Rematch of bitter enemies! Best out of 3! April Starling vs Countess Sia von Karnstein

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Rematch of bitter enemies! Best out of 3! April Starling vs Countess Sia von Karnstein

Unread post by RedShinigami »

going on from here:

Sias Theme hit the arena as she walked down the ramp. This time she had'nt servants or anything,just plainly her and the determination to kick Starlings ass again. She really had started to hate that bitch after her words in the interview and the days after Sias backstage attack were heated as the whole lockerroom just talked about the rematch of the two beauties.
Sia jumped up the apron,got in and ignored the fans in her usual arrogant ways as she threw away her snirt leaving her in her gold-purple bra and a string in the same colors as she waited for her opponent...Image
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rematch of bitter enemies! Best out of 3! April Starling vs Countess Sia von Karnstein

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

(Note, this match ended up being played out through discord, here is the full match from Sia's opening post on Law to the end of the match.)

Sia – Sias Theme hit the arena as she walked down the ramp. This time she hadn't servants or anything, just plainly her and the determination to kick Starlings ass again. She really had started to hate that bitch after her words in the interview and the days after Sias backstage attack were heated as the whole locker-room just talked about the rematch of the two beauties.
Sia jumped up the apron, got in and ignored the fans in her usual arrogant ways as she threw away her snirt leaving her in her gold-purple bra and a string in the same colors as she waited for her opponent...

April - April made her way to the ring with the mission impossible style music playing for her intro. She didn't both with any of her theatrics this time. There was no ziplining from the catwalk to the ring, there was no, disguse to rip off that was in the style of her opponent, there was no James Bond girl type entrance, she just strutted her way to the ring with true purpose, clad in her orange two-piece bikini and black hoodie tied around her waist. She remembered being tossed into the clothes bin, and that burned into her mind as she slid into the ring and as soon as she slid into the ring, she immediately picked herself up and bolted at Countess Sia, looking to immediately tackle her to the ground and start flailing into the woman with a flurry of forearm shots to the side of her head and clubbing her in the back, flailing at her to try to force her to retreat out of the ring, starting bell be damned.

Sia - Sia was prepared to trash talk the British beauty some more but it seemed that she meant business this time! 2 out of 3 was the name of the game and Sia was eager to get two falls and show to the world that she was the better woman! How dare that bimbo say that it was close the last time...well not this time around, she was sure. But Sia didn't see the sudden attack and the vicious forearms that sent her down to the canvas with April on top, starting strong as the heel retreated outside the ring. "You bitch! How dare you!", she snarled and put of her skirt, leaving her in her purple-golden Bikini, looking up to April. She walked around slowly, like two wildcats they seemed as they eyed each other before Sia rolled back in...

April - "Simple, you make it really easy to want to beat your ass. Now get back in here and take your beating with some dignity." She mentioned as she grabbed her own wrists and rotated them in preparation for the match, switching between one wrist, then the other as she then backed up to allow Sia to enter, making a mocking sweep of her arm to the mat as she kept narrowed eyes focused on her opponent.

Sia - Sia did come in and grunted. "Why you little..." She raised one arm. "Let's see if your strength is as big as your mouth since the last time.", the arrogant noblewoman said and raised one hand in an invitation for a test of strength, exciting the crowd who cheered for both women.

April - April kept her eyes on Sia, not trusting her one bit for this test of strength. She had a match with her before and was aware of some of her movements, so she should be able to see what she would tell to be the start of a sudden knee lift or a incoming punch. She was watching as she kept both of her hands up and went to interlock her fingers with Sia's one hand while keeping her other hand back, slowly inching that forward to in case Sia actually did decide to interlock her fingers with April's second hand.

Sia - Despite what April was thinking, at least for the test of strength, Sia didn't want to cheap shot her or anything, no, she wanted to prove that she was the stronger one of them and a test of strength was the perfect opportunity to show dominance at the beginning of a match. Their slim fingers interlocked...followed by the second one and then the test of strength was on as both beauties started to push against each other, their breasts pressed together, biceps bulged and their legs in a stable stance. Their heads were on each other's shoulders as they pushed away with all their strength...

April - April let out some grunts as she struggled to push against Countess Sia but there was no amount of training to it, Sia was still the stronger of the two as April was pressed breast to breast with her opponent. She went from pushing against Sia to with their hands in front of each other to their arms being outstretched to the sides. April grimacing as she struggled in the test of strength.

