Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Being able to shove the smaller but heavier woman away with brute strength. Thereisa would stumble forward on her last legs. She knows she is not going to win this match and that just drives a stake into her heart cause it feels like she is not making any headway when it comes to getting a major title.

And now seeing Wicke of all people being able to defeat her like this in front of everyone, even after starting off hot the other woman was able to battle back and target those old injuries with pin point accuracy leaving her a staggering giant on the edge of defeat.

'AAAHHHH' she would cry out, feeling her back be slammed into the turnbuckle hard, slumping a bit in the corner, but she will do anything in her power to make this as worse than possible for the purplette. 'You... you know what she told me, Wicke.' she would say. 'You know Samina was going to ask you to be a team again... heh she begged me to spare her, and you know what I told her... she was as worthless to me as an opponent so I showed her mercy.' Said Thereisa with not an ounce of regret in her tone of voice, but almost a sick twist of pride knowing that what she did was able to keep her title a bit longer in the end. 'Finish it Wicke... or are you not able to?'
Last edited by The Riders on Tue May 31, 2022 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Whether she won this match or not, Wicke had to stop and contemplate how should she let her long personal history decide the future. Almost like a dead snake whose nerves were still responsive, the venom of Thereisa's words surged into the purplette's veins. It seemed the only anti-venom was to unleash something similar considering their new location.

The horrors unleashed except it was Thereisa's back against the wall. Would anyone especially Samina judge Wicke if she went this path just once. To forcibly leave her friend behind because of the brunette's acts of malice. After the collision, Wicke only glance below with a blank stare mumbling to herself. "(Forgive me...)" Her arms as if robotic grabbed Thereisa by the throat, forcibly raising the heel while Wicke scaled up the surrounding ropes in return. Eventually they were at the highest elevation, where the research forced her opposition to sit on the turnbuckle, only for Wicke to make the conscious decision to rest those thighs on the larger woman's shoulders. Letting the wind flowing through her hair, Wicke proceeded to lay back and let nature take its course, answering Thereisa's call to finish it with her own move, the hurricanrana.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Thereisa knew she had won. Seeing that blank look on Wicke's face and the feeling that the purple-haired woman is giving off, it feels like, mentally, she is not all there after hearing those taunts from her. No matter what happens, Thereisa can look on and see that she broke her opponent by mentioning the one thing that only herself, Samina, and Wicke will ever know.

Nobody else will recall what was said between the two women in the ring right now. 'GGGAHHH' She would choke out due to the tight grip around her neck. But she is forced to climb up the turnbuckle till she is resting on the top rope, something she didn't expect Wicke to do. But since she pushed the purple-haired woman a bit too far, as her opponent places her thighs on her shoulders, and still with that blank look on her face, Wicke will fall backwards, letting gravity finish the rest. "UUUGHHH" as her head was spiked to the canvas with a loud crunch-like sound, her limbs flopped to the canvas twitching before going still... but that smirk didn't leave her face as she was knocked out by a bastard version of her finisher move.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Despite never performing this move before, she begrudgingly had it engrained in her mind after expecting a few brutes enough times. A different women may as well be behind the controls or that Wicke almost a committed taboo as if she went this far to avenge her fallen friend. Despite what she delivered, would it be Wicke instead who gained a shattered psyche.

After the mat collision almost imploded the ring, Wicke didn't spend any time to check on Thereisa's condition and crawled on top of her unconscious frame for a cover. Only then she noticed that somehow preserved smirk, a picture that provoked further inner disgust but the purplette still held her foe down.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Nobody could have expected this outcome as soon as the match started. Since most figured that Thereisa would stomp all over the other woman and leave Wicke laying in the middle of the ring, a beaten and broken wreck knowing that she wasn't able to get revenge for her friend due to how brutal the other woman is compared to someone kind like Wicke who known to never snap or do anything risky at all.

As the ref could have counted to a hundred and it still wouldn't have mattered as Thereisa was not moving and basically limp in the ring with the classic leg hook pin

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Wicke would defy her own peer's predictions by coming out of this match with only minimal bruises, in a physical sense. However as the referee dropped their hand one could notice a subtle quiver through the purplette's body as if the aggressive spell started to fade. She managed to overpower the brunette but at what expense exactly?


And thus Wicke's first Apex win was finally registered. The sound of bells gracing those ears also gave the heavyweight a stir. After the referee helped her up to a standing ovation through a raised arm, the usually loving woman wouldn't be in high-spirits as one anticipated. Clouded by a wave of emotions actually. Fear, anger, cathartic.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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As the medical staff come out to help Thereisa, who was starting to come to after having her head spiked from the top rope to the canvas. The staff gently try to place the older woman in a neck brace to keep it still... but is shrugged off by the woman who refuses to wear it much to their disappointment and worry of concern due to how the move looked and due to how many concussions that she has gotten while in the company.

As the older woman is helped out of the ring to the outside... Thereisa collapses to the floor in a heap but that smirk of hers still has not left her face as she is helped up by two staff workers who place their arms underneath her shoulders to help her walk up the ramp to the backstage area, as she looks over her shoulder with a pained look on her face glancing at Wicke mouthing out to her 'Welcome to the club of trying to injury wrestlers Wicke.' as she is taken backstage and starts to get looked at by the doctors backstage. But she got what she wanted from this match by forcing Wicke to go to that dark place just to beat her, but the issues between herself and her opponent are not over by a long shot.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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A real stroke of irony as the medical staff wouldn't carry the one with a shade of purple or pink. Since this incident was the first of its kind for Wicke, she might not have severe repercussions besides a few warnings. The victor observed the fellow veteran being escorted in such an unnerving manner. Fans were rather skeptical about the end results for what it entailed and thus were mostly silent as they observed the finale unfold. What really sent shivers down Wicke's spine most was that final message from Thereisa. Even if provoked and possessed by rage, she broke a significant code of honour.

With a lot on her plate regarding Apex and career in general, the purplette would prepare to make their exit. While walking down the aisle, Wicke's mind would constantly wonder if this mental wound was permanent and whether an incident could happen again. Perhaps so since she was certain that this won't be her last encounter with the Cyber Widow.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Winner: Wicke Sykes by pinfall

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