Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Karen did not know if it was physically possible to be as pressed as tightly against another figure as she was being, yet here she was, trying to stop her ribs from shattering like crunching celery. With Mae making intent to sit the amazon on her lap somewhat, Karen's thick thighs would be parted to do so, not by choice. Legs now dangling, the underside of her thighs pressing to Mae's own, Karen opted to hook her legs over and around Mae's toned pair, hooking on the inside as she did the best to support her weight. Mae was squeezing the life out of her, she certainly didn't jostling atop of it.

"That's...a" Karen groaned, back making another distinctive, yet light pop, as Mae's now lifted bearhug worked her into a sweat. Her own arms flexing back, she'd purposefully keep them high; seeming to find advantage in her return squeeze by pressing Mae's modest bust into her massive pair. In truth, she would have taken freedom over the idea of battling Mae evenly in this monstrously painful moment.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Mae would feel the sweet sense of victory as she picked the busty woman up on her lap while standing and squeezing. Karen could only groan her insults as she felt Mae's grey colored arm binding tighter and tighter. As if they were just inching to break the wrestler in half and make a cripple out of her. Mae didn't register Karen wrapping her legs around her body her focus was so intense and single minded toward just squeezing.

But she did feel what Karen was up too, as the woman tried to snuf her out between her massive pair of breasts. Pulling her face up and away. Mae tried to keep her breathing holes at least away for a time. But there was only so much she could do... so she just had to snuf Karen out harder with her arms, as her grip tightened just a belt loop harder.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Karen pulled and pulled, with desperate and furious agony, but even the sheer size of her bust could not aid her given her skin was a inch or so off meeting Mae's lips and nose. She'd glare into the eyes of the smaller, but perhaps stronger foe, who had seemingly lost herself in crushing Karen right out of wrestling. Again the grip tightened, and Karen's mouth feel agape with a huge, silent scream.

With her mighty midriff concaving against Mae's tense abs, the wind forced out of her as Mae bent her something wicked, Karen opted for a last resort. Again and again, she'd reign down those arms upon Mae's own. Clubbing them at the biceps, the sight was now nothing more than a woman trying to escape an encoiled snake, ideally before it had broken her in two!

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Like a shark who smelled blood in the water. Karens struggles didn't get her far with the grey skinned wrestler, more and more she tired to smother Mae the harder the anaconda tightened her grip and made her blood pulse. Mae was going in for the finish, as their bodies were at that cross roads. So inhuman Karens opponent was. Almost like she was a machine.

With the end coming. Mae put her efforts in one final squeezing jerk. Pulling Karen up just that little bit up more and vicing her arms into her body. Karen probably felt nothing coming out of her lungs.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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In truth, Mae didn't need to up her bearhug at all. If anything, a few minutes ago, the power of the squeeze would have been enough, even more so given the fact Karen was off her feet, squeezed down hard onto that solid frame. Knowing things could only get worse as she was lifted higher, Karen's body could not tense hard enough. Mae's arms squeezed down, and Karen's legs came unhooked; spasming back as she looked to be nothing but a toy in Mae's arms.

Needless to say, the amazon cried her submission. Or would have, could she even gasp. Instead, she was forced to suffer a few seconds more as she forced her hand to Mae's shoulder with a rapid, weak tap, feeling that but a few more seconds, and she wouldn't be conscious enough to even do so.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Letting Karen go felt like she was dropping a rather large sack of potatoes onto the ground. The relief to her sides, meant she could start to breath normally again. The dark elf stood above Karen as the woman started to breath again.. shallow as it was. Sitting on her chest, Mae pinned Karen down with her knees at the shoulders. "You were this close." She mocked as she sat down on her opponents breasts.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Had Karen had a hint of life in her, she would of shook and jostled like a woman possessed, prior to Mae even taking a seat on her giant bust. But squeezed for so long and so tightly, even Karen was not so foolish as to waste the posture. Her head turned, blush upon her face resuming the place of breathless cheeks, Karen sought to simply gather air for what she deemed her inevitable vengeance. She simply prayed Mae did not resume her assault, at least for a good few seconds. Given her dominant positioning, and the fact she had just submitted the amazon from the get-go however, Karen somewhat suspected a little more taunting prior. Or more, hoped.

Anything over an immediate assault.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Karen was in luck, as the elf stood up and off her perch on Karen. Taking five to catch a drink of water. The elf even returned with an unopened bottle of water for the larger woman. "Come on, drink up. You something back in you after a round of squeezing like that." Mae didn't come off bitchy either saying that.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Even if Mae had spent the next hour or two apologising, committing every kind act she could in an effort to quell the immediate hostility between herself and Karen, the raven amazon would not abide by it. Of course, she took the water bottle in hand; catching it with her right, before drinking near enough the whole contents of it there and then. Mae did just nearly crush the life out of her waistline, after all.

She would however, purposefully leave a small amount in the bottle. Enough to splash, especially when thrown.

Something she immediately did to the ideally still guzzling Mae, as she threw her bottle right at the top half of her! Aiming for the water to splash all over and disorientate her for at-least a fraction of her second, as Karen's right boot extended up and out! A kind act gaining no favour from the giant bitch!

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by 32django »

Mae wouldn't forget or forgive over something like this from Karen.

The kick landed in the dark elf's belly hard and suddenly, but it was caught as it made impact into her exposed belly. For time seemed to slow for just a second. As Mae looked up with pure anger up at the giant woman, like a wet cat. And kicked her up foot up under Karen's exposed leg and into her crotch.

That must have put the hurt on Karen, as Mae pulled back and dragged the woman over to the comer by her one foot. "Alright bitch, you called me out now. Its coming." She growled as she wanted to put her and the corner between them, and trap Karen up with her legs at the corner.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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