Sia - Sia grinned, knowing that she would win the test of strength. "Foolish girl, you know that you can't beat me in a test of strength but you always try it. Admirable if it weren't so stupid!", she said and pushed harder, finally gaining ground against the other woman, sending her to one knee. "Kneel, yes kneel before your mistress!", Sia laughed.

April - "Alright....I kneel." April grunted out as she was forced to one knee, but then she looked up at Sia with a smirk. "But only so I can do this." She then suddenly instead of pushing, pulled to bring Sia down on top of her as she adjusted her legs. She let Sia fall with her upper body landing on top of April's own as she then adjusted to clamp her legs >< style tightly around Sia's figure, giving her a sharp squeeze in a body scissor to counter the test of strength as she would then place her hands to the mat behind her when Sia let go to push herself to sit up while making her legs go to work on squeezing Sia's beautiful bitchy figure.

Sia - Sia already saw herself as the winner when April started to get things in motion. "What-aaaagh!", Sia screeched as she fell on top of her foe. And the strength April lacked in her upper body seemed to be in her legs as she clamped Sias midsection who started to scream. "Aaaaagh! Let go!", she screamed, trying to push away but it was no use. Her head was pressed to the mat next to April as she gladly squeezed away at Sias luxurious body, a screech of pain next to her ear...

April - "I'll consider it, hmmm, no thanks." April retorted as she alternated between tensing her legs tightly, flexing them to show off her deadly legs and then easing up and repeating, squeezing in short intense bursts to work on wearing out her opponent as she then lifted her rear up off the ground, applying some leverage to her body scissors as she gave a long winded even tighter squeeze to her opponent. "What's the matter? Don't like my leggy cuddle?"

Sia - "Nghaa-AAAH!",Sia screamed as the deadly embrace even tightened around her waist. She decided that she had go back into the action and wrapped her arms around the head of the Agent, pressing her soft tits all over the face of her foe and with all the power she could muster, pressed the face of April into her breasts to cut off her air supply. "Ngh...seems...we have a dead end...let go and I let you go...", Sia said with a hoarse voice from her constant screaming.

April - April let out a few mmphs in protest as she suddenly found her face buried into Sia's cleavage. She tried to hold out and squeezed for just a little bit longer, but she then released Sia with her legs and shifted them into an on-her-knees position as she brought her hands to Sia's shoulders to push against them as she tried to pull her face out of her opponent's cleavage.

Sia - "Got you...", Sia chuckled and managed to get them both up in a sitting position, still pressing April's head into her cleavage with all her strength, the muscles on her biceps straining. "Let's take a little nap and when you are awake you just have one fall left until you lose...don't worry I'll make it quick...", the tanned woman grinned. And with that she slammed both of them back to the ground, her tits still in April's face as she grabbed her wrists and held them down. "Count her Ref!", Sia said with a smug smile. ONE!

April - April was finding it hard to breath now, especially with the wind knocked out of her from being forced back onto her back. She heard the muffled one count as she squirmed her face and body. She had a plan though and when it came to the second count, she opened her mouth and clamped down hard to bite at Sia's inner boob and using that distraction she would buck with her body to roll over to be the one on top of Sia as she would then try to pull herself back up and away from Sia to get into a standing position.

Sia - TW- Sia was sure that the first fall would belong to her and in an almost record time too. But her grin warped into a face of sheer agony she felt teeth biting into the soft flesh of her boobs. "Ah! Are you insane?!", she screeched and was rolled over by April. But with no intentions to let her go, Sia managed to wrap her legs around April too and when the English girl was standing up it was Sias turn to squeeze her in some interesting variation of a bearhug, using her legs and to secure the grip and making it stronger she pushed herself onto her hands. She invented this on the spot but maybe it would work as she started to squeeze away

April - April yelped out as she felt Sia's legs clamp around her body and squeeze. Her hands went to grip at Sia's knees as she tried to pry against them, but had difficulty budging them. She grimaced in pain as her hands slipped from Sia's knees and her hands rose up into the air, almost looking as if pleading for a release, but when the ref asked if she submitted, she shook her head. "No!" She called out before she cupped her hands together and then lifted them up and brought them to crash down on Sia's midsection, trying to force her to release, the hold, but in the process, she would drop to one knee, bringing a hand up to her lower back, favoring it now, definitely feeling the effects from Sia's unique scissor.

