Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Hardcore Match
Win Conditions: Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission with no other rules applying

"So, what I'm dealing with this time, Runt?"

"Um... a wrestler call... Fi-nel-la?"


"I think she's a hardcore person..."

"... ... ..." Goddammit Nanana. Still bitter about the damn Gekokujo challenge, Nanase still refused to do anything involving Himeko save for her required bodyguard duties. And unfortunately gathering intel and background information on Himeko's opponents were some of those side jobs the Princess had her do. She was still outside Himeko's dressing door, still guarding the entrance and would let Himeko know when it was time to leave, but she refused to come in and help her get ready. Reiko was doing that in her stead and for the girl's rowdier and wilder nature as a fighter, Maizono Reiko was still the daughter of textile workers and had a lot of experience dressing a person. And as the assisting seamstress of Himeko's outfit it took little effort for her to get the Princess fully ready. She even did Himeko's hair the way she liked it. But aside from that... yeah, Reiko was pretty useless at gather intel. The most Himeko knew of this Finella chick was that her sister was some superstar or whatever, but that was it.

"Tch. Fine, hardcore match against a hardcore wrestler. Works for me."

"You got this, Ane-san!"

"Yup," Himeko gave one last double-checked of herself in the mirror, satisfied with the look before she headed out the door with Reiko behind her.

"From Tokyo, Japan! Weighing in at 53 kilograms and measuring at 153 centimeters! The General of Senso no Hana! Kooooouuu! Himeeee!"

And to the beat of her them Himeko came out, Nanase and Reiko behind her in uniform. The crowd's reaction of a collective gasp followed by a murmur of whispers and piqued interest. All the while Himeko fought the urge to roll her eyes, maintaining a neutral if annoyed expression before Nanase tapped her shoulder.

"Oh stop, this is what you wanted, remember?" Nanase said. "We have to show up in force and be a proper unit. Making Rei-chan do all the work isn't fair to her."

Woulda' been nice if you were in the dressing room to help for that. She thought bitterly, picking up the pace down the ramp.

As she got to the edge of the ring she quickly hopped in. No fanfare or theatrics given. It wasn't her and she sure as hell wasn't going to play make-believe with the onlookers. No, she simply moved to her corner with calm and confident steps, leaning against the turnbuckle as she waited for her opponent.

"Good luck, Ane-san!"

"Yeah, yeah..."


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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Finella was standing backstage, a sixpack of beer in one, a metallic baseballbat in the other. Tonight she finally could use it. She had seen it in a shop in downtown Tokyo with her trusting bandmate and tagpartner Chris Yukine and bought it on the spot. Now the baby was ready for some action. If the bitch was friendly she just got some bruises, if the bitch was well...a bitch, some shattered kneecabs and dislocated disks in the spine would clearly send the right message. But she was'nt standing, oh no, she was sitting on her trusting 1980 Harley-Davidson FXWG Wide Glide, ready to come in and when her theme started to play the Hellraiser knew it was time to get this party started!
The girl:
The Theme:
The ride:
With Motörhead, her favourite band, greeting her she drove out onto the ramp, throwing devilhorns into the air, letting the motor howl as the Hellraiser was greeted with a mix of boos and cheers. Finella definetly was a fanfavourite, but her hard, brutal and relentless, sometimes cheating style did'nt fair well with the regular fans and so the bigger reaction she got was boos, insults and stuff thrown at her, all of it the Hellraiser took with a big grin, looking up to the ring, seeing Himeko standing there, unimpressed. A japanese wrestler again, huh? Well, they tended to be a little arrogant just because they were in Japan, believing that they own the place. But Finella was intent to showing this young woman that the western wrestlers had their place here too, after all, Austria and especially Styria, the place she and Harmonia came from, had some history in professional wrestling with many legends starting their career with the legendary "Big Otto" Wanz, Austrias most famous wrestler whom Finella had the honor to meet before he had passed.

She was not afraid, Finella knew that her chances were as good was Himekos were, so she stopped her bike, getting off and climbing the apron, taking her sixpack of her favourite austrian beer with her and slipped through the middleropes, her theme blasting through the arena as she grabbed one of the bottles, climbed the turnbuckles and raised her arms.

