Vega shook her head as she remembered getting the call from LAW management that she had been selected as a brand ambassador and that her presence will be required tonight at some bar called Uncle Cowboy's. Show up in her ring costume, have photo ops while holding products that are being sponsored, and maybe even say a few words - nothing difficult for sure, but she had a sinking feeling in her gut that it was going to be stuffy and crowded in there, her personal hell.
She felt rather awkward walking through the streets in her in-ring costume, but no one had bothered her, at least yet. She couldn't imagine being one of the more established wrestlers and doing this, but maybe they like being stopped. The get-up felt perfectly natural while inside in the ring, but while out and about she was becoming much more aware of the little slits in her pants and how exposed her midriff was, curtesy of the slight breeze blowing past.
"Are you here for the Ambassador Event? I will need your name and uh...nevermind" the man's words trailed off as he saw Vega's name plastered on her top. He dug into his front pocket and pulled out a pink plastic card and handed it to the Japanese wrestler, who mostly just stood there not sure what to do.
"Just give this to the bartender for your tab before you leave. You can drink whatever you'd like, just don't use it to buy others drinks. Anyways, look sharp in there" he said with a pat to Vega's shoulder as the larger man nodded and motioned for her to go in.
The dance music enveloped the air as Vega stepped into the bar; she scanned the room and saw there was a bar to one side and an open space for dancing on the other, with the whole room being decorated with a haze of pink and blue neon. "Alright, time to get some drinks down to make this place tolerable" she said to herself as she made her way to the bar.
Surprisingly, the bar was not exactly packed yet, and there didn't seem to be any other wrestlers or sponsors there either. Vega raised her hand to flag down a bartender, and soon a slim figure in a vest made his way over, his thin brows arched up and ready for her order.
"I guess I'll start a tab with this" she said with the pink card in hand. "Anyways, one Long Island Ice Tea please."
The bartender nodded with a smile and darted back to the middle of the bar to start her drink. In the meantime, Vega's eyes shifted around the room, looking to see if any fellow wrestlers had made their way here yet.