Sia - Sia squeezed as hard as she could and felt how the energy was drained from her opponent. She raised an arm and the ref asked her if she would give but she declined. Stubborn bitch! Sia tried to maintain the hold before the obvious weakness of this impromptu move showed itself when April axe handled her belly. "Guffah!" Sia coughed and immediately let go of the tight squeeze, falling down on the mat and holding her gut squirming.

April - April grimaced as she clutched at her lower back, however, she noticed Sia on the ground squirming. She rose back up to her feet and walked over to her, bending over as she grabbed Sia's legs and tried to hook one of shins behind the back of her other knee. She would then wrap her arms around the front of that knee and around the back of that opposite shin, getting her in a Texas cloverleaf position. If that worked, she would then try to flip Sia onto her back but then immediately fall over to her side to roll Sia to the side with her as she once again would clamp her legs around Sia's waist. This time applying her cloverleaf/body scissor combination signature move that she likes to call, License to Squeeze.

Sia - Sia tried to get away, scratching on the canvas, but to no use as her legs were grabbed and she was forced into a Texas cloverleaf. Then she was turned around and things got worse as she was squeezed again by April's strong legs. She screamed as she was caught in the painful signature move of the Englishwoman. The ref got down to Sia and asked her if she would give. "Fuck no! Never...", she said and gritted her teeth, clenching her fists and try not to succumb to the move.

April - April arched herself back flexibly, pulling on Sia's legs and forcing Sia's own back to arch even more, not only that but April was maintaining a strong grip with her legs as well, squeezing Sia ever so tighter as April was trying to force a submission out of the woman early on, however Sia was pretty close to the ropes, and a crawl of desperation might be able to save her from this double whammy of a maneuver.

Sia - Sia was determined not to go out that early and just after a few moves so she looked to the ropes, the last possibility before she would fade and giving that bitch the first fall... but not yet... Sia pulled herself together and with endless amounts of adrenaline shooting through her bloodstream she managed to grab the rope as the world was fading. The ref looked at her and then to April. "She got the rope, let her go!" Some people were complaining from the crowd. "She faded before she grabbed it!" "No, she didn't!" "Yes, she did!" Anyway, Sia was slowly coming to her senses but April was still in advantage...

April - April glanced back to see Sia slumped with a grip on the ropes, she immediately released. She didn't argue, Sia made it to the ropes in her mind and that was that, she couldn't help but to have a smirk of admiration for Sia's toughness to make it to the ropes. However, she still had a first fall to try to obtain. She walked over towards Sia and tried to pick her up, but was having difficulty with Sia, being out and kind of dead weight. She dragged Sia over to the center of the ring as she stood in front of her. She cupped her hands to the sides of Sia's neck and began to lift her up to be face to face with her, however in the process this was giving Sia plenty of opportunity to recover, which actually was something April was aiming for anyways, so she could be not as dead weight and be able to lift her up properly.

Sia - Sia was still a little out of it and happy that she managed to get to the ropes. But her joy was short-lived as April was getting her up and dragging her to the center of the ring. Sia didn't know if she was just stupid or careless but she used the opportunity to give her opponent a nasty eye rake if April wasn't on her toes...

April - April didn't see that coming, no pun intended, as April yelped out in pain as she released Sia, turning around to take a few steps away from her as she covered her eyes, pulling her hands away as she tried to blink away the blur as she then turned back around to face Sia, who had even more time to recover thanks to that dastardly move of hers.

Sia - Sia didn't waste any time. "Here is one of your favorites!", she said and scooped up April to body slam her onto the canvas. And as to prove that she was indeed better she tried something she couldn't accomplish the last time as she grabbed April and got her up again. But instead of just try to body slam her again right away, she sent a hard fist into the firm belly of her opponent and then scooped her up for a second slam. If everything went the way she intended than Sia would splash on her enemy and hook her leg for a pin...

April - It wasn't enough for her to shout out in pain as she was slammed onto the ground, immediately sitting up and clutching at her back, however she was then lifted up to get punched in the gut as she doubled over with a groan of pain, she was then scoop slammed once more and then groaned out as her body arched on the ground a little as Sia splashed down on top of it. Sia then went for the cover, and 1....2, but before 3 could ring out April managed to twist her body and lift one arm into the air to stop the pinfall as she panted from the chain of pain she just endured.

