Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Lightweight Action Wrestling Cage match
Rules: Anything is permited
Victory Conditions: To claim victory one has to gain three falls, pinfalls or submissions then climb out of the cage. There is no door so they will have to climb out of the cage. Only when one of the wrestlers feet reaches the floor, after they have claimed three falls will they be able to be declared the winner.


This was a rather interesting match, the match type was a bit weird to tell the truth but Alyssa could at least dig the fact that it was a cage match, it was still suited towards her style. She couldn't help but smile a bit, it seemed as if LAW was more than generous with her, throwing her into a slew of cage matches. Perhaps just to try and make sure she didn't run off for some other deal or contract? Were they that desperate to keep her? Or was it perhaps just a coincidence....wait a minute, maybe they didn't think she could handle normal wrestling matches and she needed the cage? "Tch.." Alyssa licked her tongue in annoyance as she would run through all the possible scenarios in her mind, she shook her head a little bit and then kicked hard against the trash-bin in the locker room, leaving a sizable dent in the metal bin. Her heavy black boots protected her foot so there wasn't any pain form it.

She would step out of the locker room only after she had grabbed her red jacket and pulled it up over her shoulders, a wild grin on her face as she was determined to wreck havoc in tonights cage match. She had heard a fair bit about Asuka, which was that she had at least heard about her. Unlike most of her opponents here in LAW whom had been completely unknown to the wild Brit. To her knowledge Asuka was a lightweight fighter who had been in a good few matches, yet more than that Alyssa didn't know.

The blonde made her way down to the Gorilla position and then waited, when her music started up the British fighter stepped out onto the ramp to a very mixed reaction from the crowd. Walking down the ramp as she rolled her shoulders and took in the sound of the split crow. Already it was clear that she wasn't the favorite, but it looked as if she had at least gotten a handful of fans to follow her, perhaps thanks to her style or attitude? Or maybe simply her prowess when it came to fighting.

Alyssa made her way towards the ring, a grotesque cage hanging above the ring, soon it would descend and everything would be just the way she liked it. The young blonde nodded her head and threw on a wide wild smirk on her face. " Fuck Yeah!" She shouted out and stepped towards the ring sliding up in it and quickly making her way towards her corner where she would lean back against it and look up the ramp, waiting for her opponent of the evening. All ready to rumble!
Last edited by Devastated on Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Asuka, on the other hand, had never fought a match like this before. It didn't intimidate her, and she wasn't feeling any more nervous than usual about things; she was more curious about how it would be different to her usual fights. She stood in front of the giant mirror that spanned almost an entire wall inside the women's locker room, and checked herself over to make sure she'd dressed correctly. She wasn't due to appear for another few minutes, so wasn't in any particular hurry quite yet, taking the time to tighten her boots and adjust her skirt a little and re-style her hair.

By the time Alyssa's entrance music had begun, Asuka was looking as flawless as usual. She packed her things away and closed her locker, then made her way to the changing room door, down the hall to the staircase, and then up the stairs to wait just out of sight at the top of the ramp while Alyssa's theme music died down. Once it did, the lights faded out, then exploded back to life with Asuka's theme playing loudly from the arena's speaker system. The roar from the crowd was still audible over the top of it, of course, it seemed they were quite excited to see the Japanese celebrity appear in the ring again.

The girl appeared at the top of the ramp right on cue with her music, and excitedly bounced down to the ring with a wide, quite smug smile on her face, swinging one hand out to the side to high-five a line of fans, then leapt up onto the apron and vaulted over the top rope. Despite her height, she could still launch herself pretty high into the air, it seemed. She looked over to Alyssa, licked her lips in a pretty taunting manner, and blew her a kiss while maneuvering to her own corner.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Alyssa let out groan from the music choice of her opponent, she couldn't stand this kind of music. She would proceed to click her tongue as she saw the blonde step out onto the ramp and start to bounce her way down, this was going to be her opponent tonight? " Crap...and here I was all excited." Alyssa spoke out to herself as she would step away from the and start to pull off of her jacket slowly.

It wasn't until Asuka did her impressive jump up onto the apron and then vaulted up over the top ropes that Alyssa would raise her right eyebrow, " Hoooo...." The British brute spoke out as she would shrug her shoulders, throwing her red jacket over the ropes only for it to be caught by one of the ring-workers. The slightly bigger blonde would walk forward and place her right hand against her hip, her thumb sliding into her front pocket. That jump had impressed Alyssa enough for the green eyed blonde to actually be a bit excited for this match....though it didn't seem as if she was a real fighter but a wrestler.

Alyssa would get right into the face of the fellow blonde and nod her head to herself, " Hmm, I'll give you a second to reconsider this match and walk off without any bruises. To your face and your ego. I suggest you take the deal girly." Alyssa spoke out as she would nod throw on a wild and wicked grin upon her face as she spoke to Asuka in her brash tone of voice.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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There seemed to be a bit of a size difference between the two wrestlers, even though both girls fit into the restrictions of the Lightweight division. Asuka stood a little over half a foot shorter than Alyssa, while also weighing a little under thirty pounds less than her. While it would seem that Alyssa held the advantage as such, Asuka was an excellent wrestler and very much used to fighting larger opponents by this point in her career.

