Submission Match Win via making opponent submit Entrance Music:
Masuyo was in a good mood today. Training had been paying off, she hit a new PR at the gym, and LAW had given her another new opponent! Masuyo had nothing else to do so she did some research. Apparently, her name was Morgana Aqua and she was making her debut tonight! Regardless of her skill, The Silver Flash knew better than underestimating her opponents, especially after what happened with Keqing. After sliding down the ramp in with yellow lights shining on her skin, she made her way to the ring where she jumped over the rope and got in the gorilla position, anxiously waiting for Morgana to arrive.
Last edited by Fries on Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"submission match huh? Well then better go and give it all I got " the voice came from the young blue hair beauty known as Morgana aqua. She was here for her match against a woman named masuyo. Not one to keep the people waiting Morgana would walk down the ring.
As she walked to the ring blue spot lights shined on her as she spun with the elegance and grace of a ballerina. Soon she leaped into the ring with said ballerina grace and did a bow to the crowds as they cheered. She looked at masuyo "hello your my opponent huh? Well I hope we have a pretty good fight"' she would say
“I hope we do have a good fight.”
Getting into the gorilla position, Masuyo anxiously waiting for the sound of the bell. She knew that when it rung and the match started that it would be her time to strike.
The second that bell rung, The Silver Flash was off! A frontal assault wasn’t the smartest strategy, but the silvernette wanted to test the waters and see where her opponent stood. Throwing a gatling of punches and jabs at Morgana, Masuyo wondered what her opponent would do in retaliation.
Morgana was pleased to see that masuyo was friendly like her. However the match began once the bell rang and Morgana was ready. Soon she saw masuyo quickly run at her to try and hit her with a barrage of punches at Morgana!! But she was ready. As she Morgana would dodge some of the punches. Some did hit but she managed to dodge more of them. And she would do a backflip kick to get back and hit her.
As her barrage of punches were being shot out, Masuyo was suprised to her opponent dodging a large majority of them. She smiled as she knew that this wouldn't be a easy match for her. As her last few punches missed, Morgana quickly transitioned into a backflip kick. "You really think thats gonna work on me?" Masuyo said as she sprung into action to dodge. As the blue haired girls foot came down, it made contact with Masuyo's foot as she withdrew from the center of the ring. "Oww! That really hurt yknow!" Clutching her injured toe, The Silver Flash stared in anticipation as she wondered what her foe was going to do next.