When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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‘AAAAHHHH’, the older woman would cry out. IT felt like her knees were compressed due to Ingrid crashing on top of them to save herself from taking the girl high risk finisher. But she would rather take the pain from blocking a finishing move then taking it since her younger opponent was able to get some height on her jump, she even knows that if Ingrid would have landed that move it would have been in a loss for her which would have eaten her up for a while before giving the girl her due for hitting her with everything but the kitchen sink.

As she crawls over to where her opponent is at and not wanting the risk more damage to her legs... Thereisa would get close to Ingrid head and wrap her arm around it, before snatching the younger woman arms in hers locking in her dreaded Spiders Web (Modified Nelson) submission hold yanking and pulling on her younger opponent to either tap out... Or take her pride and pass out.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

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Ingrid had really messed up, her midsection was in pain, her one move that would have surely defeated Thereisa failed. It was as if everything failed to went her way. Ingrid was very much mentally defeated, and was soon to be physically defeated.

And soon enough, with no resistance, Ingrid was locked in Thereisa's Spider Web, having her body and arms being torqued at an unnatural submission made Ingrid scream "AAGH!" in pain because of the hold.

And Ingrid knew she was defeated, so she softly tapped Thereisa's arm. indicating that she submitted and lost the match. The only one she has to blame is herself.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

Unread post by The Riders »

Thereisa would let out a loud grunt, using her legs to push herself backwards while holding her opponent in the submission hold. Hearing her opponent scream in pain due to the pull and straining of Ingrid's neck being pulled back would be too much for anybody to handle, and that was to prove when she felt her young opponent start to tap her arm to be let go.

Wanting to make sure that the younger woman knows a lesson from this match... Thereisa would keep the hold locked in for a bit before letting go of the hold and allowing Ingrid's arms and neck to drop to the canvas. Laying on her back panting and taking deep breaths, huffing and puffing trying to get some air into her body as she didn’t expect to be pushed this far by the other woman, if she would have landed that finishing move she would have lost and been embarrassed in front of everyone.

As Thereisa rolls over to her side to check on Ingrid, ‘You okay? Whew... You are a terror, you know that right...’ she says with a lot of respect in her voice. Even patting the younger woman on the stomach with a chuckle like grin... More concerned that if the younger women are like Ingrid and others, then she was going to have to step up her game some more.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Ingrid could not take the pain from the hold, her body been beaten up throughout the match. Her arms felt so strained, and she knew she was finished. She was not dumb.

Thereisa finally let her arms go, and Ingrid's arms and body slumped to the mat. Her body did not want to move. It was in so much pain. Definitely the amount of pain she expected from wrestling a legend like Thereisa. Her mouth made some small groans.

Ingrid flashed a small smile when Thereisa complimented her. Before she went back to being in pain.

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Re: When Eras Clash: Ingrid vs Thereisa Niedermeyer

Unread post by The Riders »

Thereisa would push the ref aside, wanting to have some time alone with Ingrid. 'You are going to be a great wrestler... Keep training and I will gladly give you another rematch.' as the older woman would roll her former opponent out of the ring and to the outside, and would wrap her arm around the smaller woman mid-section to help her walk up the ramp.

' I will wait for you at the top Ingrid, so don't keep me waiting for too long, alright,' Thereisa would say, helping the younger woman to the backstage area.

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