o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Bikini Mode Image
"This match is set for one fall with a 20 minute time limit. Making her way to the ring, at 5'6 and 130 pounds. Hailing from the page of your favorite Manga, here is Katrina Kelley!"
Katrina's theme hit as she stepped out in a black two piece bikini, one that was even more revealing then her sister as it showed off more side and underboob. She dressed like her older sister as well as she had a light blue sweater tied around her waist. She wore her contact lenses that made her looks like she had all blue orbs/no pupils for eyes and her hair which was usually in a ponytail was down, showing off her all blue hair with the white streak down the front of one side of her face. She grinned and winked at the crowd as she brought a chocolate pocky up to her lips before running towards the ring with her hands stretched out behind her in a ninja dash, but her hands did stick out enough to slap hands with some of her fans as she made it to the ring. She then finished her pocky as she hopped up to the apron to grip the top rope as she then hurled herself into the ring to go into a roll that ended in a three point stance before standing back up. Hopping up and down in the ring as she gave a lovely display of jiggle physics to the crowd as she warmed herself up as she looked towards the entrance ramp waiting for her next match as this would be her second mixed match in LAW, curious as she didn't receive any information or details about her opponent.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Jun 03, 2022 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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"Now making his way to the ring, at 5"5' and 133 pounds. Hailing from the LAW Magazine writers' offices, here is Alvin Simpson!"
Entrance Theme
As usual, Alvin Simpson was very nervous about his upcoming bout. He wasn't the best wrestler. He had only been in one match prior and was already being called a joke of a jobber! His simping tendencies certainly didn't help last time, but Alvin was far from the hope of ever overcoming them. But despite the results of his debut match screaming he should give up on wrestling, and only focus on writing, Alvin soon would find himself in a ring yet again! His entrance theme played, as the Simping Writer nervously walked down to the ring. He tried not to focus on the mocking laughter, vocalized by those who had seen his prior bout.

Instead, when he got into the ring, he focused on the bombshell of an opponent before him. She had mostly deep ocean-blue hair, complimented by a single, sliver area of it. She had Neptune-blue eyes, rosy-red lips, and quite busty boobs for her size. Those hips didn't lie either. Oh no. How long had Alvin been starting for? In an effort to get his head together, he slapped both his cheeks at once, before addressing Katrina. "Y-You sure are pr-pretty." Alvin stammered. "B-But I'm gonna take you out-I MEAN DOWN. Yes, down."
Alvin Simpson

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Katrina listened to the crowd laughing at the guy as she had a genuine look of concern on her face. Though she did smirk in interest of hearing that they were a magazine writer, maybe this match could help her out and make her become a little well known. She then noticed when he entered in the ring, his struggle to compose himself as she blushed a little bit, she gave him a Eastern bow as he complimented her, but then heard his taunt as she grinned at him. "I'm not so sure about that, but I wish you luck and a good match. She mentioned as she nodded at the ref that she was ready to begin as she got into a ready stance. When the bell would ring she would look to lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up with Alvin to start things off.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Seeing Alvin's already flustered state caused Katrina to blush. The Simping Writer's face was already bright red, but seeing that made his blush even deeper. Thankfully, Katrina's professional bow somewhat eased up the awkwardness of the situation. At least the bluenette seemed genuinely nice. His last opponent had only pretended to be nice, to lower his guard even more and mess with him maliciously. "G-Good luck to you to." Alvin replied, though Katrina would likely not be needing luck to best him. And then the bell rang, meaning the match was on. Out of respect, Alvin engaged in Katrina's grappling, despite not being very strong. Mr. Simpson tried his best to push against Katrina. But if the sexy girl would being to outmuscle him, Alvin would have to try something else!

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Katrina let out grunts of effort as she pushed against Alvin, being more of a acrobat and less of a powerhouse, it wasn't easy, but Katrina's grip on Alvin slipped to where both of her arms were over top of his arms pushing against his shoulders as she as she pushed enough to make him take a single step backwards as her goal was to try to shove him to the cornner.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Thankfully, it didn't seem Katrina was the strongest wrestler either, as the girl couldn't immediately muscle Alvin away. Could this be it? Could Alvin actually go toe-to-toe with Katrina in this match, or was that simply wishful thinking? As the blue-haired bombshell pushed against Alvin's shoulders, the Simper Writer was forced to take a single step back. Not good. Not wanting to risk eventually being overpowered, Alvin broke the lock-up. He then went behind Katrina, aiming to maneuver his noodle arms around the woman's waist. Mr. Simpson was going for a reverse bearhug!

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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As Katrina continued to push, she was surprised that Alvin broke away from the lock-up, causing her arms to swipe the air in front of her as she suddenly felt scrawny arms wrap around her from behind, pulling her back against her opponent as her rear pressed into his lap and her back pressed against his chest as she gasped out in surprise, swiping her hands to pull some of her hair behind both ears as she looked down at Alvin's grip.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Okay, so things hadn't gone terribly just yet. Katrina was surprised by Alvin's bearhug, so that was something. However, surprised seemed to be the most the simp was going to get outta the move, as despite his best efforts, he was unable to squeeze Katrina very hard. It was no wonder folks wondered why Alvin continued wrestling. To make matters worse, the hopeless simp was beginning to get distracted by the feeling of Katrina's bum pressed onto his lap. He quickly blushed and got flustered, letting go and taking two steps back. "I...I ummmm." He stammered, too embarrassed to even form a sentence.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Katrina let out a relieved gasp as Alvin released the bearhug. However Katrina didn't want to hear what he had to say as she had a match to win. As soon as she was released, she gritted her teeth as she twisted herself sideways as she then leapt up, extended her body out horizontally as she twirled around to swing her foot up to try to connect against the back of Alvin's head in an attempted Enziguiri.

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Re: o/Simping Irresistable!o/: Alvin Simpson vs Katrina Kelley

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Surely enough, Alvin's indecisiveness would end up costing him dearly. Unlike the Simping Writer, Katrina had remained focused. And after being freed from the male's bearhug, the bluenette successfully hit Alvin with an Enziguiri! "UGGH!" Alvin cried, as he was swiftly smacked down by the professional wrestling strike. Katrina certainly had some good legs on her. And said legs would leave Alvin laying down in a stunned state, having been knocked clean on the canvas!

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