The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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Standard Match: Victory decided by pinfall, submission, DQ or KO
Five days before Oscar's match with Ulla...
Oscar was doing his usual thing before a match- lacing up his boots, doing some stretches, and prepping his torch. Tonight was a bit different though. His opponent was April Starling tonight; a VERY wealthy friend of the Kelly sisters who offered the match to Oscar through his girlfriend and youngest Kelly sister, Katrina, during a training session. What made it different, however, was that this woman was offering a wager for the match. The deal was that if Oscar could defeat her in a match, it would earn him and Katrina a permanent pass to a multi-million dollar training facility that April owned. While oscar didn't know much of anything about the facility itself, it was at least confirmed that the facility would allow him to practice and train in peace and privacy via private rooms so he wouldn't be so self-conscious about any future training with Katrina. Plus, the place was bound to have some state-of-the-art equipment and services that he could use to help improve himself and Katrina.

Oscar finished lacing up his boots as he heard his cue and took a sip of his canteen full of lantern fule. He planned to give it all in this fight like any other. After all- there was a pretty sweet prize in store if all went well. He'd hear his cue and make tracks towards the ramp
Ladies and Gentlemen- representing the young lions of LAW, hailing from Canada and coming in at six foot five and two hundred and twenty-five pounds... Raise your swords for 'The Barbarian Prince' Oscar Orelash!!
Right on cue, Oscar popped out onto the ramp and would spray his signature fireball into the air before letting out a big, hearty laugh. The crowd would loudly cheer as the young lion would pass his items to the stage hands before walking down the ramp just high-fiving the fans (including one or two fist-bumps). He'd climb into the ring and soaked up the crowd's energy before going to his corner and waiting for April.
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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The lights went out in the arena as the announcer chimed in. "This bout is scheduled for 1 fall!" A spotlight was shining in the center of the ring where the end of a rope fell to the center of the ring. The spotlight then shined up onto the catwalk where April was clad in an orange bodysuit and had on a harness as she repelled down from the catwalk to the center of the ring. "Standing at 5'8 and 140 pounds. She is the excellence of elegance. Agent April Starling!" The announcer called out as she stopped repelling down the rope a few feet up from the ring. She then unhooked her harness in the air while keeping herself supported with one leg hooked around the rope.

She then unwrapped her leg from the rope and swayed back with her legs as she then swung them forward as she used her arms to pull up, making her body swing into an arch as she then released the ropes and finished her flip as she dropped down to the mat in a three point stance. She stood up as she smirked looking around at the crowd as she unzipped her body suit, pulling it off of her body in a teasing manner as she revealed her orange two piece bikini and the body of the hoodie tied around her waist went from being pressed against her back to drooping down into place over her rear as the only piece of the body suit left was her orange calf high boots with black laces as she removed the rest of the suit and flung it towards the prop staff. She then started to hop from side to side as she rotated her wrists as she looked to Oscar with a smirk. "Oh my darling, you're even more handsome in person. Greetings Oscar, the pleasure is all mine." She mentioned as she extended her hand out at him.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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Oscar was confused at first as the lights went out in the Arena. He was about to wonder if the power went out before he heard the announcer. The young lion's confusion increased as he saw a rope drop down into the ring and looked up at the catwalk squinting his eyes. Said eyes would widen in surprise as he witnessed April descend from the catwalk with the rope, watching her all the way to her landing. He'd look quite impressed and would clap for her entrance before blushing a tad at the... teasing way she slipped the bodysuit off and showed off her bikini and sweater. He'd shake his head to settle down and chuckle at April's compliment.

"Heh heh. Thank you! You're certainly not bad looking yourself"

He complimented back as he shook April's hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Have to say- that was a heck of an entrance you made. Never seen anything like that before! Kudos on originality"

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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"Likewise with you and the fire breathing that I got a nice view of." She mentioned as she smiled as he complimented her. "Thank you, but don't think flattery is going to make me go easy on you. You're going to have to work hard to earn access to my training facility. On that note, let's begin while we still have the excitement of the crowd." She mentioned as she then nodded to the ref that she was ready to begin and when the bell would ring when Oscar was ready, she would be in a ready stance in the center of the ring as she would wait to see how Oscar would approach her.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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"I'd be greatly disappointed if you took it easy on me. Especially since I don't plan on taking it easy on you"

Oscar gave a competitive yet fierce smile to the Brit

"Only way we can earn anything in life is through our own hard work- so you can bet I'll be bringing my best to this. Especially with such a generous prize on the line"

With the ring of the bell, Oscar would also take up a ready stance and go straight for April- looking to lock up in a collar and elbow hold and push against her with his might!

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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As Oscar went at her with a collar and elbow, the former spy had other ideas as she sidestepped to Oscar's farthest arm, she would then grab at Oscar's closest hand and twist her back to him and bend over and in one fluid motion curve around behind his body to pull his one wrist up with both of her hands to have Oscar's hand behind his back and trying to force it upward as she applied a hammer lock.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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Oscar shouted and winced as the April outmaneuvered him and trapped him in a hammerlock. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been put into a submission hold- not since he used to do indie shows. Gritting his teeth he'd do his best to hold out in the situation before taking his other arm and attempting to send a nasty set of jabs to April's body with his free elbow. Since he couldn't see behind him, the blows could land anywhere but he definitely was aiming for the Torso area.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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April let out a grunt as the first elbow connected, making her loosen her grip on the hammerlock, but then the second elbow came and April anticipated it as she released the hammer lock, but shifted her body to avoid the elbow as she instead wrapped her closest around around that bicep and keep that arm of his behind his back as she then took a boot to press against the back of Oscar's knee, pushing with her foot in a attempt to force him to his knee as she would then hook her other arm around his neck, trying to apply a crossface chickenwing if she got him to his knees.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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Oscar would be forced to his knees and groan out in pain as he was now forced into another hold. Not wanting to give up so easily, Oscar would thrash about to try and free himself since he was too far from the ropes to do anything. He'd move his arms about to try and make it more difficult to hold while he tried to think of a better solution.

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Re: The Spy and the Barbarian: Oscar Orelash VS. April Starling

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The think about her Crossface Chickenwing was that Oscar's big frame made it so she couldn't clasp her hands together to cinch in the hold. So as he squirmed about it made it easy for April's to lose her grip on the Crossface as she lost the grip on his arm. She tried to correct this by curving that arm around the back of his head as she hopped up on his back, biting her lower lip gently as she tried to clamp on a sleeperhold.

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