The Phoenix Vs the Megalodon - Mythology battle

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Re: The Phoenix Vs the Megalodon - Mythology battle

Unread post by Lederface »

Kiara watched everything from the ground, wow.... that girl seriously gave her such a great fight, looking to the side, she would see Gura being declared the winner, smiling for that, she would be happy to rest for a while after that hard fight she almost won, but because of some mistakes, it wasn't her night of victories, but seeing Gura approaching and reaching out to help her, the phoenix would gladly accept it, getting up with her and smiling at her, while approaching her hate and saying.

"Good fight ..... I hope to see you in the ring soon, I will burn with glory next time."

So then Kiara would slowly walk out of the arena, defeated but happy that her opponent was friendly.

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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Re: The Phoenix Vs the Megalodon - Mythology battle

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Winner of this match by pinfall: 'The Ruthless Shork' Gura

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