Sia - Sia was sure she had her know, the pin was secured, usually Sia would just lie down on her opponents in sheer arrogance but this was another thing. She wanted to beat that woman! And she couldn't allow herself to make mistakes. She slammed both hands on the canvas. "Bitch! Stay down!", she screamed as she got to her feet and grabbed the Agent again. But Sias motions were slow as she grabbed her sides moaning, still feeling the effects of the License to squeeze and so it took some time that April could use... This time she tried to Irish whip her opponent into the corner. She grabbed April's wrist with one and her back with the other hand to send her flying...

April - April groaned as she was pulled up to her feet, but then felt herself being Irish whipped. She gritted her teeth and twisted herself groaning from the impact of her back ramming into the corner, however, it was her turn to have a surge of adrenaline as instead of staying in the corner, she used that hit to ricochet her into running back towards Sia, at the last second, she jumped forward at Sia and spun herself around, trying to land a flying European Uppercut to connect against Sia's chest.

Sia - Sia grinned as April connected hard with the ring post. "Eat this shit-face...", she grinned and was ready to spear her into the corner but April managed to get a second wind and flew right back at Sia with a devastating European uppercut. Sia was pushed against the ropes and grunted as she was left here hanging in the ropes, breathing hard.

April - Ugh...bitch..." Was all April could reply with to Sia's shit-face comment as she panted a little as the crowd was chanting "This is awesome!" She took quite the beating and was only able to make it to her hand and knees and pushed herself up to a standing position by the time Sia recovered and made her way back to her.

Sia - Sia went back to April on wobbly feet and got her up again. "Time to get my fall...", Sia said as she prepared April for a sitting face buster, ramming her head into the canvas. If that went through, she would sneak around April and wrap her arms around her neck in a kneeling sleeper hold to the sitting Englishwoman.

April - April went down to the ground in a face buster as she rolled over onto her back, clutching at her head. as her orange-colored boot stomped the mat, not just in frustration but in pain as well. She was then pulled up onto her knees, as she then felt Sia try to cinch in a sleeper hold, however her arms curved around Sia's arms and pulled down, but not before Sia could at least cinch in something. As Sia managed to lock her arms tightly around April just underneath her breasts, but not only that, but April's arms were now trapped to her sides as well as April gasped out.

Sia - "Oh this is how you want to get your lights out? With pleasure!", Sia grinned and started to squeeze April's midsection with her strong arms, her legs were painful but Sias arms were something else. She squeezed, gritting her teeth, her eyes shut in the strain as she tried to get the last drop of air out of her rival.

April - April let out a sexy moan as she was squeezed tightly in Sia's bearhug from behind. She let out sexy grunts as she tried to push herself up to her feet letting out sexy moans with each squeeze Sia gave her. She grunted and worked fiercely as she wiggled her shoulders up and down, trying desperately to free her arms as she tensed her body up in preparation for each brutal squeeze given to her.

Sia - Sia had to stand up with her rival and both women were now in the middle of the ring, struggling against each other in a deadly embrace for the first fall. Sia was still squeezing away on her opponent, but her efforts were growing weaker. And they didn't even have the first fall! This match was destined to be brutal and could only end in the destruction of the opponent. "Why don't you go down! Ref!" The ref got to April. "April, do you give?", she asked.

April - April managed to free her arms at this point, but was panting with exhaustion, leaning back against Sia, one hand weakly pried against Sia's embrace while the other hand curved up to cup against the side of Sia's cheek. Her breasts heaved up and down from the strain of trying to control her breathing and when the ref asked for a submission, she could only shake her head no. However, it wasn't much longer before both April's arms went limp and her head slumped forward, her wrists wriggling as if to motivate the crowd to cheer her on to give her a second wind before the motion stopped and it appeared that April was asleep for the ref to come check on her.

Sia - Sia squeezed her and threw her around like a ragdoll, she felt the fingers of April against her cheeks, fearing it could be a claw or something but the hand just dropped and the ref came to hold up April's arm. ONE TWO THREE First fall goes to the Count- "Make it ten!", Sia snarled at the ref who looked confused but then complied and started to drop Aprils arms again, Sia again being a victim of her arrogance if April had just played possum...

