Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Standard Match
Win by pin fall or submission

'Mom, you're still not ready to take this... we still don't know how badly that beaten you both has done to your body.' Ana would say worried, watching her step-mother pace back and forth backstage like a wild animal ready to rip her prey to pieces. It has been a few months since she was jumped backstage by Sienna Smith... the woman who has been a thorn in her side since their spat on Twitter started.

And yet, the younger woman was able to back up her trash talk by striking when Thereisa was at her worst, beating the woman backstage and humiliating her by leaving her bloody and stripped in the middle of the ring before being forced to be taken to the hospital for X-rays on her neck and head.

She thankfully was able to not miss any time since she forced herself back by threatening the doctors, but the bad blood and revenge has been on her mind since she has become a baby face. And now it is time to make due and get her revenge tonight. 'I don't care, Ana... that bitch is going to pay for leaving me like that... You stay back here and watch yourself, understand.' she says, leaning forward and kissing Ana on the top of the head, before walking out of the room and makes her entrance while her music plays.

She storms out on stage to the roar of the fans cheering her name, soaking it all in as she makes her way down to the ring... sliding inside, she holds her hand out for a mic and starts to speak. 'Tick Tock Sienna... Tonight I put you back in your place, don't expect any mercy from me because you have a debt to pay for this...' before throwing the mic aside and waiting for her opponent to show up.

Last edited by The Riders on Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Sienna was the very definition of a free spirit. She was every bit as volatile, blunt, and scrappy as she was beautiful and toned. When she saw an opportunity to remind the old vet Cyber Widow that her words and actions on LAW Twitter and social media had consequences, Sienna did what a lot of fans wanted her to do.

Smith beat her down.

It was a very public and very one-sided display. Likely, the worst Widow had suffered at LAW to date. When Sienna learned that Widow was still willing to challenge her to an official match despite the fact that she was still healing from those chair shots, Sienna saw yet another chance to humble Theresia before the live crowd!
Sienna Smith
Entrance Music

With the bang of some pyro and her hands and arms up and flexed as if she were playing a crown on her head, a confident Sienna appeared at the top of the entrance ramp! Her theme song started up as she made her appearance! The beautiful, brawny, ebony babe received a huge mixed reaction! Cheers and boos echoed throughout the arena as Sienna Smith hit a confident stride! Her hips swayed as she sashayed her way down toward the ring with a cocky grin on her face!

Her bikini bottoms hugged her tight, toned bum as the cameras followed her down to the ring! Sienna blew kisses to her fans before sliding under the bottom rope and blowing a big kiss at her biggest fan! Her opponent for the night, Cyber Widow! Fans cheered as Sienna kept taunting! She'd beckon the referee to fetch the same mic that Theresia had cast aside to get a word in before their match!

"Ohhh, Widow, honey! Did I Piledrive the last few working brain cells you had left, old girl?! Did you finally go senile?! Hehehe" Smith would laugh.

"Don't worry! After I retire you tonight, you won't be able to start fights that you can't finish, no mo'!" Sienna would finish up. The crowd would react with collective "ohhhh's'" and gasps as the dominant diva handed the microphone off to the official and took her place in her corner. Sienna would run her fingers through her hair and eye Widow confidently! With the way she spoke and the way she carried herself, it was clear that the ebony babe thought she had this match against a hurting Widow in the bag!

When the ref finally called for the bell, Sienna would look to get an abrupt and strong start by taking initiative and charging at Widow full-tilt to try and Spear the old vet into her corner and control the match from the onset! If Sienna managed to tackle Widow into her corner, she'd follow up with repeated Shoulder Thrusts to the older gal's core! A good half dozen of them for good measure!
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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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If looks could kill... Sienna would have been dead as many times over from the harsh look Thereisa is giving the cocky younger woman. The nerve after bragging about that attack she did against her backstage and leaving her bloody in the middle of the ring, but tonight is time for payback and no matter what happens she is going to get her pound of flesh from Sienna one way or another.

