Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by Devastated »

Continued form here...

Standard Match

Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or Knockout
Rules: Normal
Attire: Standard


Belinda had left for the Gorilla Position after her interaction with Christina, she hadn't thought she would meet with them before the match. Though their little interaction had left her now holding onto a white belt in her hand. One she was looking forward to returning to Christina once the match was done. If she was being honest...the comment and action had bothered her enough that she really wanted to get the chance to return that belt. Though it would also be rather embarrassing if she would lose this match. Taking a rather big gamble here, Belinda decided to take the bet and went along with the play.

Rolling her shoulders a bit as she got ready for her entrance theme to start. She bounced a bit on her feet, pumping herself up as she soon got the all clear. Heading out onto the ramp, Belinda performed her standard entrance, running down the ramp as her music played through the speakers. The crowd cheering as the fan favorite Northman made her way to the squared circle.

She dove in between the ropes and rolled up to her feet, taking a lap around the ring before climbing her turnbuckle! Arms raised as the crowd cheered out once more. Once she had finished off her little routine, the blonde dropped down onto her feet on the mat, turning around as she would choose to tie that white belt to her corner. Nodding her head, as she prepared herself for her upcoming bout.
Last edited by Devastated on Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Christina smiled when she waited for her turn to shine to the stage.

"Here we go! No pressure on me!!" She had talked trash to Belinda not to long ago and was ready to back it up. When her music enterance played she waited for a few seconds for the acoustic to set the beat and right when the beat dropped she came out to the stage wearing a robe with a hoodie on.
Christina would dance around pop and locking to the beat getting some of the audience members to jump up and down to the beat of her enterance song. When she got closer to the steel steps she took off her robe and showed her Phillipines leotard for the crowd to see. She hung the robe to the corner and continued to run around the ring showing off her uncontained excitement after being out the ring for a month. Once her song ended Christina went to her corner doing some light stretches and staring at Belinda with a grin.

"Ya ready to get bent tonight?" She asked waiting for her response.
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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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The blonde remained in her corner, waiting and watching the top of the ramp. She didn't have to wait very long for Christina to appear and make her entrance. Watching as her foe got the crowd going with her dancing. The blonde would nod her head and straighten up a bit as she waited for Christina to get into the squared circle. When the brunette revealed what seemed to be a new attire, Belinda would let out an impressive whistle under her breath. She showed off that Philippines inspired and themed outfit of hers, seemingly showing her pride in her heritage. Much like Belinda did, as the blue and yellow color scheme she had going for her, was representative of her Swedish heritage. Though in Christina's case it seemed a bit more over than Belinda's outfit.

Hearing Christina's words though, Belinda couldn't help but release a slight chuckle and then shake her head in response. " We'll see who ends up getting bent." Belinda joked as she flashed a toothy grin the way of Christina. After the bell rang, Belinda would step out of her corner and make her way towards the center of the squared circle. Raising her arms and gesturing for Christina to join her, as she looked to offer a collar and elbow lock up to the brunette.

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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With Christina coming out of her corner she was on bouncy feet moving around Belinda.

"Oh so you wanna play that game huh? Little clinchy clinch action?" The Filipina woman grinned locking up with Belinda in the center of the ring. With both girls pushing each other Christina was trying to out maneuver her fellow Californian opponent by attempting to move her right foot behind Belinda's foot and try to catch her off guard with an sweep technique hoping to make the back of her opponent hjt the floor hard as Christina would also be falling forward just to add more to the impact of the sweep.


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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Belinda would nod her head at the Filipina's words. " You bet!" Belinda responded to her as they both moved in and began to grapple for control. While Belinda was focused on trying to force Christina backwards and take control over this contest of theirs that way. Christina seemed to have other plans, as she slipped her leg in behind Belinda's legs and then swept it against the back of her ankles.

Throwing Belinda down onto the canvas back first with a loud thud as Christina chose to fall down along with her just to add a bit more power to her sweep! "Guuh!" Belinda grunted out, taken by surprise by the sudden leg sweep.

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Having successfully sweeped her opponent Christina got up clapping her hands before grabbing Belinda's hair.

"Oh yeah! Time to show you what I got!" Pulling the fellow Californian up to her feet Christina would irish whip her to the nearest corner and when her opponent was in position Christina would smile and clap her hands again.

"Take this bitch! Hitmonlee activate!" She would charge at Belinda and try to hit her chest with a jumping high jump kick.

Hopefully she hits otherwise it would be a real shame if she misses...

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Belinda groaned a bit as she laid on her back, arching it slightly off of the canvas. Christina seemed to be looking to rile up the crowd through as she began to clap and got the crowd going. Only for the brunette to grab a hold of Belinda's short blonde hair and start to drag the blonde up towards her feet.

Suddenly Christina grabbed her arm and then sent the blonde running straight to the corner. Belinda managed to turn around at the last second, having her back hit the turnbuckles and releasing a soft grunt as she did.

Though Christina wasn't about to let her rest there though, Belinda heard the loud shout from Christina and then the charge from the Filipino wrestler! Belinda thankfully wasn't hurt enough to just stand there! The blonde waited for the final moment and would then try and duck out of the way. Aiming to have Christina hit the corner instead! Only for Belinda to try and slip in behind her foe and try and wrap her arms around that waist of hers from behind! Looking to lift her up and throw them backwards as she would attempt a quick German Suplex!

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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"Hyaaaghh!" The Filipina woman charged at Belinda with a hi jump kick bit as soon as the Blonde moved away Christina tried to bend her leg so her knee would hit the ring post instead of her shin. Luckily she was wearing her trusty kneepads.

"F*@k!!!!" She cursed under her breath trying to turn to face her opponent but then she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

'Hmmm a hug? Oh this feels nice...WAIT A MINUTE!!' Christina's eyes widened knowing what's gonna happen next. While being lifted in the air she tucked in her head trying to minimize as much damage as she can knowing that she was too late to stop what was happening and with a loud thud she was Suplexed as she grunted laying in position dazed.

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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Heaving Christina up and over as she slammed her down with that suplex of hers! Belinda would release that waist and quickly move up towards her knees, looking over at the downed and dazed Filipino wrestler. She would push up to her feet and try and move towards her foe as she sought to grab a hold of Christina's head by a handful of that brown hair.

Looking to give Christina a bit of payback for that hairpull of hers. She sought to get the brunette up towards her feet, facing the blonde. Where Belinda would try and wrap her arms around Christina's body. Going chest to chest against her busty foe before trying to lift her up and then spin around! Looking to slam Christina down again but this time with a Belly-to-Belly suplex!

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Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Christina Perez

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After being German suplexed by Belinda the Brunette was dazed giving her blonde opponent a chance to set her up with another move.

"H...H...Hey!!! Watch the hair!!" As soon as Belinda grabbed plenty of Christina's long brown hair she immediately began to whine telling her to let go. Before she had the chance to retaliate there bodies became closer as both women were chest to chest and since both women had impressive melons the Filipina couldn't help but blush embarrassingly.

"W...wa...wait I...aaagghhh!" Before she could get a sentence out Christina was brought down with a belly-to-belly suplex.. her legs rose up briefly before going back down.

"Uuuggghhhnnn..." After such an impact Christina was on the floor again looking at imaginary Stars swirling around her head.

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