any time but now. When she heard the crack echoing from out in the hall, she froze, her eyes going wide and the color draining from her face as she glanced nervously back and forth. Just how bad were things getting?

"Guys, I'm...really sorry this all had to hap-" she began, her voice wavering under oncoming tears. She wished that everyone could be happy, and that everything could go back to the way it was supposed to be. She didn't want any more doubts, or any more hanging threads. She just wished that everyone could move forward and heal.

But maybe Molly would get her wish, after all. Just then, the door behind her opened, and Harmonia walked back into the room - and with her arrival, Molly's mood turned on its heel. "Ah-!" She gasped, taken by surprise as she felt her girlfriend's arms circling around her, but then she looked back up with a grin, even if she had to blush as she heard her old nickname again. The way Harmonia introduced herself just confirmed everything she wanted to hear. If this was how things were going to go, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

Smiling wider, Molly took Harmonia's hand, going to lead her over to the others; even if they were only a short walk away, she had to hold herself back from skipping across the floor. "It's about time you met them! They helped train Chelsea and I back in the day, so I really do owe my success to them as much as I owe it to you. Jonathan's a great friend - sometimes, away from home, it's like he's a father to me. Ryan's got some great moves, Will's a riot, and Kennedy's been going strong all these years, she really is an inspiration." Then, she giggled as she looked down at Angel licking Harmonia's face. "Oh, and you've already met Angel, of course!~"

While that was happening, however, Molly heard Jonathan whisper in her ear. As excited as she was to introduce Harmonia to all her old friends, she did slow down a little to look back at him with a whisper of her own. "Hmm..? What's going on?"

Meanwhile, Chelsea saw how Kennedy was tickling George under his chin, and she grumbled, her eyes narrowing into a glare. She wasn't in any shape to do anything stupid, of course, but there was something about it that tripped a wire in her, and she knew she would need to speak up. "'ey! Dun forget I can see yous over dere, ya know!" A moment later, though, she realized the implications of what she'd just said, and her cheeks flushed a little. She bit at her lip, looking away - after all, it wasn't like any of this stuff between her and George was serious. "Not...dat dat means anythin', like..."

She looked down at the card, and when she saw the pictures of all of Jonathan and Ryan's pets, she smiled just a little wider. Just looking at it brought back all the memories of visiting Jonathan and his family at their house, and growing well acquainted with all the mishaps that they got up to. Even when she had started out just going there for training, she grew to know Jonthan, his wife, their daughters, and all the animals, and soon she was keeping in touch just to know what they were up to. They were almost like...a second family, really...

In fact, as George took Chelsea by one hand, and Harmonia the other, she looked back up at them with a smile and a nod. They had all been there for her. Even when times were tough, they'd shown their willingness to take her side. Maybe, on some level or another, everyone in the room right now was family to her - if not by blood, but by the history they shared, and their compassion toward one another. Maybe she wasn't so alone after all...

Though, Kennedy was right about something. As she clapped Chelsea on the back, the Englishwoman winced a little, her body still sore. "Easy now..." she warned her, before letting out a long sigh that caused her to sink down into the bed as the tension was released from her body. "I...guess I really did get ahead of myself, huh..?" She rubbed at her arm. "I guess I just felt like I had...something I needed to prove. I didn't mean to worry you all this much..."

Chelsea bit at the inside of her cheek. She couldn't believe what she heard herself saying. Was she really going to show this side of herself to the world - such vulnerability, such insecurity? But perhaps, if there was anyone she could show it to, it would be them - her family. The people who really mattered.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Well….this was the moment everyone waited for. Harmonia Edelstein….Mama Bird….finally meeting the guys. They heard a loud slap in hallway and even more yelling as the guys saw how much it was affecting Molly with the tears nearly impossible to contain. Jonathan grabbed her quickly in for a fatherly hug like a parent would for their child scared of a nightmare they just had. Jonathan was almost tempted to drag Molly out of the room in order to get her away from this mess, but all seem to settled when Harmonia and Chris entered back to the room. Harmonia embraced her lover and even apologized to Jonathan to which he blew a sigh of relief and Angel even licked Harmonia’s face nearly knocking her over a second time.

Finally nice to meet, Mama Bird. Molly couldn’t stop rambling about you during the nightly phone calls,” Jonathan greeted.

Jonathan went in for a handshake, but the firm grip caught him by surprise as he backed away slowly holding his hand.

