Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Karin heavy hit body was laying in the hot sand getting toasted by the burning sun. The small woman was trying her very best to recover to get back into the mat. But it wasn't working as fast as she hoped .while her head was a still ringing and her neck hurting, Karin felt a weigh being placed right on top of her pressing the air out of her. The small woman would moan a bit while her legs were pulled up into the air and the referee would start the count. "1...2..." but right before the last count Karin would throw her ark into the air trying to break up the cover

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Kaiala would just cover her opponent as she was so certain she was going to win as the referee started to count. The fans were counting along as they chanted ''one........Twooo........thre'' when suddenly Karin would get her arm off the canvas ,and break the cover.This action would shock the Brazilian woman was she was so sure this would be it as she started pounding the sand with her fists in frustration and anger.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Karin would lay there breathing heavily, while being damn happy that she could have stayed in that match a bit longer. Suddenly she would notice that something was going down right next to her and she would see the Brazilian woman hitting the sand over and over, making the sand fly through the air. The Japanese woman was pretty happy about that fact that Kaiala was letting her aggression go on the sand and not her face…

Karin would gather her strength to shove herself around and end on her stomach before going up to her hands and knees trying to crawl away from Kaiala before trying to get back up completely.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Kaiala was just so frustrated as she could not understand why this match was not over yet. As she had heard her opponent was most likely going to be one of two wrestlers who would fight to see who could avoid having the loser belt. So if this information was true then how could Karin still be in this match as she should have bin knocked out , and left in the sand as she celebrated her victory by then.

The Brazilian was so anger that she did not even notice that Karin was crawling away from her until the fans started chanting her opponent's names as she turned around to scream ''get back here loser''.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Karin would try to make it back to the ropes using them to get back up into a standing postion. In the next moment she would turn around looking back to her opponent thinking that she had to repay the big woman somehow for that ddt. So Karin would try to speed up run over to her opponent, hopping that her speed would be enough to turn this once more. Karin would try to run right towards her opponent before ducking down and trying to pass her going right for the ropes behind her and jumping into the middle rope using this to send herself flying right towards Kaiala, trying to go for a crossbody taking the big woman down.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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The fact that the fans were chanting the name of her opponent annoyed her even more then the fact she even missed that Karin was crawling away from her. Still neither was something she was happy about as she would get to her feet , and smirk when the loser ran towards her as she would swing her arm in an attempted to knock her down. However she wold swing and miss as Karin would duck under her arm , and then leap onto the ropes behind the Brazilian , and then knock her down with an crossbody.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Karin would feel the impact against her opponent, it wasn´t a easy impact for her as well, because it was pretty painful for the Japanese woman. It was like jumping against a big tree standing in her way. She would moan out quietly, while both fighters would fall downwards into the sand. After getting to the floor Karin would roll over her opponent thanks to the momentum. She would end up on her knees and look over to Kaila. Without wasting time Karin would jump back to her feet picking up more speed again. She would head right for the ropes again using them this time to launch herself back to run even faster to her opponent before jumping upwards going for a senton onto the chest of her opponent, making herself as small as she could. After this Karin would sit next to her opponent on the sand on her butt breathing heavily.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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After blinding going after Karin , and ending up missing when she moved to attack Kaiala left herself wide open as her opponent knocked her down with an crossbody. It was more the shock then the weight of her opponent that caused her to fall as Karin was rather light. till the sand she fell on did little to cushion the landing as she would be unable to get up as the other wrestler ran toward the ropes. From their she would run back as the full weight of Karin would land on her chest as the air was knocked out of her as some of the sand would fly through the air.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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One more hit… that was all it needed. At least Karin thought and hoped that it would only take that much. The small girl would push herself off her butt getting back up slowly. Unluckily for her she also was in a bad condition. The other woman did a real number on her and she was unsure how much longer she could go here, when Kaiala would hit her with more heavy moves. Karin just had to be the one ending this.
She would turn around and start to run over to the next corner, on the way she had to jump right over kaiala. When the small girl reached the corner she would grab the top rope jumping over it to come to the outside of the ring standing on the beach. There she would slowly climb up the turnbuckles to the very top. Up there she would look around for a moment before jumping forwards trying to fly over to her opponent and hit her with a frog splash before going for a cover.

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Re: Kaiala Yaritza (D) vs Karin shin: Throwing big Waves

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Kaiala was holding her stomach after she got hit by her opponent as she had not expected Karin to be that quick.As while she was in pain her opponent was getting to her feet , and then run towards another corner as she wondered what was going on as she expected the other wrestler to go for some kind of splash. So in preparation she would attempt to raise her knees not caring if Karin saw her doing it before leaping off as it would give her an few extra seconds to recover.

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