April - April was thrown around like a ragdoll and even twirled around to now be in a chest-to-chest bearhug with Sia with her feet dangling off the ground as her face rested on Sia's shoulders as she was limp in her arms. The ref started the count, and then resumed the counting as April was letting soft moans of slumber escape from her lips, probably not by choice, but by Sia's merciless squeezing forcing the moans to escape her lips. The ref lifted her arm up for the ninth time, but it was by this point that April's arm stopped about 3/4ths the way down, wiggling a finger left and right for a ‘nonono,’ before shaking her fists, trying to get a surge of energy to return to her. She shifted her knees up to tuck against Sia's hips as she cupped her hands to Sia's chin, trying to push her chin back in an attempt to cause Sia some discomfort and to try to loosen up the bearhug as a moan and cute whimper of effort rang out from April.

Sia - Sia was ready to let April fall down on the canvas and boast about her first fall. But again, her arrogance had taken the best out of her and the crowd started to cheer, but not for her, but for April who was now fighting back, pushing Sias head away. The aristocrat groaned. "Why can't you be a good girl and stay down...", she said and her arms finally released April. Sia had to recover because she couldn't feel her arms right now and she stumbled back into her corner, leaning against it and breathing heavily.

April - April groaned out in exhaustion and relief as she immediately dropped to the ground on her back. Her arms stretched out to her sides as she panted heavily. She barely had the energy to push herself into a sitting position as she clutched at her ribs with one arm and curved her arms to clutch at her lower back with the other as she grimaced in pain.

Sia - Both women were on their edge but Sia was determined to get her fall now when she climbed up on the corner behind her. Slowly but steadily, only stopping to hold her aching sides. She managed to get on top and cast a shadow on her downed foe. And with that she jumped down with a big splash to April, then pinning her and getting the first fall...

April - April laid back down as soon as she seen the shadow cast upon her. She noticed the incoming splash, and knew it was going to hurt, however as Sia came down and impacted on top of her, she was ready and hooked an arm around Sia's neck and on the bounce from the impact went into a roll as she hooked her legs around Sia's, turning the splash into a surprise roll-up on the bounce as she tried to rob Sia of the first fall.

Sia - Sia was sure she would do it; she would crush her underneath her and then pin her. It would be so easy so... Failing... She fell, she was grabbed and suddenly she was curled into a ball as the ref started counting. ONE TWO THREE! The first fall goes to Miss April Starling! Sia couldn't believe what had happened only that she was robbed of her first fall. She kicked out of it and landed on her back, next to April. Sia looked up to the lights of the stadium and huffed. Then she screamed and slammed her hands against the canvas like the spoiled brat she was. Angrily she jumped April and started to strangle her with her hands. "Bitch! I'll end you!" The ref pulled Sia away from her foe and into her corner. "Baroness, into your corner or you will get a DQ!" Sia grunted and got into her corner, waiting for April to do the same and the bell ringing...

April - April didn't have a chance to smile at the win, for as they uncurled from being balled up together April was still feeling the impact of the splash hitting her, groaning out as she folded her arms over her stomach as she was definitely hurting. It also didn't help that Sia started to strangle her, grasping at her wrists as her boots stomped up and down on the mat until the ref broke it up. She then rolled over as she slowly pushed herself back up to her feet before twisting around and slouching against the corner turnbuckle with her arms hooked around the top ropes holding her up as she panted and stared at Sia as the bell rang.

Sia - When the bell rang, none of the women were ready to jumpstart an attack. Sia and her opponent met up in the middle of the ring and Sia decided for something that will save her some stamina as she grabbed her hurting foe and struggled with her into a corner where she proceeded to press her body against hers, both their big breasts almost popping out as April was forced into the corner. Sia then turned around and grabbed the ropes, starting to slam her behind into April, rub it a little before shoving it again. "How does it feel honey, huh?"

April - April could only respond with groans with each slam of Sia's rear to her midsection as she almost folded over with each hit, though she did blush a little when Sia went to rubbing her rear against her lap. With the final slam April collapsed into a sitting position as she slumped her back against the second turnbuckle as her arms now draped over top of the middle ropes to her sides.

