When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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Her first match in LAW, huh? It was about fuckin' time. Those were the thoughts in Lillian's head as she strolled walked through the back, heading towards the locker rooms. She felt like she had waited for this for way too long, and now, it was finally time! She quickly entered the locker rooms in the back, getting changed into her new, official wrestling gear, now ready to fight.
As Lillian sat in the back, waiting for her name to be called by the ring announcer, she took a few seconds to reflect on how she got here. Her opponent was a heavyweight, and a pretty dominant one at that. Lillian remembered that when she was first looking for an opponent, she immediately went for the most intimidating girl she could find. What better way to make a name than to take down the biggest, baddest bitch in the place? She had almost choked out the match booker when he had suggested she maybe pick someone in her weight class. So what? It didn't matter what this girl weighed, she was gonna get her ass kicked!

Eventually, it was time. As the ring announcer called out her name, Lillian walked out, chock full of confidence. She walked briskly to the ring, a scowl on her face, not bothering to spend any time trying to appeal to the crowd. Fuck that, they can learn to respect her when they watch her beat the shit out of the poor girl she was up against. She quickly made her way into the wrestling ring, before walking over to her corner, turning and leaning her back against it, her arms crossed and her resting bitch face in full effect, waiting for her opponent.
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian (Debut) Vs Bianca

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*As the lights dimmed and the crowd grew eerily silent, Bianca waited with baited breath as her thene music blasted from the speakers. The ubiquitous cheers and applause from her adoring fans ushered her through the curtains and into view.*

"We love you Bianca!" *One fan screamed.* "You're the greatest, queen bee!" *Another hollered. As she elegantly strode towards the outskirts of the ring, her unwavering grin remained stretched across her face. Marching up the steel steps and into her corner, Bianca gave her adversary for the evening a jubilant wave.*

"Hi! I'm Bianca Valentine. Go easy on me- This is my debut match, too!" *Her elated tone indicated that this was certainly no lie, as the gargantuan figure couldn't help but tremble with excitement.*

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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As loud, obnoxious music started to blare, Lillian looked up towards the top of the ramp. There she was. Her opponent. A tall, large woman, curvy in all the right places, but still packing plenty of muscle, in a stylish blue and gold jumpsuit. As she made her way down to the ring, Lillian simply scowled. Cheers and shouts and heaps of praise from the audience were thrown at her opponent, who seemed to adore it all. Lillian, for her part, proceeded to flip off the crowd.

As her opponent got into the ring, quickly introduced herself, explaining that this was her debut match too. However, Lillian would hear none of it.

"Listen, gonna be honest. I don't give a fuck who you are or how many matches you've had here. You're only here to make me look impressive, because what better debut for yours truly than to trounce someone who is much bigger than her?" Lillian said, her smug tone a clear indication of how serious she took her opponent. She was confident this would be a walk in the park, even with the size difference between the two.

"So, if you're done whoring out to the crowd, maybe you'd like to get ready?" Lillian said, her tone oozing sarcasm. For her part, she simply settled down in a ready stance, waiting for the bell to ring and begin her match with the heavyweight!

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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* from the instant she heard Lillian's curmudgeon tone, Bianca couldn't help but jubilantly giggle at just how precious she thought the diminutive brawler to be.*

"Well, I wish you the best of luck! I can't wait to tangle up with you and see what you have to offer." * unwaveringly jovial, even in the face of someone so condescending, Bianca couldn't resist the urge to toss a compliment her way.* " I love your outfit, by the way. Maybe you and I can go shopping once we are done here?"

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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Lillian was a bit taken aback by how happy the girl seemed to be, even in the face of her sour attitude. Most girls got angry, wanted to fight her, or shout back. But Bianca simply smiled, wishing her luck. She even offered to go shopping with her!

"I don't know what the fuck you think this is, but this is not a cute little playdate for us to be friends. I'm going to kick your ass!" Lillian said, aggravated at how the girl seemed to be so playfully brushing off everything she said.


