Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type:Standard
Winning Condition:Knockout, Surrender, Submission, Disqualification

Susumaru was getting ready for her new fight, maybe she had lost a few in the process, but her ability to keep submitting was not over, and who knows, today could be the chance for her to win this time, so when she was told it was time for the fight, she would run to where she was supposed to be, greeting everyone and her music would start, smiling with excitement.
so when she finally got to the ring, she smiled and looked at the whole crowd, patting her chest, being ready for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny K took a deep breath as she prepared herself mentally for her second match of her young LAW career. She didn't get the result she wanted from her debut, but she learned quite a bit from it and hoped to clear the cobwebs and get her first win tonight.

She wore a rather nondescript two piece with a white top and black bottom and some lace up boots. It wasn't much, but fairly comfortable and unrestrictive.
The blonde rolled her shoulders back and bounced on the balls of her feet, trying to stay loose when she heard Around the World start up, knowing that was her cue to make her way to the ring.
Making her way past the crowd, she did not have the butterflies in her stomach from her debut but she did still feel some nerves. Sunny could hear some cheers from the crowd but her focus was laser pointed towards the ring, where she could see her opponent - a slim figure with dark hair - waiting for her.

A smile opened on the blonde's face; she was a bit nervous but she was still really glad to be back in the ring. Climbing through the ropes and into the ring, Sunny stretched her arms out and jumped up a few times, her smile growing with each leap. "Yeah! Let's do this!"

Her eyes narrowed and focused onto her opponent across the ring, towards whom she took a step forward. "Are you ready?"

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru finally saw her opponent, she didn't look like a titanic beast or a super expert girl, which at least can make a fight not so demanding, taking into account that she is no professional, so seeing the suit from top to bottom of her opponent, she felt almost like she was with one of her teammates

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm happy that you are not a very big risk .

So then Susumaru would bring her hand closer once that girl was in front of her for a handshake, as a form of respect.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny dialed her focus across the ring to her ombre-haired opponant. Her golden eyes looked a bit sinister but otherwise she seemed friendly enough, the blonde thought to herself as the two readied to meet at the middle to shake hands.

It was right when Susumaru greeted Sunny that the American's smile quickly dropped to a dumb look of confusion as her eyes shot an awkward blank stare right at the confident Japanese wrestler offering a handshake.

"Not a very big risk?" Sunny repeated back, still processing the backhanded greeting. "Hey!"

Quickly, she withdrew her hand before they could shake, her brow curving as her eyes narrowed again, this time out of irritation.

"What do you mean by that?" she said accusingly as she planted both of her hands on her own hips. She would stand glaring towards her counterpart, waiting for the ref to signal the start.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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I'm just saying..... That compared to the other opponents I've faced, you don't look like a big risk, but that doesn't mean you're not.

Susumaru would say smiling before walking to his corner, waiting for the fight to start and it would be noticed which of the 2 would be the one who would have the victory this time.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny wasn't so sure about this girl across the ring; was she trying to get into her head or just overtly confident?

"Hmmm...whatever you say," she flatly responded, her eyes still narrow with mistrust as she raised her arms up to invite a lock-up. If her opponant obliged, the blonde would dig her feet into the mat and try to quickly overpower her foe, eager to prove her strength.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru knew she could win if she aimed well where she needed to, and when she saw how a duel of forces seemed to call her, she would fully accept, placing her hands intertwined with Sunny's and smiling she would push on, holding her feet steady as an anchor

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny gritted down as the two met mid-ring, fingers intertwined as they locked up. Neither seemed ready to budge just yet, and the blonde soon tried to come up with a plan b as she wasn't going to overpower her opponant here as quickly as she thought.

While still trying to keep her place anchored on the mat, Sunny twisted her right hand, trying to shake her opponant's grasp. If successful, she would try to grab at the Japanese wrestler's leg to knock her off balance and onto her back.

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Susumaru would clearly see that Sunny was realizing that she didn't have the strength to bend her, and that could only mean one thing, and when she could feel Sunny trying to pull her hands away, Susumaru would flash a cute smile, squeezing the grip between her hands so hard that even she started to ache, but that meant one thing, Sunny was stuck with Susumaru, and if she showed a sign of weakness, Susumaru would push

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Re: Susumaru vs Sunny - "S" is For Submission

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Sunny felt the grip on her hands tighten further, which she had no choice but to return in favor. Gritting down on her teeth and with determiniation in her eyes, the blonde jabbed back and forth with her arms, doing whatever she could to try to free her hands.

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