Haruna entered a small private room in LAW's gymnasium, it was enough to have a ring with several gym equipments at the side. Since signing with LAW she have been seeking to have classes with the Young Lionesses while still giving drills to her own pupils. And some days ago, she had taught a class in techniques. And of course, she had some who missed the date... At the very least the girl took the courage to ask her for a catch up lesson. Which Haruna didn't say no to, she always loved to work with some who seek to better themselves. She had told the girl to come to the private room at this specific time to get a catch up lesson.
Haruna set her bag at the corner of the room and sighed lightly. Already clad in her outfit, she approached the ring and sat on the apron. Gripping the back of her neck as she crack her neck lightly before crossing her arms. Looking sternly at the door as she awaited the girl to arrive.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are...
High Definition.
Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144