Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

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Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type: POW Match
Victory Condition: Submission
The winner will hold the loser prisoner for 24 hours.

The situation for Botan looked quite different, between some defeats and victories a new opportunity would appear, fearing nothing this time, Botan would appear in front of the audience, waving to everyone as she advanced, reaching the ring, she would finally let out a roar to everyone, while after that she laughed, looking like this in anticipation of seeing her new opponent.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Huan rolled her shoulder as a familiar wave of excitement and anxiety washed over her. “Damn, I missed this” she thought as she prepared to head for the ring hearing the start of her entrance music.
She stopped on the top of the ramp and raised one arm in the air before continuing into the ring. As she approached Botan she looked her up and down before saying “You look even more impressive in person. This is gonna be fun!”. She smiled as she reached a hand towards her opponent to shake. “Let’s give the people a show to remember eh?”

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by Lederface »

Botan finally saw her Opponent, it really looked like she would have a good fight this time, so when she saw her hand offered to her, Botan smiled and accepted the handshake, showing her pleasure to fight with her.

"Sure!!! No hard feelings and may the best one win!"

She would say before moving to her corner before waiting for the sound of the bell to ring and the fight to begin.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Huan backed up to her corner and waited for the bell.
As soon as its sound pierced the air she rushed forward stoping just in range to try and deliver a front kick to Botan’s chest, If that were to succeed she would further close the distance to keep the pressure on and deliver a series of an uppercut to her opponents gut and a hook towards her head.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by Lederface »

Botan would try to defend herself, the first kick would have hit her hard enough to push her into the corner, and seeing her approaching, she would protect her head, feeling the blows to her stomach and gasp, but blocking the hook to her head, trying there to launch a lunge at Huan.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

The start was looking good but it was just the start. Botan recovered quicker than Huan would like and lounged at her in response Huan would try to step back and build distance but their current position was not well suited for that and Botan got on to her while Huan was taking a step throwing her completely off balance and landing with her back on the mat. As soon as that happened Huan would try to lock her legs around Botan’s body and twist to the side trying to get on top.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by Lederface »

Botan with that lunge not only managed to break the encirclement that Huan wanted to do against her, but also managed to knock her down, but soon Huan would try to place himself dominant over her, but Botan knew how to take those situations, feeling her body trapped by Huan's legs and feeling how she wanted to turn to gain the position, Botan would hold Huan's arms, and with that woman's legs occupied, Botan could place them in a trapeze shape, a way in which she could take enough of her attempts to turn and avoid it.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Seeing how Botan reacted to what she was trying to do Huan couldn’t help but smile, that girl knew what she was doing and there is nothing quite like a good opponent. But that didn’t mean that she had no plan b as she started to squeeze her legs around the other girl’s midsection while trying to get her hands free. If she managed to do that she would pull Botan closer and attempt to secure her hands making it harder to escape the bodyscisors she was applying

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by Lederface »

Botan could feel her trying to tighten her body, feeling sore, Botan would not give in one bit, but when she felt that she seemed to lose her grip on Huan's arms, Botan would deny with a smile, squeezing Huan's wrists, before lunging at her, better said ..... she threw his head against Huan's, looking for a headbutt, if that worked, she would try to place Huan's arms above her head.

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Re: Botan vs Huan Lei(D) - clash of weights

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Huan knew what was about to happen, if situations had been reversed she might have tried just that herself, after all, Botan might be in control right now but there wasn’t much she could do with that at the moment and a solid headbutt would give her a chance to press the advantage.
Huan waited pretending to be focused on her bodyscisors and freeing her hand only to junk her head to the side at the last moment avoiding the headbutt. At the same time, she once again attempted to flip Botan over hoping that the move she just tried to pull and the fact that her body must have gotten closer would give her the necessary opportunity.

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