About time. As soon as the bell rang, Lillian ran directly towards Bianca, already impatient with how long it had taken to start. As she approached the much larger woman, she put her hands up, lunging at her. Her hope was to immediately lock up, hoping to take Bianca off guard, and shove her backwards towards the ropes.

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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"Well, if you manage to kick it, then color me impressed. Even if I emerge victorious, I'm sure it will be with a few souvenirs, courtesy of your fists." *Without a sliver of sarcasm in her ebullient voice, Bianca gently bounced from foot to foot in an effort to generate a tincture of momentum within her body.*

*As the sonorous bell sounded, the jovial jamaican eagerly raised her arms upwards while leaning forward. However, the blinding quickness of her opponent took Bianca by surprise, causing her to stumble back while forcibly intertwining her fingers with the agitated woman.* "Yeesh! You're a feisty one. But I guess it takes one to know one."

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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Lillian pushed hard against the larger woman, which was a bit difficult given the size difference. However, Lillian was no slouch when it came to power, being able to toss around some heavyweights with her strength. However, she was in luck, as her lunging at Bianca immediately had apparently caught the black haired girl off guard.

Lillian shoved her backwards, closer and closer to the ropes. Lillian would attempt to shove her back into the ropes, before quickly throwing Bianca's hands to the side with her own, breaking the lock up.

"How's this for feisty, bitch!?" Lillian would shout, before attempting to throw a hard chop at Bianca's chest, hoping to hit her hard with the palm of her hand, right in her sizeable breasts!

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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*Built like a tank with the strength and endurance to match, Bianca was obstinate on attempting to leave an indelibly impressive mark on Lilian, no matter what the cost might be.*

*Laboriously grunting from the incessant shoving, even with her boots firmly planted against the ring, she felt herself scooting ever closer towards the post behind her.*

"Wha...Gnnnhh!" *The unfathomable stinging sensation that rippled through her oversized melons, coaxing out a cascade of gasps and hisses from the fans.* "That's not very NICE!" *Bianca retaliated with a lunging clothesline, her forearm aimed at Lily's throat.*

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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Lillian gave a crude grin as her chop connected, impacting hard against Bianca's large breasts. That would have been all fine and good, had Bianca not retaliated. However, she quickly lunged from the corner, aiming a clothesline at Lillian's throat. Lillian's smug grin disappeared, replaced by a grimace as the clothesline hit home, sending her stumbling back before she finally fell back onto her rear.

"AAGH! What the fuck did you mean that wasn't nice!? Of course it wasn't! It's a fucking wrestling match!" Lillian, now thoroughly annoyed, stood up. This woman's almost childlike happiness and view of the world was so aggravating to her, she was surprised she hadn't yanked her hair out. This girl seemed to be the polar opposite of her, and Lillian hated it.

Bianca had managed to make her way back out of the corner, but this opened up a new option to Lillian. She once again dashed at Bianca, knowing that the heavyweight wrestler would be ready this time. However, Lillian didn't plan on repeating her steps. As she drew near, she quickly dropped to the mat, attempting to baseball slide between Bianca's legs.

If her plan was successful, Lillian's next action would be to pop up behind her, wrapping her arms around Bianca's waist, before lifting her up and over her, slamming her down to the mat with a german suplex! Lillian hoped that a combination of her freakish strength and catching Bianca off guard by sliding under her would allow her to pull this off!
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Opposites Clash! Lillian Vs Bianca (Double Debut)

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"Nnhhh...you're stronger than you look. Guess I can't underestimate you, huh?" *Slightly befuddled by the remarkable strength the smaller scrapper possessed, Bianca grated her teeth to disperse the lingering pain her breasts suffered from.*

*Unable to fully brace herself for the impending collision, Bianca scrambled sideways and haphazardly rolled to her right side, narrowly escaping what could have been a disastrous experience.* "Yikes! Alright then, you're treating this seriously..." *Raising herself up to her feet, Bianca found herself in an auspicious position- Seeing as how Lily completely missed her target, Bianca would dash towards her before vaulting towards her and belly splashing Lily.* "Then I will too!"

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