Win Conditions: Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission with no other rules applying
"So, what I'm dealing with this time, Runt?"
"Um... a wrestler call... Fi-nel-la?"
"I think she's a hardcore person..."
"... ... ..." Goddammit Nanana. Still bitter about the damn Gekokujo challenge, Nanase still refused to do anything involving Himeko save for her required bodyguard duties. And unfortunately gathering intel and background information on Himeko's opponents were some of those side jobs the Princess had her do. She was still outside Himeko's dressing door, still guarding the entrance and would let Himeko know when it was time to leave, but she refused to come in and help her get ready. Reiko was doing that in her stead and for the girl's rowdier and wilder nature as a fighter, Maizono Reiko was still the daughter of textile workers and had a lot of experience dressing a person. And as the assisting seamstress of Himeko's outfit it took little effort for her to get the Princess fully ready. She even did Himeko's hair the way she liked it. But aside from that... yeah, Reiko was pretty useless at gather intel. The most Himeko knew of this Finella chick was that her sister was some superstar or whatever, but that was it.
"Tch. Fine, hardcore match against a hardcore wrestler. Works for me."
"You got this, Ane-san!"
"Yup," Himeko gave one last double-checked of herself in the mirror, satisfied with the look before she headed out the door with Reiko behind her.
"From Tokyo, Japan! Weighing in at 53 kilograms and measuring at 153 centimeters! The General of Senso no Hana! Kooooouuu! Himeeee!"
And to the beat of her them Himeko came out, Nanase and Reiko behind her in uniform. The crowd's reaction of a collective gasp followed by a murmur of whispers and piqued interest. All the while Himeko fought the urge to roll her eyes, maintaining a neutral if annoyed expression before Nanase tapped her shoulder.
"Oh stop, this is what you wanted, remember?" Nanase said. "We have to show up in force and be a proper unit. Making Rei-chan do all the work isn't fair to her."
Woulda' been nice if you were in the dressing room to help for that. She thought bitterly, picking up the pace down the ramp.
As she got to the edge of the ring she quickly hopped in. No fanfare or theatrics given. It wasn't her and she sure as hell wasn't going to play make-believe with the onlookers. No, she simply moved to her corner with calm and confident steps, leaning against the turnbuckle as she waited for her opponent.
"Good luck, Ane-san!"
"Yeah, yeah..."