Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Standard Match
Win by Bear hug only

Another night another match as Brynhild had got confirmation that she had a big match tonight, against another heavyweight but this match was different the match was standard but you can only win by bear hug submission hold and she was all about the bear hugs.

Her music plays as she makes her way down to the ring high-fiving the fans before sliding underneath the ring rope, a big smirk on her face knowing that she's going to be able to crush any person that comes her way but also wants to put behind the loss she suffered in the Texas bull rope match looking to redeem herself tonight.

'Come now girl let's see what you got against All American I'm going to crush you like a bug,'


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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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The lights went dim as Tina's music hit and her fans immediately gave a huge pop as blue spotlights moved throughout the stadium. The music went on long enough for the crowd to clap in rhythm to the music as then the main spotlight hit the center of the entrance as Tina exploded out from the curtain, a huge grin on her face as she moved over to look at one half of the crowd before shuffling over sideways to look at the other half of the crowd. She was wearing her white and blue stringed two piece bikni with matching calf high boots with her initials on them and her grey sweater tied around her waist.

"That's the spirit! Sing it with me!" She called out as she moved back to the center of the entrance and closed her eyes, looking up into the air with a big smile on her face as she heard the crowd sing out to her. "o/Want you to make me feel, like I'm the only girl in the world!o/ Then she heard the crowd sing back o/like I'm the only one that you ever lovedo/! She slowly lowered her head back down, taking it in as she then let out a shout of excitement and began to skip and walk down the aisle as the beat dropped and the inflatable tube men at the sides were fully inflated and bobbing to the music, she slapped hands with the fans that she could reach and stopping to hug some of the fans that wore her sweater. She then walked up to the steps to the edge of the ring as she then stepped up to the middle and top corner turnbuckles, standing there as she stared at her opponent. Tina noted her size, but after fighting Stone and besting her two out of three times, she wasn't intimated by that, she did however use to always watch USWW and realized that she was going against someone that used to be a champion. That however brought an excited grin to Tina's face as she hopped down from the top corner turnbuckle to land in the ring, bouncing a few times as she began to warm up. She knew she was going to have a challenging battle ahead, but Tina wasn't looking to take things easy. She wanted to get stronger and what better way then to take on the strongest. "Stars and Stripes, its an honor to face you. I'm looking forward to wrapping my arms around the waist of America." She mentioned resting her hands on her hips and giving a wink to Brynhild as she stood in the center of the ring.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Brynhild would nod her head and wiggle around at hearing her opponent theme music play over the speakers. Seeing her opponent make her way down to the ring and eyeing her up and down like a hungry, starving man would it next meal, as she can see that the woman is loved and cheered by the fans which she can say is a good thing since she watched the woman other matches and even besting a titan in a match that should have ended in a loss for her... but the woman would not be denied and came out on top.

Seeing the blue hair woman standing in front of her and hearing the challenge that is being made to her... Brynhild can only chuckle and does something to try to rattle the younger woman standing before her 'Ara Ara Oh I am going to enjoy crushing you Tina...' the taller woman would say and lean down to cup the woman's face, and leans down to kiss the woman on the lips even sliding her tongue inside the other woman mouth before pulling away with a smirk on her face.

After doing that she would back up and chuckle knowing that what happens next her opponent is going to come at her at her best and either way she is going to show her what it means when going up against someone like her, as the ref makes sure that both women are ready and the bell is rung for the match to begin. Bouncing on the ring ropes for a bit, Brynhild comes out of her corner, rushing forward and with her arm raised aiming to start off the match with a massive clothesline to Tina.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Actually Brynhild couldn't be more wrong with what happens next. As Bryn pulled away there was a bit of a blush on Tina's face, but she grinned as she looked towards her opponent. "I figure you would be saving that for the end of the match, or what would your husband think?" She teased as she then got ready.