Even if still nursing wounds and dealing with an injured leg will not stop her on taking this match up and giving out the beating she wanted to give, but more or less wanting to do something that her friend/rival hasn’t done when dealing with the tanned woman and that is shut Sienna up for good.

‘You say all this talk about retiring people... But just like what happened with Alaina... You didn’t even do it, so what makes you think you can do the same to me? You tanned “UUH!” she cries out.

As her opponent quickly started the match off at a fast pace by slamming her shoulder right into her mid-section, as her back slams into the corner turnbuckle and takes repeated blows to the stomach driving the air out of her body.

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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Theresia could talk a big game and when push came to shove, when she needed to have a great match and overcome a great opponent, she had proven many times over throughout her storied career that she could pull it off when she needed to. The old vet was grizzled. Mean. But tonight, she misstepped.

"C'mere!" Smith would roar as she thrust her shoulder into Theresia's and over and over again! With each thrust, the bikini-clad bombshell grunted with effort!

"And I'll show ya!"

"What I'll do it to you!"

"You old, heifer!"

Widow was quite the force, but even from the onset of the match, just seconds after the bell, Sienna was able to capitalize on the mature woman's injuries, many of which, Sienna inflicted upon Widow herself in their last encounter!

After working Widow over to the point of the referee trying to separate them, Smith would take a step back. Sienna raised her hands to act like she was intent on breaking contact just like the striped shirt girl asked her to. And the second the referee got out of the way, Smith would dash up to Theresia and step onto the middle rope with her left foot so that she could step up and drive her right knee right into the brunette's jaw with a Running Knee Lift in the corner! If it connected, Sienna would spread her arms and pose to gloat in front of the live crowd! They would meet her cocky gesture with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos! And Sienna would reach for Theresia's hair to try and follow up!

"How's that neck of yours, honey?! I see you want Sienna to give you another "adjustment"!" Smith would say as she looked to follow up by grabbing a handful of her foe's hair!

Sienna referenced their last encounter where she left Widow laying in a bloody heap by viciously targeting her head and neck with her Piledriver finisher and a steel chair! If Sienna got her way, she'd keep her momentum going by making good on her words and targeting those same areas! The beautiful and dangerous diva would look to grab a handful of Widow's hair and descend from the corner! Sienna would look to use her momentum to run Theresia out of the corner and towards the center of the ring before bringing her down with a Running Bulldog!
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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Each shoulder thrust to the stomach forces Thereisa's body to jerk and bend forward. Pained grunts leave her lips as her younger opponent is starting to take it to her while she is trapped in the corner.

It was so bad to the point that the ref had to step in and force Sienna to step back and give her some breathing room to catch her breath since she had been stunned since the opening bell was rung.

Just when it seemed that she was going to recover a bit from the early onslaught, Sienna proved her wrong as the woman waited till the ref moved out of the way to attack. 'AAHHHH' Thereisa would cry out due to her head snapping up from taking a knee to the chin from her opponent.

The move causes her to slump a bit in the corner, clutching her chin with her hands as the crowd is stunned and silent since they figured that the older woman would come in and dominate her younger opponent, but the opposite is happening as Sienna is rolling with no signs of stopping as Thereisa is stunned and reeling right now.

"UUUGHHHH... Fuck you bitch..."
Thereisa would grunt out as her hair is grabbed. groaning and glaring at the younger woman as she is unable to stop whatever she had planned... before being slammed face first to the canvas with a bulldog in the middle of the ring. She holds her face as she curls up... her feet kicking the canvas as she is being dominated by Sienna and hasn't gotten any offense in at all. 

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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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The crowd roared as Sienna took firm control of the match from the onset! Sienna had come in hard and fast. Widow wanted this match, she wanted a piece of the dominant black babe and Sienna was gonna give it to her! The sound that echoed out when Smith's step-up knee in the corner connected made fans in the front row cover their mouths with concern! After connecting with this blow, Smith continued shrugging off the referee's warnings. Despite having Widow in a heap in the corner, Sienna was bent on sinking her teeth deeper into the older wrestler! And she wasn't going to risk a disqualification to do it! Sienna pulled Thereisa from the corner by running her towards the center of the ring and bringing her down hard on her head and neck with a Bulldog!

