Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

Unread post by LunarOcean »

To win, opponents must be made to cum, tap out, or pass out.
Bikini attire
No rope breaks for body to body press attacks against the ropes


Ionel sometimes didn't bother with entrance music. She knew it was the proper thing to do to establish her character and truthfully, she didn't think she was artistic enough to really do that. It was for the crowd, not her. It could be but Ionel was a very simple woman. What was for her was a strong, muscled body struggling against hers, flattening with every ounce of power put behind her flex. Her grin was there, the swaggering charisma most knew her for, even the titantron, but there was no music and her eyes seemed almost a little empty, distracted. It was a rather odd entrance; some of the onlookers retracted their heands, looking at the titantron and murmuring to one another, wondering where the blaring digitized electro-rock of hers was.

Some might think Ionel was in a bad mood. They were only marginally right; she was a bit of a sore loser after a certain loss but if there was one thing that got her mind off of negativities, it was the promise of another match. This time, against another giantess equal in height but not so much muscle mass. An older dame, one whose body was experienced and that a muscle-lover like her could tell was not exactly weak. You did not need huge muscles like hers to be strong... but it certainly helped. Muscles were for more than strength; the extra friction and feeling of another woman squeezed and squashed, grinded and scraped, against her immense strength was an acquired but unmatched taste.

The lack of music was nothing to her. The imagined pleasure and pains of her body smacking against the Japanese beauty's she'd been slated to fight occupied her thoughts, morphing her gaze from distant and thoughtful to cocky and excited. Her very eyes, if not her whole body radiated a confidence larger than her immense height and bulky build, one that seemed to expand past the ropes of her ringside kingdom, making front row seat occupiers hesitate for a moment when the wide smile on her features showed. Flexed and voluptuous, she was not really showing off but waiting, watching Watatsumi as she approached, thinking of all the wonderful ways that slightly soft, slightly curvy, deliciously heavy body would be tamed against her tummy.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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Watami waited with her arms crossed backstage as she was finally in her first match. Truth be told, Watami didn't exactly care and the required attire wasn't exactly helping. The Queenpin was only here to see her nieces and for her wife's amusement, not to mention potential business. "Break a leg, sweetie and try not to break her face." Watami's wife cooed as the Queenpin received a smooch. Watami offered a smile in return as she exited the backstage and made her way to the ring. Unlike her opponent Watami was accompanied by an entrance theme, though it was practically drowned out by the amount of murmurs at the sight of the Queenpin in a place like this.

Watami entered the ring and gave her opponent a look over. It was impressive to see a lady of her own height but Watami wasn't exactly interested. "Watami Matsuda. And you are?" The brunette questioned, her voice monotone and dry. It certainly sounded like the question was being asked out of obligation rather than interest. The Queenpin didn't really look down on most people but Watami is a busy lady and it certainly takes effort to impress her.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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"Your dom for the night. How's that sound?" Ionel grinned, sharklike and excitable. Both women were equals in height but not in excitement. Ionel's nipples were notably perked and her tight bikini hoisted up her tits alluringly, almost tempting Watami to sample them. Her eyes had traveled up the Japanese dame's but they settled on her eyes, all but feasting on her sight as she hungrily glared at her. It wasn't anger on her face but barely hidden, muscled up excitement. The way her abs and biceps tightened when Watami turned her way told the older woman all she needed to knwo about what was on the blonde giantess' mind.

Taking a step closer, her massive rack casually rested on Watami's, eyeing up her every feature. Watami would almost be able to see the lewd, blunt fantasies taking place in her head.

"You're a pretty big gal, but I'm eating a feast tonight~" She teased, pushing out her chest and daring Watami to try and dock back. Yet if she tried, Ionel would nudge her abs forward for a casual scrub of their partially flexed sexiness against her belly. "All that size and so little muscle; or are you hiding a surpise beneath those mommy curves?"

When the bell rung, Ionel would offer her hands for a test of strength, waying her hips back and forth. It wasn't just her opponent's physical power she wanted to test; she'd gotten a taste of her body already. A taste however was far from a whole meal.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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Watami payed Lonel little mind as the blonde declared herself the dominant. The Japanese woman raised an eyebrow as Lonel eyed her, it was clear to the Queenpin that Lonel was thirsty for her. It was pretty common for men to do but Watami had to admit it was an unusual feeling to be lusted after by a woman who wasn't her wife. Despite this the Japanese woman still wasn't excited for the match.