Hellraiser, in the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, and I'll make it come true
Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you!

The raspy voice of the late Lemmy Kilmister started to fade as Finella looked at the crowd.
"HELLOOOO BASTEEEEERDS!", she screamed getting cheers and boos alike.
Suddenly the cheers an excitement got louder.


Suddenly the whole arena was into it, the Hellraiser knowing how to capture her audience as she opened her bottle with the toprope and took a big swig, some of it running down the corners of her mouth ,making her tight top wet, getting more cheers in the process. She drank out in one big gulp and threw the bottle away before turning around, jumping down and walk to the middle of the ring to meet with her opponent. "Heyoooo!", she said and waved at her as they came to an halt. "Oh, did'nt they tell you? No socks, no shoes, no service.", Finella joked while looking down at Himekos feet only to adress the girl directly again."So, you are a Yoshi Wrestler, are'nt you? Well, always wanted to raise some hell at you girls. You seem to be challenge enough!", she grinned and crossed her arms before her impressive chest, staring into Himekos eyes.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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"... ..."

Reiko had said that LAW wrestlers could have some pretty flashy entrances. Marching in with a flag raised above them to the beat of their theme, having a bunch of a pyrotechnics go off during their entrance, throwing out an actual smoke bomb for effect, and even being carried to the ring on a damn palanquin. For Himeko's part she didn't care for the theatrics, and aside from doing whatever Reiko and Nanase wanted to do with their intros the Princess didn't see a need to work that hard to just walk into a ring. Himeko knew others could and would be flashy about that shit, but... actually seeing it, actually witnessing a loud-ass European on a motorbike riding down the ramp indoors like it was a fucking bike show before chugging down beer like it was a weekend night at the red light district? Yeah, the difference between viewing a match on a screen and seeing it was a mile-long chasm. Himeko's face was stone as the woman came into the ring, her mind scanning the woman as she came into the ring with bat in hand. Ah shit, I forgot my shinai. Not that Himeko was afraid of a weapon, nor was she unfamiliar with fighting unarmed against a weapon user, but... a disadvantage was a disadvantage.

But as the chick got into the ring with she finally opened her damn mouth toward Himeko. "Tsk," If there was any solace, it was at least a different jab at the Princess than what she was use to. A snipe at her outfit was definitely new, not the typical trash talk she was use to hearing, but it didn't make the sharp scowl on her face vanish. Shit, I can still smell the booze off her. She knew the hardcore division, especially the lightweight hardcore division, had its share of wild and violent folks, but... this was a different beast. Igarashi Chika this sure as shit wasn't.

"Whatever," Himeko only rolled her eyes in response, crossing her arms along her chest. Okay, drunkard biker chick. Pretty sure I deal with this every other month at my dad's gyms. "Yeah, I'm not a wrestler, booze-for-brains." Himeko stated. moving a hand behind her back. "I'm a fighter. But I guess I can give you a knocks so you know the difference." From behind her back, she shot Nanase a hand signal. Her shinai was still in her locker room and it'd be best to have that thing on hand as soon as possible just in case. And while Himeko's eyes didn't stray from Finella's face she could caught a glimpse of Nanase's red silhouette leaving ringside. Alright then... Her eyes narrowed at Finella. "So... Vanilla or whatever. You gonna' just stand there or did you need a few shots to head to knock the shots out of your liver?"

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Finella listened to what her opponent had to say and with each word her grin got bigger and her eyes started to gleam. Of course Finella was an ordinary human with a yellow lense in her right eye but still, her gaze, which she dubbed "Hellraiser Stare" was something that made many of her opponents sweat. She wanted to see how Himeko would react but she knew that she had a "tough one" as opponent, that much was for sure. This was one of this boring "no nonsense, I am a fighter" kind of gals.

Finella sighed and yawned, stretching out her arms and putting the baseballbat in a corner. "How boring.", she said and grabbed her shoulder before swinging her arm around, her breasts jiggling with each motion as she went to the middle of the ring again, facing Himeko eye to eye now, their foreheads almost touching. "So, you are a fighter are you? That is good. Because I am a brawler. And no need to knock the shots out of me babe,only had one beer today but intend to have these empty before I leave this ring, your blood all over me, you understand?", she smiled and shoved her before raising her fists, cracking them. "You are maybe boring but at least it will be fun to put you down.", the Hellraiser said and got into position, her arms raised, her fists tight.


