Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

Unread post by SimplePride »

Isaiah was sitting on a crate backstage, mindlessly thumbing through LAW's annual magazine, not really paying attention to anything. He had established a reputation as the so-called "Holy One of LAW" Isiah, not one to lean on his laurels, was already anticipating his next opponent, whoever that may be. Now that he had his own match type, his reputation only grew. If he was being honest with himself, he was starting to wonder if gold was in his forseeable future...

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SimplePride #4919

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Alanna Antoinette was walking through the backstage, fuming.
Spoiler for match that's nearing completion but has already happened
Alanna had lost her debut to the Golden Girl Emma Leblanc. While she waited to get her vengeance on the goodie two-shoes Canadian, she was pacing the backstage looking to take out her aggression on someone else.
Alanna had previously destroyed Upsilon, which helped her record. But he was a willing jobber. Alanna was looking for someone to fight. She wanted to face a challenge and overcome it. Upsilon had told her of a "Holy Man" who would be a worthy opponent for her. Being new to the promotion, Alanna didn't know anyone, so she figured beating this religious man would be as good a place as any to start. It didn't take long for Alanna to find Isaiah Bowen, sitting on a crate reading a magazine. She walked up to him, already aggravated by the stressful week she had been having. Alanna lightly tapped his boot with her own. "Hey you... Holy man!

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Isaiah was deep into his own thoughts when someone tapped his foot, "...Huh?" He looked up and saw a rather angry looking woman dressed in all black. This wasn't an unnatural occurrence, anger was just another human emotion, and black and wrestlers, well, the list went on with that. He looked over at the woman and asked, "Can I help you, ma'am?" He was from Knoxville, Tennessee, and couldn't help but add "ma'am"...

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Alanna was pretty sure this was him after the ma'am part, but she had to make sure. "Are you the 'Holy man,'" Alanna emphasized with air quotes, "that Upsilon told me about as I destroyed him? If so, I hear you're looking for challengers and I've come to partake."

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Isaiah would raise an eyebrow, "Upsilon...? Oh, you mean that masochistic femboy? Yeah, don't rest your laurels on that win. He probably would've allowed you to walk him around on a leash...Hell, I've seen him do it!" Isaiah shudders a minute, "You want to challenge me? Fine." Isaiah got down from the crate, "Take off your boots, for the place where you now stand is holy ground..."

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Alanna didn't doubt what Isaiah said about Upsilon, but she didn't take too kindly to his comment about her taking off her boots on holy ground. The Frenchwoman got into his face.
"Holy ground? What bullshit! I'll take my boots off when I shove them up your ass, 'holy man.' I'll show you you're nothing special, just like your imaginary deity!"

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Isaiah didn't lose his cool, in fact, he corrected himself, "Actually, now that I think about it, taking off your boots could be kind of dicey here. You know how fetish-y LAW can get, and I'm pretty sure you've had your fill of that with Upsilon. Anyway, if you want a match, just ask for it, you don't have to be rude about it." Isaiah brushed off his coat, "Expect me as I am. I don't think you are ready for anything else."

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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At first, Alanna couldn't help but agree with Isaiah. Law was really horny and fetish-y. And she had not had a true challenge from a man who fights back. She was glad to have a serious opponent who just wanted to compete. But she then ached her eyebrows in confusion and then scowled at the rest of his statement. "What? You think I can't handle you?! Because I'm a woman? Truie! Fine, I challenge you to a match for this week's show." When he threw off his coat, she brushed hers off as well and faced off with him, inches apart. "I'm going to knock you the fuck out, holy man. Your invisible friend in the sky won't be able to help you. You'll be the first statement I make to this roster."

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

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Isaiah listened to Alanna rant, and made a gesture like he was putting on a mask, "Don't criticize that what you don't understand. And no, I don't think you can't take me on because your a woman, I think that because the only man you've beaten would thank you for running him over with your car! And you can come after me all you want, but, DON'T YOU DARE come after my faith! See you in the ring, cunt!" Isaiah would leave in a huff, half wondering if he SHOULD bring...him out after all...

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Re: Holy Man of LAW: An Encounter

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

"My, how the politeness melts away the moment I don't back down. If he thinks I'm going to be scared, he'll have another thing coming." Alanna, pleased that she got under his skin, went to the gym to train for her match. She'd make him pay for what he called her.


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