The brunette felt Lonel's hot breath on her face as she looked the blonde in the eye, their hefty breasts pressed together. Watami simply stood and listened to Lonel as she commented on Watami's size and curves. Though the Queenpin normally wouldn't play along with this sort of thing she knew Gine would find it hot so Watami humoured Lonel. "As a matter of fact..." Watami replied as she flexed her arm and revealed some impressive muscles. The Queenpin accepted the test of strength and felt herself making headway, however the real test started when Watami pressed her body against Lonel's.
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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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"C'mon, you can do better than that."

A few audience members who heard gasped with the absolute disrespect Ionel was showing. Others whooped and cheered when she flexed back, her biceps popping and breasts bouncing, revealing a muscled form that was as much fantasy amazon-barbarian pinup as it was upsized fitness model. The neon light that shone on her nearly made her glow as if she increased in size, not physically but the raw aura of power she emanated. She welcomed competition a large part because it welcomed the opportunity to crush the opponent, physically or not. Given by the roar of the crowd, it was clear most of the bets were on the blonde.

Normally, Ionel would take the lead but it seemed that Watami had that on mind. Ionel smirked, leaning forward as if to kiss her.

"Sorry for winning the flex off. Maybe the protein shakes and yoga classes aren't paying off huh?" She teased, her arms forcefully stretching outwards as her flexing biceps rubbed against those of Watami. "Feel that? You can have all that and more if you play nice. You're getting it regardless if you don't."

Cocky as Ionel was, she could tell Watami was not to be underestimated... much. She'd taken the initiative, docked herself against hers, and Ionel sighed. Her foot grinded against the mat, stopping with a scrape as she held her ground, her smile widening. The meal was coming to her.

Ionel's body undulated serpent-like, her muscles tensing with the rising and falling of her wave-like motions. A shockwave of flexing muscles travelled across her belly, pinging and catching against Watami's, presenting a strong wall of armored power. She held her ground, raising her shoulders and casually brushing her massive tits over Watami's before standing docked symmetrically.

She yawned loudly, turning off to the side, content to let her crush against her belly. It wasn't that she felt no strain; Ionel did, yet she was not going to show it. She knew the importance of mindgames, how to weaponize her own arrogance, and the joy of being grinded against as much as doing the grinding herself.
The Lunar Fleet

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Ionel Thompson

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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

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Watami watched unassumingly as Lonel showed her some slight disrespect and flexed. Watami didn't much care as she hardly tried in the first place and Lonel was hardly the first rude upstart she'd encountered. The Queenpin was still far from impressed. The giantess couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lonel's goading and taunts.

As the Queenpin locked up with Lonel she figured it was worth it to at least converse with her opponent while she listened to the blonde speak. "I hardly tried, dear, I assure you. And you don't get to my size with housewife workouts." The Queenpin replies with a hint of spite in her voice. Getting as strong as Watami was now certainly wasn't as simple as doing the workout routine of average mom. The 2 women pressed against each other, causing Watami to have a little feeling of strain, though she certainly wasn't going to cave to this cocky fool quite so quickly.
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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"Sounds like what a sore loser would say. Bo-ring." The American yawned again, turning her head to the side to let out a very loud and obnoxious sound of faux-fatigue and boredom. It didn't take a genius to tell what Ionel was going with. The angrier Watami got, the more reckless she would be and testing her luck against the massive, musclebound blonde was a surefire way to end up being used as a squeeze toy in record time. With how littel trouble Ionel held her ground, her powerful belly muscles easily tanking the press of Watami as her massive breasts barely budged, she was toying with her prey. "Are you actually going to try or are you going to just gimme a massage? Cuz I thought I was being given a challenge, not a squeeze toy three sizes bigger than my usual lovelies."

Ionel pushed a leg forward, attempting to take a long stride. Her arms were stretched out to the side, biceps tensed to the pleasure of the crowd, as like a human tidal wave she pushed forward with raw belly power alone. No grinds, no rubs - her thighs muscled up and hardened as she attacked with a mighty push of her body! Yet she had something a little more clever on mind than a glorified charging shove. Ionel would attempt to push forth until both women were 3/4 of the way to the ropes; enough that Watami could reach back with her foot and touch the middle or bottom ropes. That's when Ionel would stop and attempt to shove her belly forward.

