Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or knockout. Match will count towards all registered participants number of apex qualifiers.

Thea sighed softly as she took a deep breath backstage. Dressed in her usual silver wrestling gear preparing for her next match, no, her next apex qualifier match. The last she would need in order to officially qualify for the prestigious event, and despite being against someone unregistered for it Thea knew better than to underestimate her opponent give the reputation this Helen, the so called goddess of wrestling had amassed in such a short amount of time in LAW. Granted not all of her matches resulted in wins, but the vast majority were. Enough for Thea to exercise some caution.
Caution or not however it didn't change Thea's mindset going into the match. That being her confidence in her ability to beat the woman, despite the apparent size and strength difference between the two. "Goddess? I'll just be a Goddess Slayer if that's what it takes." Thea said to herself with a nod as she stood up from the bench she had been seated on while preparing herself. So now feeling herself ready both physically and mentally the blonde would head to the entrance area and receive a nod from the crew member their, giving Thea the all clear to head out as her entrance music started.
Walking out as the soft music of her entrance started Thea would hold her arms above her head to a mixed reception of boos and cheers right as the song picked up to a higher pace and intensity. Strutting down the ramp Thea ignored the negative chants and instead focused on the positive, intentionally ignoring or even outright mocking some fans in the front areas of the crowd. Either way as Thea approached the ring she would hop up and turn out to the crowd, tossing her hair back with a small smile before leaning back, clear over the top rope and landing feet first in the ring with a smirk on her face before she headed to her corner, turning and watching, waiting for her opponent to come down the ramp as well.

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Helen Andronike waited for her moment in the gorilla position. Upon hearing the entrance music of her opponent, she wrapped her cape around herself, hoisted her shield, and grabbed her (dulled reenactment certified) spear.
The Greek had studied her opponent and was mentally preparing for the way she expected this match to go. Helen hated strikes, especially to the face, so she would have to be quick. Her game plan was to use her size and strength advantage to overwhelm her with a sudden burst of slams and ground her with submissions. It had worked well for her before and was something that Helen, as a newbie to LAW still finding her footing, was naturally good at doing. Thea Asters had a similar record to her, so Helen expected the battle to be a competitive one.
Entrance Music
The Greek battler's entrance music played and she emerged from the tunnel to a surprising amount of cheers. She has expected more booos like she usually received, but maybe her matches with Christina Perez had won her more fans. Helen strode to the ring and deposited her Spartan gear at the timekeeper's table. She then got up on the canvas and made her way into the ring. Helen preened for the crowd before facing her opponent down. "You got something you want to say?"

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Thea watched the entrance ramp with interest upon hearing the music of her greek opponent hit the arena while the woman came out from the entrance ramp. 'She really goes all out with the Spartan thing.' Thea thought to herself as she watched the woman strut her way to the ring with quite the serious air about her as she approached. Thankfully for the blonde Helen would deposit her weapons at ringside before entering andsaying something rather... contentious making her eyes narrow.

"Only that this is you're last chance to back down." Thea shot back as she crossed her arms over her chest while looking Helen over head to toe. Physically speaking the two were relatively even, with Helen possessing at most a slight advantage over her. So without any straight physical advantages it would all come to skill and cunning. "I assume you won't, so just get ready to eat the mat." The blonde said with narrowed eyes before shifting into a grappling position as she waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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"A fair assumption. We'll see about it." Helen met Thea's posture and raised her arms in a grappling position. The Greek went for an arm and collar tie up with Thea. If the two lock together, Helen would attempt to lower her center of mass, plant her feet, and slowly force Thea into the corner like a phalanx pushing against the enemy.

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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"Yes we will." Thea shot back to her opponent as the two approached one another before finally locking up, the two gripping each other in a classic collar elbow lock up. A position that Helen immediate sought to use to start pushing and shoving Thea back, making the blonde grunt as she looked over her shoulder and saw the corner approaching. "Oh you think you're clever huh?" Thea hissed as she dug her heel into the mat before turning sharply, trying to quickly change positions with Helen in order to push her opponent back first into the corner instead!

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Helen may have been stronger of they were pushing straight against each other. She may have won in tug of war too, but Thea was more experienced and had better technique. Helen was unprepared for the sudden change in direction as Thea moved to the side. She was thrown off balance and thus Thea was easily able to push her back into the opposite corner. Helen propped herself up against it, preparing for Thea's onslaught.

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Off the bat Thea was able to tell her opponent was stronger than her, not that it took longer than a few seconds in the test of strength to do so. But that just meant Thea would have to be more savvy than her opponent if she wanted to win. So Thea on a quick bit of creative thinking would turn, tossing her opponent into the corner with her own momentum. As she did so Thea was quick to push herself forward closer to her opponent, swinging he leg up as she did so to try and drive a knee strike up into Helen's gut!

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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The breath was taken from Helen after Thea drove her knee into her stomach. Helen cried out and doubled over in pain. Hoping Thea would be slow to follow up, Helen would attempt to charge into Thea and tackle her down onto the mat. If successful, she would plank herself on the mat and lock Thea in a headscissors.

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Thea smirked softly as she charged forward, driving her shoulder into Helen's gut for a very satisfying impact. Pulling back the blonde prepared to unload a second shoulder thrust, but before she could manage to do so Helen would charge forward, colliding into Thea and taking both backwards before getting planted into the mat! "Guh..." Grunting softly from the impact Thea was soon caught in a tight headscissors! "Grrr gah!" Grunting in pain and anger Thea began to smack and hit Helen's legs, trying to get them to loosen up a bit for her to counter!

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Re: Gold and Silver: Thea Asters vs Helena Adronike

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Helen maintained a vice-like grip on Thea with her headscissors. She felt like she was finally in control. Then Thea began pounding Helen's knee to escape. Not wanting her knees to get hurt, Helen let go. She would back up and ready a big boot kick for when Thea rises to her feet. Helen stomped her feet and muttered to herself, "Ελα εδώ!"

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