Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type:Standard
Winning Condition:Pin, Submission, Knockout
Carmelina in the dressing room was getting ready, nothing really in her mind made her think about what could happen in this fight, she knew from Yukari's data that it seemed to be that grappling was a strong point, something that Carmelina would have to overcome if she wanted to take the win, so she when it was time to go in, she would be in full attitude, starting little by little her song would take shape, and when the music her moment of high value, she would appear, greeting everyone, before stepping into the ring and showing off her muscles, posing for tophos while she waited for her opponent to enter.
Last edited by Lederface on Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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The lights went dim as Tina's music hit and her fans immediately gave a huge pop as blue spotlights moved throughout the stadium. The music went on long enough for the crowd to clap in rhythm to the music as then the main spotlight hit the center of the entrance as Tina exploded out from the curtain, a huge grin on her face as she moved over to look at one half of the crowd before shuffling over sideways to look at the other half of the crowd. She was wearing her white and blue stringed two piece bikni with matching calf high boots with her initials on them and her grey sweater tied around her waist.

"That's the spirit! Sing it with me!" She called out as she moved back to the center of the entrance and closed her eyes, looking up into the air with a big smile on her face as she heard the crowd sing out to her. "o/Want you to make me feel, like I'm the only girl in the world!o/ Then she heard the crowd sing back o/like I'm the only one that you ever lovedo/! She slowly lowered her head back down, taking it in as she then let out a shout of excitement and began to skip and walk down the aisle as the beat dropped and the inflatable tube men at the sides were fully inflated and bobbing to the music, she slapped hands with the fans that she could reach and stopping to hug some of the fans that wore her sweater. She then walked up to the steps to the edge of the ring as she then stepped up to the middle and top corner turnbuckles, standing there as she stared at her opponent, giving her a nod of respect as she then hopped down to land on the mat as her figure gave a wonderful display as she bounced a few times, warming herself up as she grinned at Carmelina. "It's nice to meet you, let's have a match for the ages." She mentioned as she nodded to the ref that she was ready to begin.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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Carmelina finally watched as her opponent arrived, thinking about how she could try to improve her entries to gain some audience and fans, but as she looked at her Opponent and saw that there was a clear difference, she smiled

"Carmelina.... Mucho Gusto!, and I hope we have a good fight!"

She would say as she moved to her corner, waiting for the sound of the bell as she was ready to prove to herself that she could beat other heavyweights

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Tina would approach to the center of the ring, knowing some giants she's wrestled with, most of them look to challenge with a test of strength or to strike up high. So Tina had the idea to swoop low. As soon as they circled the ring Tina would immediately dash forward and slide down to one knee as she tried to wrap her arm around Carmelina's upper leg and then stand up to try to pull Carmelina's leg up and push forward to try to trip her to fall onto her back while still keeping her grip on the one leg.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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The fight started and Carmelina saw Tina shoot out against her, surprised by that, she felt how her foot was taken and used little by little as a torque to make her fall, giving a few attempts to fight, Carmelina fell to the ground, while trying to free her leg, not that she wanted to leave bad impressions in the fight either

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

As soon as Carmelina felt onto her back, Tina let go of the leg, flinging it down to get access to where she really wanted to go as she slid down towards Carmelina's head, pulling it into a side headlock as she then shifted the two of them so that Carmelina was on her stomach as she started to work on pulling Carmelina back up into a standing position as she attempted to take a few steps and leap forward to try to bring Carmelina back down to the mat in a bulldog if Carmelina didn't stop Tina's offensive.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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Carmelina slowly felt Tina catch her head, feeling the pressure, she was slowly lifted up with Tina, and when she felt they were about to move, Carmelina knew what would happen, so she would hold Tina's waist tightly, and refusing to move any further, showing that her strength was what she could do the most, trying to lift Tina from that place, and try to go for an Atomic Drop.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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Tina yelped as she was suddenly stopped in her tracks by Carmelina. She was then lifted up and then had her tail bone slam into Carmelina's knee. She completely released the headlock, cupping her hands over her rear as she hopped up and down in place feeling the pain as back remained to Carmelina as she was stunned by the knee to the tailbone.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

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Carmelina after that blow, she managed to free herself, feeling free, Carmelina would see Tina's situation, she had to take advantage of the situation, and knowing that she had Tina's hands occupied by pain, she would position herself behind her, grabbing her by the neck, she would do a Sleeper Hold, pulling back before looking to sit down and leave Tina fighting in a place without the possibility of ropes.

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Re: Tina vs Carmelina - Muscles and grips

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

With her hand covering her rear, Tina was completely open to having Carmelina's arms wrap around her neck. She yelped out as she was forced down into a sitting position on the ground as her hands gripped at Carmelina's forearms. She groaned as she struggled, pulling against Carmelina's forearms as she gritted her teeth. She raised one hand up into the air, clenching her fists and shaking it as the crowd started to rally for her, clapping in rhythm as Tina pushed herself up to her knees at first, then planted one foot to help her get back up in a standing position. She twisted her body to curve her shoulder around Carmelina so she was now positioned sideways in Carmelina's grip as she cupped her hands together. She then pulled back with her arms then suddenly rammed them forward, repeating the process until she could free herself from Carm's sleeper hold.

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