If that worked, Watami would stumbled backwards. Her great size and weight would hopefully cause her to rebound against the ropes, sending her back into Ionel! When that happened, Ionel would swing her muscle-hardened body forward again for a full body bust-and-belly smack into Watami, aiming to humiliate her once more with raw body power!
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Watami was getting mad with this woman. Though she was in the back, Watami's wife could hardly intervene or calm her down in the middle of the match. "I am not your toy or your lovely." The Queenpin's voice was filled with contempt, almost murderous intention. Watami had not be so annoyed since encounters with a certain daredevil, however the giantess understood that she must keep her composure. Despite this, Lonel would be taught her place. Watami would like nothing more than to bloody her fists but this wasn't such a match so the Queenpin decided on simply crushing Lonel with her full force.

Watami allowed the blonde to push her back with a charge, it was undeniable that Lonel had impressive strength to rival the Queenpin but the brunette woukd not be so easily pushed around. Watami braced herself for the blonde's thrust. Though she inched backwards the Queenpin recovered swiftly enough to attempt to put a plan of her own into action. Watami attempted to catch Lonel mid-thrust, if successful the Queenpin would then put her full effort into a bearhug.
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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"You're a little upset huh? Maybe I touched a nerve.. or some flab huh?" Ionel grunted. She felt pain. Watami could see that, could feel the way she squirmed in her grasp. Yet how *much* pain was that really? She was not writhin in pain or truly thrashing in her grasp. If anything, by the way her still gravel-rough abs rubbed and scraped against Watami, she was just getitng more comfortable. "If you struggled earlier, you're just going to get all hot and bothered now."

Even with her strength advantage, Ionel knew it was not a good idea to let Watami have free reign. Her abs might be harder but the fury behind Watami's arms clenching around her sides were another thing altogether. Yet Ionel was not merely thinking on the level of physical stats. Watami was annoyed, angry, maybe embarrassed. She was the type of woman that used to being the biggest woman in the ring. With marginal effort, Ionel had usurped her, outdone her, demonstrated that there were bigger fish in the pond.

And she was certain Watami would try to do her best to correct that.

To that extent, Ionel's abs rubbed harder and tighter, using her own squeeze against her as her powerful muscles massaged that not only grinded down Watami's admitteldy softer belly but visibly concaved it. Watami would be able to feel the way her muscles or rather her whole belly visibly bended and molded to the shape of Ionel's like clay pressed by a manipulating hand. Casual flexes of the blonde's muscles crushed her stomach, compacting her tightly, while Ionel's bountiful breasts mashed and mushroomed Watami's against hers.

All the while her arms remained raised, hands near her cheeks, biceps flexing as she literally flexed on and flattened Watami against herself.

"Mmmm, you're starting to hurt a bit. Are you used to wrestling underweight instagram models? First taste of a real heavyweight? Maybe you're hugging me so tight because you prefer my body to that cute little treat of a girlfriend~"
Last edited by LunarOcean on Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Clash of the Colossuses: Ionel Thompson vs Watami Matsuda

Unread post by Mysterdio »

As Watami squeezed Lonel is was clear than the blonde was hurting, however Lonel, rather frustratingly, denied the Queenpin acknowledgement. Watami persisted with the squeeze despite Lonel's insulting words. There was some slight discomfort due to Lonel's flexing so for the first time Watami genuinely flexed back. So far Watami had been trying to overpower Lonel so now she would begin the flexing battle proper. The Queenpin was content until Lonel mentioned Gine.

Ultimately, Watami could've kept the bearhug going, but the comment was so rage inducing that Watami dropped Lonel, before delivering the hardest punch she could muster into the blonde's solar plexus. "I am going to kill you and then kill everyone you know." This was a threat Watami would have loved to follow through with however she soon heard the voice of her darling. "Honeeyyy! Calm down!" Gine shouted from the ropes as the Queenpin then rolled her eyes. "A flexing battle? That's what you want isn't it? I'll play your game, but understand who you speak to, Ms Thompson!" Watami assured in a low tone as she awaited Lonel.
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