Despite Sienna going on a small tear of offense early on in this match, though, Neidermeyer was a tough old vet. She continued cursing Sienna's name even as she was reduced to curling up on the canvas for defense! Sienna would grab the woman by her foot and roll Widow onto her back.

"Oh, honey, let's see if you're still singing the same song when I'm done working your old, shoulda-been-retired behind! I heard this leg of yours is no good, too. And yet you still wanna wrestle?! Sienna's gonna tune you up real good for that! " Sienna would boast before she jumped up and extended her elbow to come down onto Widow's inner thigh and knee with an Elbow Drop! If Sienna managed to connect with it, she'd keep a firm grip on Widow's foot as she got up to attempt another Elbow Drop to the inner thigh! And then another!

Fans would look on with mixed reactions of cheers and concern as the dominant diva worked over her older foe! If Sienna managed to maintain control, she'd stand up one more time after all the Elbow Drops and look to turn Thereisa onto her back and into a Single Leg Crab hold! Sienna would reach back with her free hand and grab hold of the brunette's chin to add a Chin Pull to make it a combination hold to target Widow's leg and neck, both of her weakened and possibly injured areas coming into this match!
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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Stunned at the early offense from her opponent, who is starting to take the fight to her. As her injuries are starting to give her problems especially her leg which is still wrapped and tapped up, but for Sienna that is just like putting a massive target for her to go after... which she does by grabbing her leg and slamming her elbow into her knee and inner thigh.

'AAARRRUUGGGG' Thereisa cries out. Feeling the muscles in her limb start to throb in agony from the move before much to the concern of the fans, the other woman would drop more elbow drops to the same limb repeatedly almost as if she is trying to cripple the older woman and putting her on the retirement home for good due to how brutal she is going after her.

Unable to free her leg or land anything to create some distance between herself and her opponent... Thereisa is forced to turn onto her stomach, and her already damaged limb is placed in a crab hold forcing more pressure and bend on the limb that is almost about to reach a breaking point at the moment. 'UUUUGHHHHH' another pained scream is heard coming from the older woman.

As her opponent reaches back and grabs at her chin and starts to yank it back targeting both her neck and leg with a double move that just adds more pain to her body, but due to Sienna hard yank on her chin and leg... the fans can clearly see that Thereisa leg is touching the back of her head due to the double hold she is trapped in by the other woman much to the shock o the crowd since they never figured that Thereisa would be beaten this badly.

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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereisa was known to be one tough woman. She had paid her dues and etched her name in wrestling history. No one could have imagined that she'd be getting dominated in a match like she was now! And yet, to the shock of everyone in the arena and everyone watching at home, Neidermeyer was getting systematically dismantled by Sienna, move by move in the middle of a LAW ring! In an official competition, no less! From the moment the bell rang, it was all Sienna! And things were poised to stay that way for quite possibly the entire match!

"Where's that mouth of yours now, Thereisa!? Where's all that revenge you had on the mind?! Cause all I'm seeing is that you were pretty flexible when you were my age!" Smith would boast as she applied more and more pressure to the hold, bringing the sole of Widow's trapped leg down hard onto the back of her head over and over again as she spoke!

The stars had, of course, aligned for all of this to happen. As Sienna continued working Thereisa over, the commentators at ringside went over the fact that Neidermeyer had suffered an attack backstage at the hands of Sienna. Recent events saw the booking of this match time up with Theresa's ongoing recovery from a neck injury and a leg injury, two weak points that Sienna was not above targeting, especially given the bad blood between them. Furthermore, Thereisa had her pride to blame as the reason she was even seeing this match through! The mature woman chose not to sit this one out despite the complaints of her daughter and those close to her. And finally, Sienna herself was absolutely no slouch! The black bombshell of a woman was everything you could hope for in a rising star at LAW! Sienna was beautiful, capable, and strong! She had a confident and charismatic aura about her as she looked to secure her 8th career win at LAW here!

