Victory Condition: The first to make the other submit wins
Francisca was quite new to the L.A.W. scene, in fact, she had never even fought in a match like this before, but after finding out about Barbra, she couldn't help but ask for a match with her! I mean, she sure as hell seemed like a tough opponent, from what she had heard, and fighting tough opponents was the very reason she joined this League in the first place! So, after a surprisingly quick shopping trip and a few days of training, Francisca got ready to face the sparkling idol in her first match under L.A.W!
"First up in the ring, standing at 5' and weighing in at 117 lbs, and for the first time in general... The Blue Fireba-"
She yelled, an enthusiastic smile plastered on her face as the crowd erupted with cheers. The crowd was just as pumped as she was, and this fact was something that made her feel even happier than she already was. She tossed the mic back to the announcer before climbing on top of the turnbuckle and placing one of her hands on her ears, making the crowd cheer louder, and in turn, filling her with pride and joy.