Regardless of how the statisticians and analyzers and whatnot thought the match was going to go, the size difference meant Alyssa was looking down on Asuka when the two stood toe-to-toe in the center of the ring. She maintained an angry, insulted expression as Alyssa taunted her, but didn't really do a great job of holding it. Right before Alyssa could finish talking, Asuka broke out with the giggles; a wide smile appeared on her face and she rolled her eyes, "Are you being serious? Who are you, again?" she answered smugly, sticking her tongue out for a second and placing her hands on her hips.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Alyssa and Asuka were standing face to face, the slightly taller blonde looking down at her short blonde opponent to keep an eye-line with her. Yet it was rather awkward, it had to be the same for Alyssa, or maybe she was used to looking up at people. She watched until Asuka started to burst out laughing and rolled her eyes like that, the British brute would shake her head as that tongue was stuck out her hand would bring her own hand up to her own hip.

Releasing a soft chuckle as she'd shake her head slightly once more. " Just the toughest bitch around, the one who'll be kicking your midget ass." Alyssa said as she would show a wide grin towards the other blonde. There was then a loud clunk, the cage was starting to descend from the ceiling and in a few moments it had surrounded the ring. " Oops, there goes your chance." Alyssa said as she would then out of nowhere try and throw up a stiff left hook into Asuka's pretty face!

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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After one or two pre-match incidents in the past, Asuka had learned that some girls weren't nearly as friendly as she'd like them to be. Alyssa's stance and tone were big red flags that she was likely one of them, so when her punch came up, Asuka made a quick duck downwards and shifted rapidly to the right to try and give Alyssa's backside a hard slap, teasing "Too slow!". Whether she hit or not, the bell would ring maybe a second or two later, starting the fight in a more official way.

Asuka's first move would be to back off and create some space, not feeling completely confident in her ability to reliably take on Alyssa up close and directly like this. She'd try to circle around the outside of the ring, and bait Alyssa into coming out to meet her. If she did, Asuka would make a quick hop up onto the middle rope and springboard out to kick the bigger blonde in the jaw.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Alyssa was ready for the fight as the cage had been lowered and the match was about to start at any time now. Where Alyssa looked to throw a quick right hook towards the young woman's pretty face, she was instead met with the speedy Asuka ducking in under her swing and instead gave a hardy slap to Alyssa's jeans covered bum. The blonde jumped up a little in surprise at Asuka's teasing slap as she quickly turned around to watch Asuka back up quite far.

The British brute came chasing after the fellow blonde, but when she saw Asuka prepare and springboard off of those ropes, and swing out that leg of hers. Alyssa would show some of her own dexterous dodging ability as she would back up and arch backwards to let the foot of Asuka woosh by in front of her face. As Asuka came down on her feet though, Alyssa would step forward and give Asuka's rear a light and quick kick, it wasn't an overtly forceful kick, it would sting but not much more than that. It was a bit of payback for Asuka's earlier slap on her bum, as Alyssa instead sent a kick to Asuka's rear.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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In Asuka's mind at least, the match was off to a good start. Though she'd have been perfectly happy if Alyssa had turned out to be useless, if only to humiliate her for her trash talk, the British girl looked to be quite competent. Both girls had demonstrated their abilities right away, but neither had gained any sort of advantage from it, revealing that both lightweights were roughly on par.

After her flying kick missed entirely, Asuka quickly shifted herself to allow for a safe landing, preventing herself from slipping up. As she was regaining her balance, Alyssa got back at her with a sharp kick to the backside, getting a loud gasp out of the tiny streamer before spinning on one foot to face Alyssa again, both arms up at her chest and a rather smug smile on her face.

Uncharacteristically, Asuka didn't say anything before her next attack. She moved in toward Alyssa, and threw out a light punch aimed high, expecting the Brit to dodge underneath, and then quickly followed with a knee aimed for Monroe's flat belly.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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Alyssa smirked as she saw Asuka spin around her feet and get those arms up. Both women facing off against one another as blue eyes met green, the blonde would step forward towards the other blonde, noticing that punch coming at her as she would raise her arms and lean backwards to try and avoid the punch. Noticing but a second too late that it was a feint, and having left herself open for the blue clad fighters knee to sink into her abs.

" Gugh!" Alyssa gasped out as her flat stomach was momentarily caved in and she was forced to slump over forward slightly, coughing out as a few drops of spittle left her mouth with that gasp. She placed one hand on her knee and the other would move up to grab at Asuka's waist line.

Looking to yank at Asuka to pull the fellow blonde towards her and attempt to retaliate with a shoulder straight into the other blonde's flat belly.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Asuka Hisashi: LAW Cage Match

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And now Asuka was smirking, and Alyssa hurting. As the referee moved in beside the two lightweights, the smaller wrestler moved to capitalize on her new advantage. She hopped forwards on one foot, the other still up high beside Alyssa's waist, and hooked a slim arm around the Brit's head rather tightly. Intending to quickly fall backwards and DDT the bigger blonde, Asuka hadn't quite expected Alyssa to recover so quickly.

The girl in blue realised her mistake at the last moment, as Alyssa's arm came out and rather tightly squeezed Asuka inwards by the waist, and then a sharp, hard shoulder squashed into her own flat belly, sinking in quite deep. Instead of falling backwards like she'd planned, Asuka found herself quickly hunching forwards, about to lose her balance and drop to one knee, and with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The impressive speed and pace that both lightweights were maintaining was almost throwing the audience off.

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