Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

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Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

Unread post by JollyRoger »

Bed wrestling
5 count full body press pin after an orgasm.
No strikes allowed, bed posts count as rope break.

"And here we go again..."
Amaya whispered softly at her mirror image while she was preparing her wrestling dress for the evening, moving her dress back and forth to make a good impression although it would probably be discarded soon anyway. Despite her nervousness, she was overall optimistic. Not so much about the match, but maybe she could even win some new customers today with a good performance and a display of her skilled massage hands!

Outside, a titantron sparked to life in the apartment wrestling area, giving sight on a fast moving galleon with some aching wood and swinging ropes that rapidly got closer to the screen until it was close enough to see the cannons in a close up version, firing a salvo from said cannons on the viewer while white smoke was clinging to the muzzle of the cannon before it would rise up with a white jolly roger before it was out of sight again.

"Pirates! This was a feared war cry in the Caribbean for a long time. People thought that these times were over. But they were proven wrong…"
A narrative female voice explained with the passion of a gifted story teller.
"One of these new age pirates, Captain Domino Drake, has set sails to conquer the bodies and dreams of gorgeous girls all over the world. One of these girls was the noble girl that is today only known as Sailor Amaya."
The titantron showed the dreamy eyed, tied at the hands and naked except for her shoes and stockings Amaya.

Then the big screen turned dark for a moment before scrolling over a classic Caribbean town of the pirate age.
"Now she has been sent to spy out the girls of the next port her captain intends to pillage! Will her chosen target prove to be a superior foe for the former noble woman and send her home sensually fatigued as a message? Or will the beautiful target end up pinned on the own bed? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!"

Amaya was as ready as she probably could be, stepping into the shadow of the door so that her silhouette would be visible and she could step out quickly while she would be introduced to the audience home at the screens as soon as her opponent would arrive.
Last edited by JollyRoger on Tue May 24, 2022 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

The lights went low until completely dark then Adoras entrance music receive and bite you blasted through the apartment and bright light appeared from the door way as a shadow once then beat dropped she jumped through the door and posed in the room and was read to fight her opponent in a more personal manner. " hope your ready to lose there sexy!"

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Re: Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

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Amaya was twiddling her thumbs a little bit internally while she was disrobing her kimono to straighten up her sporty underwear including white little socks she would use in this match.

Thinking that she would be facing another lightweight like the last two times, she was taken by surprise when an absolute buff woman that could never pass as a lightweight made her entrance, causing the former meiko to have big eyes of surprise for a moment before she remembered about manners when the bigger girl addressed her, she would bow deep before speaking in a friendly voice.
"It´s an honor to meet you, opponent-sama. It will be my humble duty to pin you lewdly on the bed. My name is Amaya."
Last edited by JollyRoger on Tue May 24, 2022 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

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"well it's good to see a opponent with respect for once. I'm Adora. She poses for her showing off her muscles she then take off her pants showing her red sexy panties. She then took her shirt off to show her bare tits. "oh right I forgot to tell you I'm a lesbian so your the one of many womento be in bed with me." She would get on the bed and red for her opponent to do the same

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Re: Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

Unread post by JollyRoger »

"We probably have to agree that we disagree who will be the one pined, Aurora-sama."
Her opponent was quite outspoken about her preferences and her will to bed the former meiko, but she had expected nothing different from such a buff girl. And as was an absolute powerhouse, so Amaya was really glad strikes were not allowed. The muscly Aurora would surely have reduced her into a bloody pulp in no time.

Making herself ready by letting her arms go little rounds while eyeing the bare breasts of her opponent, she would finally get on her knees on the bed, her white skin giving a contrast to the black of her underwear, raising her arms as a sign that she was ready to grapple.
Last edited by JollyRoger on Thu May 26, 2022 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

I'm sorry for not responding I was overwhelmed at the number of things that has come my way and need to regroup my self

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Re: Bed wrestling match: Adora vs. Sailor Amaya

Unread post by JollyRoger »

Ok, if you want to you can just reply whenever you feel like it :)

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