Alanna Antoinette was walking through the backstage, fuming.
Alanna had lost her debut to the Golden Girl Emma Leblanc. While she waited to get her vengeance on the goodie two-shoes Canadian, she was pacing the backstage looking to take out her aggression on someone else.
Alanna had previously destroyed Upsilon, which helped her record. But he was a willing jobber. Alanna was looking for someone to fight. She wanted to face a challenge and overcome it. Upsilon had told her of a "Holy Man" who would be a worthy opponent for her. Being new to the promotion, Alanna didn't know anyone, so she figured beating this religious man would be as good a place as any to start. It didn't take long for Alanna to find Isaiah Bowen, sitting on a crate reading a magazine. She walked up to him, already aggravated by the stressful week she had been having. Alanna lightly tapped his boot with her own.
"Hey you... Holy man!