Sia - "Right where I wanted you...", Sia chuckled as she pulled on her string, shoving it upwards so her nice, round butt was in good sight, only to press it into April's face in a stink face, smothering her and starting to wriggle around, turning April's face from side to side to the joy of the crowd. When she was done, she would remain there, getting some energy back and using the face of her poor opponent as some sort of chair to lean on. "You make a good throne.", Sia grinned.

April - April let out some ‘Mmphs’ of protest as her hands palmed both sides of Sia's butt cheeks as they rubbed against her face. As Sia decided to use her face as a throne the referee approached her. "Out of the know the rules....1....2......3." To which when Sia would finally move away from her face April would turn her face sideways coughing and gasping for air as she turned around to face away from Sia as she reached up to the top ropes and weakly was pulling herself back up to her feet.

Sia - Sia, now having gotten some stamina back and filled with adrenaline from the rush of humiliating her hated foe went straight up to April, which was still in the corner and slapped her across the collarbone with a loud smack. Then Sia started a parade of punches into the big breasts and the firm belly of her beautiful opponent, giving her a savage beating.

April - April howled out as her collarbone was smacked, she twisted around to face her opponent and groaned and yelped with each punch to her gut and chop to her breasts, she gripped at one side of the ropes and started to use it to pull herself out of the corner and try to get away from Sia as she grimaced in pain, making her way to the midway to the ring against the ropes.

Sia - Sia had none of it and when April walked away, she would follow, mocking her. "Look at you, pathetic scum. You always knew that you are the lesser woman! How close is it now, huh?", she asked and wrapped her arms around her midsection again. But instead of squeezing Sia had something better in mind as she got a good grip and followed her attacks with a devastating German Suplex, holding April in place to secure a pin while bent over.

April - As April's upper back hit the mat with a sickening thud, the ref began to count. 1....2, and almost as if out of reflex she managed to twist her body at the last second to flop out of the German Suplex. Laying on her stomach now with her arms resting curved close to her head, her booted toes tapped against the mat as the only sign of movement as she let out a soft grunt of pain.

Sia - Sia cursed and slapped the mat but then got up and stood over her, arms crossed and a look of pity and arrogance on her face. "You are really just a bimbo. And I considered you a threat..." With every intention to humiliate her more she slipped the boots off of her downed foe, grabbing her feet and then locked them up in a harsh figure four, Sia bent back as she applied a strain on April's legs, letting go for a second and then pull again, torturing her while the ref was on her side. "Do you give?"

April - April's boots were a little too secure, so they didn't really slip off like Sia intended, instead out of frustration she went to slapping on the figure four. April pushed herself up into a sitting position as she screamed out in pain as she shook her head no. She continued to feel the agony as she laid back down, but the ref noticed this and started to try to go for the pin as April had to sit herself up only to shout out in agony some more. She gritted her teeth as she reached out, gripping at Sia's legs, trying to pry against them, but when that didn't work, she began instead to start to punch Sia directly in one of her knees a few times, trying to force her to let go.

Sia - Sia didn't get the boots exactly down but it was enough to get April uncomfortable as she went on with her figure four. "Come on, give up already!", Sia said rolling her eyes and without the ref seeing it, as she was looking at April right now, she illegally grabbed for the ropes to secure the hold. Whenever the ref would look to her, she would let go but as April suddenly slammed against Sias kneecaps she forgot to take her hands away. "Stop the hold!", the ref said and Sia grunted in frustration, giving her foe a long and strong pull while the ref counted and then let go of her. Sia sighed. "Seems there is only one way to get you down...", she said as she grabbed April's hair and pulled her in a bearhug again, lifting her up and started to squeeze with net powers. "Ngh...give up will ya!"

April - April grimaced as Sia pulled her up by the hair, gripping at Sia's wrists until Sia released it, she then felt Sia's arms clamp around her lower back and pulled her off of her feet. April yelped out as she brought her knees to tuck up against Sia's side. Her arms wrapped around Sia's neck, as she let out a sexy moan as Sia began to squeeze her. She grimaced in pain as she lowered her face to press into the side of Sia's neck, letting out a cute sounding whimper as she tried to endure Sia's bearhug for now, not giving a response to the ref as the ref asked if she submitted, which was the equivalent of no for now.

