Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

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Eun could see Rebecca's frustration when she couldn't reach her breast. She kept on teasing her and lowered her upper body abit after the lick. She lowered her breasts just enough so Rebecca could get a little lick on her nipple before pulling back again to tease her some more. Oh, you like my breasts? Eun smiled.

She would completely drop her body to cover Rebecca's face with her breasts. She would still try to keep opponents wrists pinned down on the canvas while simultanesuly smoothering her with her breasts.

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca would whine as she couldnt lick as she felt eun teasing her and it annoyed her as she would squirm more before getting smothered and would moaned opening her mouth and sucked on eun's breasts trying to roll or bridge her body up to off balance the girl ontop of her.

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

Unread post by TheRacker »

Eun let out a soft moan when se felt some licks on her breasts, but this didn't disturb her too much. Rebecca trying to bridge out was a bit more problematic. Eun tried to maintain balance on top of her opponent, but she eventually stumbled off of her.

Eun rolled away, get up on her feet and licked her lips as she looked at Rebecca.

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Rebecca coughed and shook her head trying to regain some air in her lungs as she gets on her feet looking over at Eun panting softly as she had to think of a way to get the advantage ground fight was proving to be bad for her.

"im not losing this..." she said to more to her self

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

Unread post by TheRacker »

Eun smiled to Rebecca and give her few seconds to catch a breath before proceeding with a fight. Although she wasn't sure whether this breathing was because of fight exhaustion or pleasure, she knew one thing for sure: Rebecca will pant out of pleasure at the end of a fight.

Eun slowly walked toward Rebecca with her arms raised, inviting her on a test of strength.

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Re: Hentai debut: Eun Ji vs. Rebecca Watatsumi

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Rebecca looked at Eun as he offered a test of strength as much as she wanted to Rebecca could do that so as they approach she would grab euns panties and yank them down. she was tired but she wasn't going to lose as she tired to shove Eun on her back and eat her out licking the girls sex and clit slowly to work up the girl. she was goign for a gamble as she ate out eun. "im not losing..." she moaned licking inside Euns folds

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