What’s wrong, chico? Nervous you made her that mad?” Ryan asked as he shook Harmonia’s hand, but got the same firm grip. “Aye Caramba! Chica has been packing on the iron!”

Wussies. Nice to meet you and yes, the innovator of the nickname acknowledges your comment. She says she hates it, but she knows it’s cute for her,” William greeted as he shook Harmonia’s hand and could take the firm grip knowing he was just as strong as her.

Right. Well, Molly, I have a few things to speak to you about. Mind if we take a little walk outside?” Jonathan asked as he looked back at Chelsea speaking out of her normal gruff Liverpool accent. “And I want Chelsea to come, too. Call up a wheelchair for her.

Jonathan handed over Angel’s leash to Molly as the Siberian Husky sniffed at the smaller bunny’s red shoes. Molly called out for a nurse to bring in a wheelchair and Jonathan picked up Chelsea from the bed helping her into the the chair despite her protests that she could walk.

If you could walk, you wouldn’t have done that Street Fight. Now hush it!” Jonathan chided her like she was his daughter. “I just need these two briefly. We won’t take too long. Hope that’s alright, Moni?

Speaking of which, I think Moni here needs a break away from the drama herself. Come on, princess, let’s get a coffee together. No, I’m not hitting on you, either,” Kennedy encouraged as she held Harmonia’s left hand dragging her out of the room and down the hallway towards the cafeteria.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Harmonia got the shouldertackle and just smiled. Maybe she deserved it. Maybe she behaved like a colossal asshole, screaming and fighting while her sister fought for her life. Harmonia bit her lip and sighed. No. When she looked into Mollys face, lighting up into a smile, when she saw Chris sitting at Finellas side, when she saw all the people in the room, Mollys and Chelseas Family, maybe they were her family now too. And then there was Fin, fighting for her life, hanging on all sorts of machines.

Harmonia took a deep breath. "I am talking nonsense.", she said when ahe heard Chris. "Chris Yukine is Finellas tag team partner and sister too.",she said and went to shake some hands. "What? This is a upper styrian handshake. My god you americans are such pansies!", she laughed but smiled at each one of them. "Yes its me, the crazy bitch your little Molly has chosen.",she chuckled and laid an arm around Mollys shoulder. "But be sure that she is loved and in good care, are'nt you carrot?", she chuckled and kissed the fluffy, blonde hair of her beloved. When William shook her hand, Monin grinned. "Oho, finally a real man, huh? I like you already!", she grinned.

George weakpoint were beautiful women, they would always be but he already had decided that the one and only one for him could only be Chelsea. When he heard her mumble he smirked and took her hand. "No worries, swee'hea.",he just said reassuring and Harmonia went up to Chelsea. "It is over now, is'nt it?", she asked and looked Chelsea in the eyes. "It is enough, yes? Don't worry when Fin wakes up, and she will, I will ask her the same question. But Chelsea...", she said and bowed forward, kissed the cheek of her new sister and nodded. "As said, I am glad that you are fine. Don't worry. It will all be ok.", she assured her before she Kennedy spoke to her. "What-uh...", she looked at Molly and then back to Finella. "Fin is in good hands...", she said. "Maybe its better when I calm down a little..."

George heard what Jonathan had in mind and immediatly got up when Molly got the wheelchair. "I'll take that. As Miss Forsters manager it's my duty to take care of her.", he said with a small nod of jealousy in his voice. Whoever that guy claimed to be, he was handsome. And handsome guys could be trouble. George must know. "You sitting comfortable, bird?", he asked and gave her a warm smile. "Well then let's go.", he said and the three brits and Jonathan left the room.

Karl stood there and took a seat on the other side of the bed. "Hey.",he said friendly and smiled at Chris. "You are a wonderful person, you know that Chris? What you did, no what you do for Finella, how you understand her. I can see why she is calling you sister. Don't worry. Finella is strong. You know that, I know that.", he said.

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Maybe the high flying rock star was being a bit petty when she bumped her shoulder into Harmonia as she passed by. Justified or not, it was just a way to get the last word in. The happier air in the room that the four strangers brought with them was definitely nice and needed, but it just irritated Chris. All the cheer and merriment was for Chelsea's victory, after all. The rocker couldn't blame them, of course, but unlike the rest her only connection here was to Fin. They could have all the fun they wanted and whatever distractions they wanted. The rocker just wanted to stay at Fin's bed side, hold her hand, and just let her know she was there.