Like most giants, Tina figured this one wanted to start off by throwing their weight around to have a strong offensive, and that was proven as she could see Bryn coming towards her extending the arm out. Most competitors would normally go for ducking the clothesline, but Tina figured what better to do then to use Bryn's size and momentum against her she twisted her body catch Bryn's arm and follow up by twisting her body lowering her center of gravity to make herself drop onto her side, attempting to force Bryn to stumble into falling on her stomach as Tina would then attempt to pull up on Bryn's arm, after all, how effective would a bearhug be if the arm gets worked on?
2:22 mark for posing/positioning reference

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Brynhild would only chuckle hearing the reply Tina said to her about her husband. If only the smaller woman knew about her husband is compared to others when it comes to her wrestling against female and male opponents. Since either way, she plans on leaving a nice big mark on her opponent so that the blue hair woman can know who really dominated her in this match.

But her slow charge was countered by her younger opponent... as her arm was grabbed by Tina and forced to the canvas with an arm bar like hold coming from the other woman using her ring skills instead of brute force to handle the bigger woman. 'Ahhh' the big blonde would call out as she can feel herself to be grounded by her opponent as she is not able to use her strength to get her way out of the hold, as she kicks and struggles to escape all the while gritting her teeth in anger.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Tina shouted out to the crowd, hyping them up as she gritted her teeth and pulled back on Bryn's arm. She then looked back to notice Bryn on her stomach. She decided to work on wearing down what she needed to to try to win the match.

She released Bryn's arm as she immediately twisted herself to being on her knees above her opponent's body. She then bent over to snake her arms around Bryn's waist to pull her upper body up to have Bryn's back press against her chest as she began to give a sharp reverse bearhug squeeze as she tried to keep Bryn on her hands and knees while Tina was crouched over top of her.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Stunned but not surprised at her opponent style of wrestling. Say what you want about Brynhild... but the woman knows a lot about studying her opponents and seeing what they do best, and what they're bad at and with Tina Kelly it is dealing with moves that wear you down before crushing the fight out of your body along with the air you breathe. Seeing that her opponent was already on the move and having something else planned for her... As she was starting to push herself up to her knees with one arm, Tina had already gotten behind her and was able to wrap her arms around her mid-section for a tight squeeze.

But the other woman was kneeling over her and was able to lift her up enough just for the hold to be uncomfortable and painful to the bigger woman, all the while Brynhild is not able to use her vast strength to power out of the move due to still being on her hands and knees.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Tina smiled as she had the advantage for now, she let out a sexy grunt as she was bent over top of Bryn, making the two look like they were in quite the sexual position, which was enhanced more when Tina would rock her lap into Bryn's rear to make Bryn lean forward as she flexed her arms to give Bryn an intense squeeze around her body before the grip eased up as she pulled Bryn back against her, repeating these thrusting pulses of intense short squeeze that were meant for draining an opponent of energy as opposed to trying to crush for the submission. Tina wasn't one to shy away from being lewd if she needed to, especially if her opponent provoked it. After all, she used to be a stripper. Tina giggled as she leaned close to Bryn's ear as she whispered seductively. "Ara ara, are we having fun yet?"

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Brynhild would smirk and grunt at the same time due to the hold she finds herself in. As she can feel the soft thrusts of Tina hips smacking against her backside much to the crowd and her husband enjoyment who is watching at home, as the other woman is grinding and squeezing turning the bigger woman on getting her all hot and bothered due to the small thrusts. 'Oh, I am enjoying myself... but you won't be having much fun when I get out of this... little brat.' as the bigger woman falls to her stomach and tries to roll herself over so that she can use her body weight to crush the smaller Tina. As she is able to get to her side but can't seem to roll all the way over, leaving herself in another bad spot that she finds herself in.

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Re: Hug it out: Brynhild Ederne vs Tina Kelly

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Tina smirked as Bryn was unable to completely roll over, now pretty much spooning with the busty blonde. She let out a sexy grunt as she pulled in tight with her arms, really giving Bryn a long winded squeeze. "Well then, I guess I better keep that from happening. Big brat." she teased as she then jerked herself to pull Bryn back to being on her hands and knees again, but this time Tina rose to one knee and then stood up, as she did she gritted her teeth as she grunted as she showed off some strength and put the crowd in awe as she deadlifted Bryn from being on her hands and knees and up into the air as she then arched herself back to bring Bryn's upper body to crash to the mat as she would deliver a deadlift german suplex to the woman.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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