Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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The Riders
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Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

Unread post by The Riders »

Texas Bull Rope Match
Win by pin fall, or alternately, the first to touch all four top turnbuckles in succession wins.

The crowd is hyped after an action packed card on matches. But everybody is on their feet knowing that the next match is something that new and old school wrestling fans have been waiting for since that handicap match between Alaina and the Ederne Sisters, talking about that stare down between the two women who carried a company on their backs and now it has come full circle between Brynhild and Alaina... one that is going to lead to both women destroying the ring or worse after tonight.

The loveable and amazing Aliyah Evans in standing in the middle of the ring holding a mic in her hands. 'Welcome everyone to the main event o the night. We have the Legacy Champion the Amazon Alaina Sanders taking on the Giantess Brynhild Ederne in the first ever Texas Bull Rope match., the rules are simple and as followed... Both wrestlers will be tied together by their hand. Submissions do not count in this match. She says, explaining the rules for everyone to follow. 'You can only win by pinfall or touching all four top turnbuckles... and more fun is that the Cowbell is legal as well, that twelve inches of steel on that bad boy and weights close to seven pounds slamming into your head. Now LAW, who is ready for WAR tonight.' the loud roar of the crowd is heard as they can feel the electricity in the air waiting for what is sure to be a battle between two women.

' Now coming to the ring weight in at two hundred and forty-seven pounds the All-American... the Real Giantess of LAWWWWWW.... Brynhild Ederne.' That familiar rumbling sound is heard over the speakers as men covered in body paint of the Colossal Titan walk out on stage to the roar of the crowd.

Rumbling, Rumbling, it's coming!
Rumbling, Rumbling!
Coming for you!

Brynhild walks out on stage to the roar of the crowd still surrounded by her group of Colossal Titans group. As she stomps her way down to the ring as the live band SIM is playing her theme song for the crowd, while making her way down to the ring a pathway is open for her as her group stand at attention waiting as if waiting for orders to be given by the woman who has this confident, cocky look on her face.

Brynhild knows that she is in her element tonight... she has never lost a single Texas bull rope match, and both times Alaina defeated her was in standard matches but now it a match that favors her and she is going to put her friend through pain and blood to take that title away from Alaina. As she steps into the ring, she leans back and lets out a loud scream as if she is giving orders to the titans to start the Rumbling as they all leave the ringside area leaving the tall blond in the middle of the ring flexing her muscles for everyone to see.

Rumbling, Rumbling, it's coming!
Rumbling, Rumbling!
Coming for you!
Rumbling, Rumbling, it's coming!
Rumbling, Rumbling!

'Come on out Alaina.... You don't have a chance against me in my match.'


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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina was backstage in her two piece tiger print wrestling attire ready to defend the Legacy Championship once more. She was against a familiar foe and Brynhild suffered from overconfidence as her daughters did.

Unlike her daughters though Brynhild had defeated Alaina in the past, but Alaina had wins over her as well. This was just a continuation of their old rivalry. Aurora, Dana, Thereisa, Brynhild.... Alaina had no idea she would be a trendsetter when she came out of retirement.

Her music began to play and Alaina came out to the ring holding the title high as she strut down the ramp. She put the title belt over her shoulder and high fived fans on the ramo before heading into the ring, standing tall as she held the title aloft before handing it to the referee.

Alaina stepped up, by far the smaller woman in the match but she was undaunted. "Are you ready for another defeat at my hands?" Alaina asked with a smile.

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Brynhild would smirk with her arms crossed, seeing her friend make her way down to the ring. That big shiny belt is the only thing she is focused on as her opponent stands in front of her as she crosses her arms underneath her busty chest, before holding her arm out for the ref to attach the rope to her wrist.

'You talk about me and my girls getting cocky when you have been cocky since we came back... But don't worry Alaina, I make sure to humble your ass like I should have done in the old days,' she would say.

'Beside your dealing with me and this time unlike those old matches we had... You're not beating me.' The ref making sure that the rope is attached to both wrestlers call for the match to begin and quickly moves out of the way, not wanting to be in between these two torchbearers of the wrestling world... she is only there to make sure she counts the pin or if whoever touches the four corners. Hands up as she makes her way over, wanting to do the test of strength, just like old times between them.

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina sees Brynhild, a much larger woman than the amazon herself.... offering a contest of strength. Alaina smiles and knows in terms of pure power and size this is a rare situation where she is outclassed. However much like against Elm the amazon knows she can go low and with her lower center of gravity make up for a lot of this and surprise a woman like Brynhild. The amazon moves in and locks up, continuing to press and tensing up her whole body pushing with all she has and trembling as she does so giving it her all!

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Brynhild grins, seeing Alaina go to match her in the test of strength. But compared to her hot-headed daughters, she was in this business for a long time and she even knows about when taking on opponents that are smaller than her and how to beat and toss them aside with ease. ‘You think that going to work on me huh...’ she grunts out before taking a big step forward... Bending Alaina wrists backwards with ease, trying to force the smaller woman to her knees before her.

‘SO much for that Amazon strength huh...’ As she tries to overpower her opponent some more. Wanting to force her old friend all the way to the canvas so everyone can see who is stronger.

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina gave it her all howling as the amazon pushed with all she had. However she was giving up a lot of size and it was too much for the amazon to handle! Alaina shouted and screamed trying to save face as much as she could stepping up and into Brynhild to give one last ditch effort to shove back and make some progress before the pure size difference caught up to her entirely.

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Brynhild would not even move. She could have easily won this test of strength and seeing her old friend doing everything she can to push her back was something that Alaina would do, the woman was more than a mule when it came to being shown up in the strength department of wrestling.

As she lets out a loud grunt and yanks her opponent forward, slamming her knee into the other woman mid-section, before raising her arm up and throws a clubbing blow to the back of Alaina upper back. ‘ That whole small size BS you always saying isn't going to work here friend... You're trapped in this ring with me... And you got nowhere to run or hide...’

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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"Oomph! Ugh!" Alaina groaned as she was battered twice and sent falling to her knees! Alaina gasped for breath reeling from the heavy strikes of the giant woman. The amazon was against a veritable titaness. She knew that she had to out-wrestle this woman somehow out-lasting the slams and strikes that hit like a freight train each time.

Right now Alaina was on her knees and trying to fight back, yanking her hands free if she could and howling as she sent gut punches into Brynhild in retaliation!

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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This was all she needed to do to win. Brynhild knew how to win wars like this when you just have to beat your opponent bloody and senseless until they can't move or pass out from the pain, and with the bull rope connecting the two of them together... well there is a reason why she is unbeaten in the match that she made famous in the early days of the company she ruled over before passing the torch to the younger women.

'Is the best you can do? Or are you unable to match me Amazon...'
she would taunt her older friend some more. And in return, her opponent's fist slammed into her stomach, forcing her to stagger backwards from the impact, patting her stomach with her hand as she had to work herself back into a fighting shape just for this match alone. Grabbing the rope in the middle 'Get over here...' Brynhild would say and yank on it, trying to pull Alaina over to her side right where her arm was waiting for a clothesline to the chest.

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Re: Legacy on the Line: Brynhild Ederne vs Alaina Sanders

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Alaina grit her teeth seeing that Brynhild was pulling her close. Alaina knew what was coming and in this instance the large size difference would play into the amazon's favor! Alaina would duck low as Brynhild pulled her close and roll behind Brynhild. Instead of grabbing her around the waist Alaina bent down and grabbed her just under her knees, pulling back and lifting as she tried to instead dump Brynhild down to the mat on her face!

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