The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Chris was right in the middle of a training session as she stretched in the middle of the ring. After a brief work out, the American Icon was ready for a fun sparring session with her favorite amazon, Leona Jackson. The blond promised her a fun time in the gym, but was running late. Chris was fine with that, though. She could wait for her friend. That was, until her phone began ringing once again.

It was a text…from Leona. Apparently she was late because of a little dispute at home with Vanessa and their newest resident, Emma. The three had a little fight…well knowing Emma she was probably just trapped between them. Long story short, they had a match of their own and left the stove on. Now they were cleaning up the mess. Nothing big they said, just a little water they said. Hopefully Chris wouldn’t come home to a pile of ruble. Despite the loss of her sparring partner, though, the blond was still ok. She simply climbed up on the turnbuckles, and began to shout at the top of her lungs.

“HEY THERE EVERYBODY! DOES ANYONE WANNA WRESTLE ME!!!~” she would shout before making a sexy pose with her hand behind her head. On top of her pose, Chris was wearing a tight, star spangled sports bra with a super short, american flag shorts, which made her look absolutely stunning.

That should get someone’s attention...

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Angela had taken to retreating to the gym as that was one of the few places where she could find peace...and what she had noticed the last time she came to the gym was that it made for a perfect place to release her aggression....and Angela had a lot of aggression to release. Not pent up though, just pure aggression that was just how Angela worked.

She had just finished a few sets with the bench-press and stepped up off of it, cranking her neck to the side and taking her water-bottle up towards her mouth, taking a deep sip of it and then rising up to her feet. The sounds of people around her weren't fun....but it wasn't something she couldn't least that was before there was a loud shout coming from the sparring ring.

A blonde star-spangled bimbo stood on the ropes and shouted out towards the entire gym. Angela snarled out in frustration and glared up at the woman. That shout was loud and the voice was annoying Angela greatly....and there it was. A chance to release some aggression, stepping up to the ring the black and purple clad woman would slid up into the ring and toss her towel over the ropes. She'd walk up silently towards the center of the ring with her hands on her hips and her generous rack pushed outward.
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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Chris would watch and wait for someone to accept her challenge. She could tell everyone had heard her considering everyone was staring right at her. But soon enough, the blond would be approached by a platinum blond newcomer.

"Oh! Hey there, sugah!" Chris would shout as she jumped off the ropes and down to the mat. The blond would then walk right up to the woman and mirror her stance. With her hands on her hips and her chest puffed out as well, the goddess would press against Angela lightly with a big friendly smile before she spoke again.

"Thanks for the help, stranger! So you wanna go a few rounds with an Icon huh? Well if you're up to the challenge then I'd be glad!" Chris would say before getting into a grappling stance...completely unaware of her opponent's bad mood. "Ready when you's your name by the way?"

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Angela stood in the center of the ring as the heavy accented American stepped up towards the center of the ring as well. She watched Chris Kelly get right up into her face, mimicking her pose as she pushed her generous bust into Angela's. The French had a visible twitch to her eye as she glared at Chris Kelly.

It seemed as if the golden haired blonde was mostly oblivious to the state of Angela despite it mostly being well shown on her face. It seemed as if Chris Kelly was a bit self-absorbed to not notice that. Angela would snarl out a little as the blonde backed up and dropped into her grappling stance. " Oh shut your fucking mouth." Angela let out as she would drop into a wrestling stance.

Moving forward she would try and lock up with Chris Kelly, wasting no time to close the distance between the two of them and attempting to wrap her arms around Chris Kelly's head. Going for a standard collar and elbow tie-up.

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Chris would lock up with the platinum blond and try her luck at over powering the woman. It seemed like her good will towards her opponent was...well...completely one sided. The bitch had quite the mouth, too. Chris was almost certain this fight would get ugly, but she still wanted to partake in it. NO ONE would make her back down from a fight just because they were in a bitchy mood, or just a bitch by nature. So yeah, she'd show this mystery woman what happens when you tangle with a Texan!

"Urk...Maybe I...don't wanna...shut it! Gggrrrrr...So how take a chill pill...and...mmmfff! Calm your tits!" Chris would bark back a bit more angrily than she meant to while trying to force the woman down on one knee. Maybe she could calm things down...

"I'm not be mean...sugah...but if you're gonna...mouth off like a bitch...Den I'll treat ya like a bitch!" Chris would say as she pressed her forehead against Angela's. Clearly she sucked at calming things down...she sucked real bad...