As the commentators recapped these details, the referee would look to get in closer! The striped shirt girl would drop down to both knees and gesture to Thereisa before asking her if she wanted to submit here and now. Even in a bind this bad, no one would anticipate a verbal submission or a tap out here. And yet, the moment Thereisa tried to form words, Smith would cover her mouth to stifle any attempt at a submission finish here!

"Uh Uh Uh! No, she's not done yet! Because I said she's not done yet!" Smith would declare in an authoritative and cocky tone before she finally abandoned the hold! Sienna would slide her hand down Theresa's mouth and grab hold of her rival's chin! Sienna would look to pull the older woman up off the canvas and stand her up so that she could turn Widow towards the far corner of the ring and set her up for an Irish Whip!

"Grah!" Sienna would grunt with audience effort! If she managed to maintain control of her foe, Smith would look to hurl Thereisa towards the far corner of the ring and force a collision between Widow's back and the turnbuckles! Sienna would dash at nearly the same time that she tried to send Widow running and she'd attempt to ensure that Thereisa wouldn't be leaving that corner by following up by diving at her with a huge Stinger Splash in the corner! Should the Splash connect, Sienna would look to keep her rally going by grabbing Thereisa by the arm and shoulder to send her across the ring to the opposite corner and chase her down to follow up won't yet another Stinger Splash!

If all went according to plan and Sienna remained uncontested, then this time, the dominant diva would look to follow up by embracing the bigger gal and hurling her overhead and towards the center of the ring by capping things off with a Belly to Belly Suplex!
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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Thereisa was able to feel her feet touching the back of her head. That is how far she is being bent by her younger opponent. The pain was getting too much and as much as she hated surrendering to a submission, the pain in her back was just too great to overcome and she knew it... Sienna knew it as well and even everyone in the crowd and at home watching knew that this match was over when she said she had enough.

But before she could utter those words... Sienna covered her mouth with her hand to stop her from saying she submit forcing her to endure more agony and pain to the point her eyes start to roll up in her head, but before the graces of passing out from the pain can happen to the older woman, the cocky Sienna would let go of the hold and lift her to her feet by her chin of all things.

'GUUUHHH' Thereisa would groan out. As her back slams into the corner turnbuckle forcing her to slump a bit, before her opponent body crashes into hers driving the air out of her body and making her knees buckle from trying to keep her frame up... before being whipped again into the other corner and given the same treatment as her body is struggling to keep her going and her chances of winning the match are starting to fade as fast as her strength is leaving her.

Slumping forward and her knees touching the mat the older woman would be putty in the other woman arms as to the shock of the crowd... Sienna is able to lift her over head and toss her across the ring with a suplex that forces her to cry out 'AAAAHHHH' as she rolls onto her side her feet kicking the canvas as Thereisa can't get nothing going and doing something that never been done in her career, she tries to crawl away and make some distance between herself and the younger woman.

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Re: Beaten Pride: Sienna Smith vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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No one had ever seen Thereisa reduced to such a state in her career here at LAW. Only someone as confident and cocky as Sienna could roll with this and revel in this dominance with a clear conscience! Thereisa had come down to the ring tonight to compete despite her better judgment, despite the fact that she was very far from being 100 percent. Smith was more than happy to continue making her pay for that big mistake!

"You talked such a big game, girl!" Sienna boasted. She planted her bare boot down harshly onto Widow's back in an effort to floor the brunette and end her feeble attempt at putting distance between them!

"But now look at you! You should be thanking me for putting you out of your misery!"
Sienna would lift her foot up off of Thereisa and run for the ropes! The bodacious beauty would pick up speed and bring her back to the ropes as she looked to dash toward a fallen Thereisa! Sienna would look to catch Thereisa while she was up on all fours and jump up to plant the battered older gal into the canvas headfirst with a vicious Curb Stomp!

If Sienna's offense went uncontested, she'd kneel down and grab Thereisa by the hair, forcing the girl's head off the mat to let the cameras get a good closeup on the two of them! The highlights from this match would be remembered for years to come! And one of them would be Sienna posing with a V for Victory gesture while holding a fallen and beaten Thereisa by the hair!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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