Not realizing that so many people had left until she heard the screech of a chair, the journalist joining her across from the unconscious wolf. A friendly smile accompanied his kind words, pulling Chris's gaze away from her bandmate to him. "Fin is strong, and I know she'll pull through. But even so, part of me just can't stop worrying." Chris's eyes stung, trying to pull a single tear out despite how cried out she was. "I know I was out of line before, and I'm sorry for that. Fin's just the first person I really connected with in years. When I was a toddler my parents were killed in an explosion, and got bullied by some asshole kids for it. I lashed out at them when they did, even if I did end up badly bruised for it. My uncle switched me to homeschooling after maybe my tenth or so fight, so I was on my own most of the time. Sure I've had a lot of collabs with indie artists and a few.... heat of the moment encounters in some mosh pits, but never really connected with anyone."

She looked back at her sister, hooked up to who knows however machines. "Then she found me in the park, battered from her and Chelsea's Eagle Nest throw down. Everything just felt so natural from there." A smile pulled at the small girl's lips, thinking back on all the fun they'd had these past six months. "If anything, she's the wonderful person for making a socially awkward girl like me open up. Mature as I like to think I am, guess that angry toddler who can only lash out whenever someone she cares about is hurt and she feels slighted is still in there, waiting to come out." She finally stopped, taking in a shaky breath before turning back to Karl. Maybe it was the calm she felt after she started, or that the older man just had that kind of air to him, but she spoke a lot more than she intended to.

"Whoops, didn't mean to do that. Guess I gave you all the material you need for an article about the bawling rocker, huh herr Karl?" She tried to laugh it off, despite how raspy it sounded. She'd stop herself soon after, going back to being quiet.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Now that everyone was back in the room, and the stories were coming forward, Molly couldn't help but blush when Jonathan brought up how often she had talked about Harmonia on her phone calls. It was true - Molly was certainly the type to get excited over a lot of things, and when it came to her girlfriend she was especially eager to talk about how wonderful a person Harmonia was and how much she wanted to spend her life by her side. Even though she had tried to hold it in until it was time for the official announcement, sometimes it was hard to. But was she really that obvious? Apparently, Jonathan thought so - and William felt the urge to brag about being the first to come up with calling her Carrot, too, which only made Molly blush harder. "W-Williaaaaaam!!" she whined, only to burst into laughter a moment later. With close friends like these, Molly couldn't stay upset for long.

Chelsea, on the other hand, still didn't quite know what to think. Her head was still aching from all the damage she had taken, and after burning through all of her stamina she could hardly find enough strength in her legs to sit up straight, let alone stand up. She did recognize all her old friends in the room, and their presence was enough to warm even her hardened heart - with all of them gathered around, sharing stories, laughing at everyone's jokes, it felt like she had never left home. Everyone was together now, and everyone was happy.

But when Harmonia came up to look her in the eye, Chelsea had to ask herself if it was supposed to feel this way. Blinking a few times, she turned to look back at Harmonia with a curious eye. "Ah..?" In an instant, her thoughts flashed back to that fateful encounter at the Eagles' Nest, where Harmonia had let her into the gym, only for the mood to quickly turn sour as soon as Finella found her there. Sure, Harmonia had been willing to bridge the gap between them before. She was the one who made the peace offering. But then, wasn't that just what got them into all this mess in the first place? Was she really going to do it all again - what would Finella think? Could they expect things to go any differently?

Either way, when Harmonia leaned in to kiss Chelsea on the cheek, the Scouser let out a breath and began to settle into her cot. Whether or not things were completely paved over between these two, whether or not there would still be any strife, or any more fights...none of that mattered right now. For now, it was a time for everyone to heal. For things to finally be at peace. They could worry later.

Right now, Chelsea's mind was going to focus on more pressing matters - like how Jonathan had just called for a wheelchair, and Molly helped wheel it in. At once, Chelsea's eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms with a huff. "Now 'old on now! I'll be sound! I can move me dollypegs juss sound, see? Dun go overboard 'ere!" But despite all of her protests, Chelsea was in no shape to fight, and everyone knew it. She had no choice but to be guided into the wheelchair, where she let out a sigh, sinking back into her seat. She just hoped no one would be around to see her like this.

"All right," Molly said, giving Angel a pat on the head as she turned back to face Jonathan, "where to?"
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Jonathan, Molly, Angel, George and Chelsea decided to take a trip outside the hospital as Jonathan figured both of the blonde girls needed some time out in nature to help cool their heads. Jonathan had banked on only him and the Bunnies coming out, but George insisted on joining to keep an eye on Chelsea and help her around. George kept giving Jonathan some weird observant looks, but when Jonathan made eye contact, George looked off in the distance or tapped his fingers on the handles of Chelsea’s wheelchair whistling to himself. Jonathan raised an eyebrow, but left it alone and sat down on a bench overlooking a big pond near the hospital. Angel was ordered to sit as she stuck her tongue out and Jonathan patted a seat for Molly to sit.

