Nicknames:lady lion
Nationality:Mexican American
Entrance Music:

She loves everyone and everything and acts like a mother to her friends and opponents. She has a caring heart. In the ring she is the same just more focused on the match at hand
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Stephanie likes to Use a combination of speed, power, and Agility to keep her opponents on there feet and guessing to keep her advantage.
Style: lucha libre with a modification to suit her way of moves.
Preferred Attacks: lucha libra moves.
Preferred Matches: any
Attitude To Hentai: hmm yeah I can do it
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★- good
Strength ★★★★- good
Speed ★★★★- good
Defence ★★★-Meh
Technique ★★★★- good
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★- good
Submissions ★★★- meh
Powerhouse ★★★★- good
Aerials ★★★★★- great
Counters ★★★- meh
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
lion slam
lion flip
lions play
Finishing Moves
lion acrobats
a cubs ending
Stephanie Atoms is from humble beginnings as she grew up in Austin, Texas. She faced discrimination because of Mexican side but it didn't stop or bring her down. It brought her up because she could rub it in there face once she succeeded in life. Her family was part of the lucha libra fighting family. Her mother passed down the mantle of lady lion she would try to keep her mother memories alive by trying to look like her but was taller and stronger. So she would take the mantle of lady lion and wrestle in the ring with the lucha libra style and power moves. Stephanie would be on a winning streak during her young years in the ring of honor of Texas but was let go and replaced by a more American wrestler. So one day while sitting at home she got a Call from a LAW recruitment agent asking about her daughter and being ok with her wrestling for them. She agreed with one condition she would wrestle with them too. As for negotiating with them went fine who wouldn't want a lucha libre legacy.
Fighting record 0-0-0