The bell rang and Finella immediatly sought close combat as she quickly approached Himeko to swing her fist right into her chin, starting things with a big haymaker, if the move connected Finella would follow up her onslaught with a sharp knee to her opponents midsection!

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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The two stared at each other for what felt like a few minutes. Himeko's expression souring to annoyance as she met Finella's eyes. Like damn mutt trying to look tall. Himeko resisted rolling her eyes, simply giving Finella a neutral expression as her eyes glanced over at the ramp and entrance. Still no Nanase, so she was either taking her time finding Himeko shinai or got held up. "Hm," Himeko's mind focused on the fight ahead. All she knew with this chick was that this opponent was a hardcore fighter. That could mean just about anything given the rules of this match, and she didn't have any intel to help otherwise. It'd be an honest fight for the first portion of it anyway, at least for Himeko. But soon the woman spoke again, and the Princess's frown would turn to an outright scowl as Finella got closer and closer.

Another damn loudmouth... How many was this now? She only had that asshole Akari to her memory, but so many recent lightweights had a mouth nowadays it was hard to keep up. But... the woman's last bit of retort gained the Princess's ire, especially the shove that followed as she staggered back a step, the crowd buzzing with intrigue at the event. "Tch," Himeko's eyes narrowed, her scowl sharpening. "What, you get drunk off blood?" She shot back, rolling her shoulder. "Fine then. Don't whine when I leave you with a hangover from the beating you get."

The bell then rang, and the fight was on.

Finella came out swinging, throwing out a wide haymaker right for Himeko's face and jaw. A strong move to start out... but a pretty damn telegraphed one. And with easy, Himeko ducked right under it, her already shorter height making it an simple effort. "Pathetic," It was all she said before reaching down to try grabbing Finella's thigh and pull the limb off balance for a hard slam and takedown to the mat.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Finella knew of course that her sudden attack against an experienced Martial Artist would maybe not end to well, but what Himeko did'nt knew was that this was all but a distraction by the Hellraiser who maybe was'nt known for her planning or her elaborate inring strategies but Finella was a seasoned wrestler, doing matches since she was sixteen. She was hardly a pushover and she hoped that the princess would acknowledge, especially given the lukewarm reception she got by the rather cold woman.

So Finellas haymaker missed its mark, that was dissapointing, but no problem, what caused a problem was Himeko grabbing for her thigh, trying to get her down onto the canvas, but Finella still had one arm left that she could use and when she stumbled her left hand grabbed for Himekos head , getting hold of it and with the momentum of tumbling and falling backwards, the austrian brawler sent a hard knee into the face of her japanese opponent, pulling on her head with her left arm and sending her straight into her kneecab while going down on the canvas.

Finella landed rather unpleasantly but the Hellraiser was tough so even if it hurt a little, it did'nt really stun her that long . Everyone who saw Finellas matches, saw the small scars scathered all over body and saw the raw energy of a wild animal that she possessed, knew why she had been called "Hellraiser" in the Underground Circuit. A name she kept, as it embodied everything she was.

If the attack had went through, she would rise to her feet and then jump on Himeko to go on "raising hell" on her opponent...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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And like that, Himeko avoided a sloppy punch without much effort. From there it was a quick motion to grabbing Finella's leg and starting the takedown. From there it'd be a serious grounded assault on the mats, the place the Steel Princess shined the brightest and the perfect way to show this brawler the difference between a messy street fight and a real battle withou-

"Nga-!" Well, that was the idea, but Finella was more tenacious than she thought. Like a stubborn mule, Finella latched onto Himeko, grabbing her by the face as she fell. Himeko expected this to be some desperate ploy to take her down too, to try and keep things even (as stupid as that concept was). And as such Himeko braced herself, refusing to follow gravity's law and staying up in her crouched position.