Boy, you girls sure know where to find trouble. I don’t think I need to remind you both of how stupid this all is. Chelsea, I know you’re not one to let anything go, but you gotta realize when it’s not worth it. Sure, get your revenge in some physical way, but then leave it at that. You got nothing to prove. You’re way too prideful….and we were scared we were gonna find you in a coma,” Jonathan began as he sighed.

Jonathan found a pebble on the ground and looked at it before throwing it high into the air. The pebble splashed down hard in the water leaving rings in the wake as it sank to the bottom.

If I’m gonna be honest, you girls should’ve never been involved in this to begin with. Moni should’ve tried talking it out with Finella in some sort of diplomatic way. I don’t know…maybe it was fruitless,” Jonathan added as he held his head down.

Molly and Chelsea didn’t need Jonathan’s eyes on them to realize they had so much blame in this as anyone else. Chelsea, mainly for taking it too personally with Finella and just lashing out which caused her to be so injured. Molly, for not stepping in and trying to settle things when it became too late.

Just don’t do it again….please,” Jonathan pleaded as he looked at both girls with a stern face.


Kennedy grabbed the two coffee cups she ordered from the vendor as she walked back to her shared table with Harmonia. Both blondes were in the midst of a crowded cafeteria of families visiting sick or recovering relatives as Kennedy sat down Moni’s coffee while she sat opposite of her. Kennedy took a nice long sip of the brown substance and smiled as she looked at Moni.

So, traded in the heels and golden dress for a cowgirl outfit, huh? I can respect a woman when she wants to forge her own path. Heard you put a bitch through a table and put her in her place. Got you canned, but you got the last laugh,” Kennedy recounted.

Kennedy liked what she saw in Harmonia and knew the kid could take it in the ring. Molly called her saying Harmonia was the strongest wrestler she knew next to her own sister and Kennedy checked out some matches impressed with Harmonia’s strength. It reminded Kennedy of her younger years growing up around jungle animals that helped unlock her primal instincts. This led her to the world of wrestling with much muscle and the sense to dominate all that stood in front of her. It serves her well with a great career and resume as she hardly lost her matches except when her opponents cheated.

Thanks for taking care of Molly. The little marshmallow means a lot to me even if she isn’t my own daughter. Growing up in the jungle gave me that motherly touch, I suppose,” Kennedy admitted.


Ryan and William really had nothing better to do than to join Karl and Chris’s little therapy session. Everyone had gone and while they could’ve just left to go somewhere themselves, it wasn’t like the hospital had much going on besides patients lying in their beds not wanting to be disturbed. William overheard everything Chris had to say regarding how Finella felt betrayed by Harmonia, the battle between her and Chelsea at the mansion, and how Fin met Chris. William sighed loudly grabbing everyone’s attention except Finella’s, but the heart monitor beeping every so often confirmed she was still alive in the meantime.

Betrayed by a sibling? I know that feeling. My sister, Lucinda, had a husband and they loved each other dearly, they even had a son together. She was an exterminator and made good money. Enough to move her family out to Seattle and she threw it all away in a week after a one night stand in a bar bathroom. Lucinda didn’t know what was going through her mind, but she convinced herself she didn’t love her guy anymore. It left quite the impression on me. I hated her. I didn’t want anything to do with her. I get how Fin feels in a way, but….I see it as an honest mistake. Moni only wanted to make amends with Chelsea. To make sure Chelsea didn’t see her the same way she saw Fin,” William explained.

And you don’t think Finella shares some blame on this as well? She continued to be ruthless with Chelsea and preyed on her insecurities. I know that feeling since I was bullied back in El Paso for months after mi familia immigrated to America. If you think Fin was betrayed, think how Chelsea felt. Sure, she had George and Karl to help her in their eventual rematch, but Chelsea has had to fight so many battles on her own. Feel like she was good enough for the ring. You don’t get that, don’t you? All you cared about was letting Finella run around like a fucking moron making a damn fool of herself. Look where that got her. I’m sorry she’s in this state, but you could’ve done something stop it, Chris. Take responsibility for once! ” Ryan argued as he glared down the rockstar.
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