Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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Fairy Dragon
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Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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No DQ Match

After touring a bit outside of LAW Hideo was happy to actually get a chance to head back and see how the competition had improved. He wasn't attached to LAW, and it was no secret it was mostly big for women so he was fine taking time to wrestle in other places until they had a match for him. Today it seemed his opponent was a girl from a family he knew about, which was another recurring thing in LAW with the number of wrestling families that had history out of some tv shows. A no DQ match was a hell of a way to meet a new face but Hideo knew that the match would only get crazy if they let it and Blake was willing to keep things clean he would do the same.
His music played and Hideo came out, looking as hyped as ever. The crowd either remembered him or was being nice because he got a loud reaction that he was grateful for and moved down the aisle giving the love and respect right back to the fans before he entered the ring. Soon he was in place and his music ended to let Blake's play, all he could do now was wait and see what she was like.

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Re: Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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Blake was never one for speed, yet her matches seemed to be piling up as if she were a gold medalist sprinter. Ever eager to prove her own worth, she accepted. Though looking into the finer details would have been nice as this was a no dq match. What a way to meet someone Blake told herself sarcastically. These sorts of matches have a tendency for going off of the rails quickly. Even if both parties involved agree to keep it standard. Today her opponent was Hideo Akan. While the first name was unknown to her, the last name she knew. That seemed to be part of a big wrestling family within LAW. Well look at that. they better not be hoping for something extra out of this Blake finding the similarity amusing. Yet wanting to keep her family out of it. Not wanting this to become about them.

The officials backstage would come to inform Blake that it is time to do her entrance. She was rather surprised by how quickly it became her time. Usually she has more time to spend backstage. Yet it seemed that her opponent was quick to the point. Blake felt that at least it'd be respectful to respond in kind. Even if they were going to be beating each other senseless in a few moments.

With her entrance music playing loudly Blake was prepared both mentally and physically for this match. The lights would go wild for a few moments. Emulating search lights they would scour the arena. Finally ending on the stage where Blake would be. At this time she would receive a generous amount of cheers. It seemed that Blake had found herself to be a favorite of sorts. Nevertheless Blake would walk down the ramp with little interaction with the fans. Selling the atmosphere behind the match as she was serious.

Upon reaching the ring, Blake would hop onto the apron and go in between the ropes. Now in the ring, Blake would decide not to show off. Instead wanting to cap things off short and head towards her corner. Climbing it and pumping her arms up and down. As if to get the audience more engaged with the match. Afterwards she would sit on the turnbuckle and face her opponent. Hey, just putting this out there. I don't whatever this is to become some family feud alright? Just between you and me Blake said as she plainly stated her intentions.

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Re: Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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While Blake had the look of a wrestler she seemed to be very reserved and introverted, which her entrance to the ring showed. Despite the fans loving her she wasn't doing much while moving down to the ring like she was against showing off too much. Hideo wouldn't judge even if he wondered how she expected to stand out on just her wrestling skill and family name when his own experience told him that those don't guarantee anything. She seemed just as reserved but polite once she got in the ring and Hideo was happy to keep things that way if that's what she wanted.

"Ha, you don't need to worry about that. I'm not looking to make everything about my family either." Hideo said before offering a handshake. So far Blake seemed to be nice so he expected a nice competitive match, without the insults that Joanna threw at him early on in his debut. He knew that Blake could wrestle just off her last name, and while he was not about to make this a battle between Akans and Belladonna's he was going to see how good she was and if he was better.

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Re: Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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Hideo certainly looked the part of a wrestler. Blake had a hard time locking down whether he was new or experienced. But that would be something she would soon see during the match. Blake made her feelings on the match known. With there being no family names in this match. Only the two people in the ring. That aside taking a look at Hideo physically, Blake knew this was going to be a competitive match.

Oh good, that makes this a lot easier to manage Blake said as she shook Hideo’s hand. Hideo seemed nice enough to not have any foul tricks. So all that meant was the focus on this match was purely wrestling. While Blake hated going by names, the name Akan already told Blake that Hideo can wrestle. Now with the pleasantries out of the way she was eager to get this match underway.

With the bell ringing, Blake would back off of the handshake and get into a wrestling stance. Patiently waiting to see how Hideo would start off the match.
Last edited by Ultima on Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blake Belladonna vs Hideo Akan

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Blake continued to show respect, shaking hands with him to establish that family or not they could ignore that and just meet as two wrestlers trying to prove how good they can be. Hideo needed to prove that he was more than a name and it seemed Blake was too, on that they could settle on and in a way work together towards. Once that was out of the way and the match had started Hideo would get in a stance himself and make the first move by getting closer to Blake.

She didn't expect Blake to try and go for a test of strength since that didn't seem to be a good idea given the difference between them, but he also expected her to move around to try and take him down, his starting attack was to stay low until he got closer and try to lock up with Blake. His starting focus would be on trying to keep her from slipping away while e would seek to get a better grip on her either on her arms or her head if he couldn't lock an arm, testing out just how quick she was in countering anything and if she was unable to starting his attack there.

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