"Gra!" And immediately took a hard knee to the face for deny physic's its due diligence. it Finella wasn't interested in a ground battle, only giving HImeko a painful retort with her knee before falling back in a heap. Fucking little-! Himeko gritted her teeth, a short hiss of pain leaving her as her body gave a single shiver. Despite the pain, she maintained her stance as Finella went down. Oh, that knee hurt like a bitch alright. The throbbing around her nose and cheek forced her back into focus. And it was just enough shock to get Finella back on her feet.

Himeko would have to fix that. She went low again. Real low. Practically sliding along the ground and reaching to snatch up Finella by the ankle and spin her body back to force her to slam onto the mat again back first. This time, it'd be with way more malice than a simple takedown.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Finella landed on the canvas rather hard but at least she had managed to get the first blow in this match through as her knee shot into Himekos face, crashing into her face like a sledgehammer. Finella grinned as she heard the the satisfying "Thud!" of her knee in the japanese face, feeling the bones of her face shaking under the impact.

The Hellraiser landed on the canvas and was rubbed her knee. She was tough but not indestructable. But a sore knee would'nt hold her for long as the wolf was about to strike again, jumping to her feet and work on this little bitchface a little more.

Only that she could'nt as Himeko, to Finellas surprise had bitten through the pain and grabbed her by the ankle. Finella was standing for like a millisecond before being brought down again, much, much harder this time, the hand of Himeko still around her ankle. "Ouch, hey Yoshi, I am delicate you know! Treat me like the lady I am!", the Wolf complained.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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Going in low and striking right at the ankles, Himeko slammed Finella down hard with vengeance and fury. The hard sound of the drop got a wince and pop from the crowd, a sound Himeko's didn't give acknowledgement towards as she took in the reaction of her opponent and her shocked, pained expression. It did a little to knock the wind out of the woman's sails, but not enough to stop her from mouthing off. And the retort only had the Princess huff in annoyance.

"Delicate?" She said with a scoff. "From the chick that downed a can before a fight talked herself to hell and back? Yeah, sure." Still, with them on the ground like this Himeko was in her element, and Finella was going to quickly learn that. Quickly, her hand still gripping Finella's ankle, she shifted her body around the woman's leg, wrapping her around her thigh and arms around her ankle, moving to set up a quick and painful kneebar to really put the pressure on Finella.

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Re: Hell-Forged Battle (Himeko vs. Finella)

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"Hey, hey wait what are y-aaaaugh!", the Hellraiser yelped as the martial artist wrapped herself around her leg and performed a kneebar. Finella was a brutal brawler, she did'nt had the finesse of the likes of Himeko and her knowledge in submission holds went down to the basics like sleeperholds,bearhugs , figure fours and the like. She loved to work with her fists tough. Punching until her opponent was nothing but a stain on the floor. Finella rarely showed respect to anyone, even if that particulary someones skills were matching or even outdoing hers. She just did'nt care. For Finella, everyone would falter under the teeth and claws of the demon called Hellraiser be it with her fists or with her tongue.

This one here did'nt seem to enjoy the tongue stuff so Finella had to settle for a good old beating which was ok too, but the next one definetly had to be something steamier to weigh the brutality of this match out. But now was'nt the time to think of such things as Finella was caught in an admittedly painful hold. Still, what the Hellraiser could do best was getting under her opponents skin and she did so with gusto. "That all you got, Yoshi?", she said and looked to her while shaking her head. "I really thought you would give me a better fight. What we are doing now? Judo? This is a fucking wrestling ring, do some wrestling, Bruce Lee.", she said and rolled her eyes. Finella was not known to be politically correct in any way and also she did'nt care much. All that counted was that she made her vulnerable for mistakes. Like the meat she was thinning with a hammer when she was cooking for Chris, she slammed an imaginary hammer onto the egos of her opponents.

The Hellraiser managed to work through the pain and get up on her elbows. She could'nt deny that Himekos attack did'nt have any effect. She had to get out of it soon or maybe her knee would be a good spot for attacks in the remainder of this match so she put back her free leg and slammed it hard into the backside of Himekos knee before starting to push. This was an effective way to get out of this hold but would it be enough? "Gosh, thats why I wanted Amano. At least that would have been fun and I would have gotten some pussy. You are just...a tiresome...steppingstone!", she mocked Himeko before slamming her boot into the Himekos knees backside to get her off of her.

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