Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Alexios Laskaris walked from the locker room to the gorilla position. He had been training for this moment for some time. Especially since he was informally suspended due to what happened with his ex Helen Andronike. Alexios trained obsessively while he waited for his chance. And he was finally being given his debut against Hiro Takahashi, the leader of the Iron Titans Gym. Fitting name given Alexios’ nickname. He heard Helen attacked his opponent the previous week but the doctors said there were no issues. Alexios did his homework on Hiro and knew he would be hit in the face a lot during this match by a fast striker. But if Alexios could ground him, he would have the advantage. And if he could lock in the right submissions, Alexios felt he would win. The Greek hopped up and down to hype himself up and then went through the tunnel as his entrance music blasted in the arena.
The Greek warrior walked out with his sword and shield. The crowd was unsure what to make of him so he got a mix of cheers and boos. He discarded his equipment and entered the ring, basking in the glory of the spotlight before turning to face the entranceway.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Backstage a former kickboxing champion by the name of Hiro Takahashi was set to re-enter a big stage again in his home country in Japan. There were many of his fans who had watched the Japanese star ever since his championship days had all gathered to see there hero come back to compete again.
'Guess I'll have to talk to Emma later...but for right now I have to concentrate on my own match.' Hiro went over the place looking for his pupil who had just recently lost her match and was trying to cheer her up but unfortunately the Canadian wanted to be alone and ghosted him.

With a sigh Hiro waits for his que to enter the arena as his enterance theme started to play.
The crowd roared I'm excitement when a familiar song was played and the energy of the crowd amplified as Hiro screamed out in excitement as the music got crazier. As he got closer to the ring the Japanese wrestler jumped up and down with each jump getting higher and higher before jumping to the ring apron and grabbing onto the top rope to do a cool flip inside the ring.

"Nihon! ! Kare ga modotte kite yokatta!!!" Hiro screamed out as the crowd got so loud that it almost blew out Hiro's eardrum. Nevertheless the Japanese star got to his corner with all smiles ready to take on a difficult challenge ahead of him.
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Alexios found himself unexpectedly nodding to his opponent’s entrance music. The crowd was thoroughly on Hiro’s side. But Alexios was stubborn and determined. He would win the crowd’s approval through his work and an honorable victory. He approached his opponent and offered him his hand. Regardless of whether Hiro shook his hand, afterwards Alexios would start circling around the ring. He would attempt to look for weak spots and, if possible, let Hiro make the first move.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Before the match would start Hiro and Alexios met in the center of the ring and instictelvely the Japanese Kickboxer would put his fist up and try to touch fist to fist kinda like a glove touch if they were wearing any.

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" Although Hiro could speak really good English he figured to be cool with his new opponent before dancing back to his corner jumping up and down and stretching out.


Well the bell rang Hiro was circling around Alexios but with a low stance. He had studied prior to his opponent's strengths and was a little cautious of the Olympians grappling. They circled each other for what seemed like a minute studying each other before Hiro made the first attempt. Moving forward the striker would attempt to come forward tricking his opponent that he was going to attempt astrike and see if Alexios would bite and try to take him down as Hiro would jump and try to connect a flying knee aimed at his head.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Alexios quickly switched to a fist bump instead of a handshake and the two were off! They circled each other waiting for a move to be made. Hiro moved forward as if to give Alexios a low kick. Alexios went for the takedown but realized Hiro was faking him out. Hiro jumped out of the way and sent his knee flying towards Alexios’ face but Alexios dodged at the last second. The two men ended up in opposite positions, having dodged each other’s attempts.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

Unread post by Weonna »

'Whoa whoa shit!!' Hiro's knee only grazed the side of Alexios face and as soon as he was about to drop back to the floor after the miss he rolled dodged back up to his feet.

'Gotta keep the pressure!' Hiro's eyes widened quickly running back to Alexios before doing a spin move to a wheel kick!

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Alexios focused everything on dodging the knee to the face so that he wouldn’t be knocked out within 10 seconds of his debut. He was inexperienced at recognizing some of the combos and thus couldn’t get out of the way of Hiro’s spinning kick. Alexios was hit in the side of the face and recoiled against the ropes.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

Unread post by Weonna »

'Now is my chance!' Hiro saw Alexios against the rope and with a loud kyaa! He would attempt to superkick him out the ring!

If successful then Hiro would have time to set up and try to attempt to risk it for the biscuit and do a suicide dive!

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

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Alexios was recovering against the ropes. In training, he would expect someone to come up and whip him or chop him. Hiro decided to superkick him to great effect. Alexios was knocked for a loop and went over the top rope, landing on the canvass and then dropping on the floor. Alexios was able to brace himself well enough but was still stunned. He got up as quickly as he could but then saw a blur and felt a brick wall slam into him when Hiro hit him with a tope suicida! The crowd went wild as they usually do on a suicide dive. Alexios was knocked back onto the barricade.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clash of the Titans: Alexios, Titan of the Sea vs. “Super” Hiro Takahashi

Unread post by Weonna »

Now this was what the crowd wanted to see as Hiro was getting in a lot of offense. The suicide dive proved to be successful knocking back Alexios into the barricade.

While Hiro was in the ground he decided to do a kip up for style points as he smoothly walked over to Alexios and proceeded to wrap his arms around his neck.

"Graaaghhh!!" Hiro yelled attempting to pull Alexios away from the barricade and deliver a frontal Suplex to the hard floor!

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