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Every single aspect of this blonde bitch frustrated, annoyed and literally enraged the Platinum blonde French beauty, she grit her teeth as she felt the might of the other woman's toned body press against her. It looked as if this Chris Kelly was no slouch in the strength department at the very least. As both of the women had their forehead's grind against one another, arms shaking a bit from the power that the other person was putting into this lock up.

Yet for the moment Angela wasn't moving at Chris Kelly's powers, and neither was Chris Kelly at Angela's. The French Nightmare took a step forward, pressing her generous bust up against Chris's as she tried to force Chris Kelly backwards, There was an arch to her back, which put her well shaped rear pushing outwards.

The accent, face, attitude and overall manner of the American made Angela want to rip her head off, which was exactly why Angela would twist to the side and quickly try and turn this lock-up into a side-headlock. Looking to catch that pretty head in a nasty vice hold as she'd inadvertedly also push the pretty face of Chris Kelly up against the Platinum Blond's impressive side boobs. Yet she wouldn't let Chris Kelly get used to that position, as with a quick swing around Angela would try and throw Chris down onto her back with her landing on top, trying to catch Chris's arm between her legs and keep wrenching on that head as she aimed to lock in a nasty scarf-hold submission.

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Chris was quickly transitioned into a side headlock by the platinum blond. Her foe was starting to seem familiar as they grappled. Chris had never met the woman, she could tell as her face was pressed against those large breasts. She wouldn't have forgotten a pair like this one. So that ruled out jilted lovers, which would've made sense since this woman was so pissed. As Chris was dragged down then into a scarf hold, though, she started to finally figure it out.

" seem familiar...Ack!...did my...sister sleep with you?" the American Icon would ask as she squirmed in the uncomfortable hold. It was an innocent question, but there was no doubt that her opponent would be furious to be asked that (And Chris would have no clue why). Trying desperately to kick her legs until one could hook around the front of this woman's neck! That way, Chris could attempt to break the hold by tearing the woman off with her leg. And then lock both legs around her neck in a nasty scissor hold. This hold was getting pretty painful, to be honest, so Chris was really banking on this counter succeeding.

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Angela had pulled the blonde woman down into a scarf hold as she started to put a hurting on the woman's head, wrenching tightly on that skull as she would continue to put the hurt on the blonde. Though it looked as if Chris had some odd words to say, something that made the platinum blonde woman choke up for a second, confused and surprised by that question. " W-what?!" Angela gasped out as then as her hold was weakened from the surprise of that question, Chris Kelly's legs came up and snapped around her neck.

The French Beauty would be pulled off of Kelly and down onto the mat, put in a painful scissor hold. " Hnngh!" Angela grunted out as her hands instantly went up towards those lovely thighs of the All-American girl and with it started to quickly try and fight her way out of the hold.

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Chris would smile as she trapped Angela in the headscissor hold. The french woman tried to fight back as she brought her hands to the American's thighs, but she wouldn't have an easy time of it. Chris would make sure of that as she tried to twist her body to the side. That way she could try to get both the of them on their belly's and make escaping a bit more difficult.

Not to forget the fact that she could give the woman a nice view of her ass as she was constricted upon.

"How's the view back there?~" Chris teased before reaching back and spanking her divine ass. The slap making her booty jiggle as the French woman was forced to watch. "Maybe it wasn't my sister...I know I didn't fuck you...I would've remembered that perfectly......Oh! Wait! You wrestle at LAW don't you!? Yes! I knew I remembered you from somewhere!"

It was starting to come back to the blonde. This woman was quite the menace if she was remembering correctly. But right now she was being forced to enjoy a view of Chris's booty. So to the goddess, Angela didn't seem as scary as she was on TV.

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Re: The Worst Replacement EVER: Chris Kelly and Angela Guillot

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Angela winced as she was rolled over onto her front, and her face was only allowed to get a view of Chris Kelly's rear as the lovely blonde even smacked her shapely rear. Causing Angela to growl out in anger and pure annoyance.

As the beautiful woman started to remember where Angela was from, the blond would move her hands from those delicious thighs and place them against the mat, trying to use them to push herself up to her hands and knees, and attempting to rise up to her feet. She was going to deal with this in a pretty impressive manner.

Trying to wrap her arms around Chris Kelly's waist as she would try and rise to a stand. " Go to hell!" Angela shouted out as she would try and drop down onto her knees and attempt to spike the blonde's head with a tombstone piledriver.

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