Sia - "Ok...than let's cuddle!", Sia said and gritted her teeth, her biceps bulged and strained as she delivered a hard and perfectly applied bearhug. She let go for one second just to clamp around her opponent more, almost like a snake squeezing the life out of her pray and Sia was a snake. "Aaw what's wrong Darling? Feeling a little weak?", she asked and pulled hard. All the while their cheeks touched and Sia added to the humiliation by letting her tongue slide over the agent's neck.

April - April yelped as she was bounced into a tighter grip, looking like either Sia got bigger or she shrank a little, she found herself with only her lower and middle back completely engulfed by Sia's embrace. She blushed as Sia licked the side of her neck and another tight squeeze forced her to moan out as she cupped one hand around the back of Sia's head and pulled her face to press down against her cleavage, however not breast smothering her, while her other hand gripped at Sia's arm and push down against it, but couldn't budge it as April moaned out as her eyes fluttered and her body seams to shiver with a little pleasure.

Sia - Sia grinned as she just loved to torture hot babes and this one was definitely a babe. Her face pressed into April's cleavage she made the best out of it by sucking and licking on April's soft boobs while adding to the pressure, each whimper and moan from her foe was music to her ears...

April - April continued to moan out as Sia enjoyed April's cleavage, even made her display a lovely case of jiggle physics as she gave a bounce with each squeeze. Her face tilted up to the air as she ran her hands through her own hair as she screamed out in pain. Her breasts heaved up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. Her side of her face rested on top of Sia's head as her arms and legs slowly slumped limp as her eyes slowly closed, being squeezed to sleep by her stronger opponent.

Sia - Sia was busy with exploring April's soft flesh, sucking, licking and even soft kisses followed by some harsh bites. She didn't let go immediately as April went limp, both in an embrace like lovers but when the ref pulled up April's arm three times, she urged Sia to let go. Sia grinned and let April down and with another show of dominance she kissed the English beauty getting a strong reaction from the crowd. She bit on April's lower lip when she let go and smiled. "Just like the last time..." Then she shoved April away and turned around to go to her corner. "Sia wins the second fall! Last fall will decide!" Sia used the time she had to show off and crawl the turnbuckle, posing for the crowd. "Did expect anything else? And now I finish her off!", she said confidently.

April - April slowly stirred awake when the ref woke her up. It was strategically a good move for April to pass out instead of submit because this little bit of a nap time definitely gave her a little more time to recover then if she would have just tapped and the match would have resumed again almost immediately. She made it back to her corner as she twisted around to face Sia, listening to her overconfidence as she narrowed her eyes at her, clenching her fists to the point of popping some of her knuckles as she hopped up and down in place, just waiting for that bell to signal resuming the match.

Sia - Sia laughed. This would have been the perfect opportunity for April to strike but she didn't. It wasn't her style it seemed and as arrogant and cheating Sia was she admired it and she admired the woman too...especially those tight holds and... She turned red and shook her head as the bell rang and both women started to circle each other like wildcats ready to strike. "You know Sweetie, you said you would beat me up...first round was luck and second a don't think you can win, do you?", she said in a much lighter tone as before but still arrogant.

April - April took a mental note of noticing Sia blush looking at her, but didn't show any emotional reaction to it. She replied to the question with a cold sounding. "Only one way to find out." She mentioned as she circled her opponent, she then lunged at Sia, going for a lock-up, only to attempt to twist Sia into a side headlock and pull Sia's face against the side of her breast, trying to continue working on making Sia blush, using that mental note of attracting Sia to her advantage.

Sia - "Gah!" That was a surprise and when Sia found herself pressed against April's breast she blushed again but didn't forget to fight back as she wrapped her arms around April and tried to lift her for an atomic drop.

April - As April felt Sia lock her arms around her body and felt their bodies lower, she knew she was going to be jerked up off of her feet, so when Sia began to life, April pushed off of the mat with her feet to basically jump up, trying to use that momentum and swing her legs up to instead try to swing back behind Sia in a flip, adjusting her grip to have her arm hook around Sia's neck dragon sleeper style as she landed on her feet. If successful, she would then just drop to the ground to slam Sia onto her back in the process in a Scorpion Death Drop style.

Sia - What Sia always forgot was that April was a pro technician when she wasn't beaten up to her feet, something the arrogant baroness had to learn when April's boots hit the floor again and then dropped Sia to the floor with a Scorpion Death Drop. "Agghaaah!" Sia arched her back at the landing and grabbed her head which hurt like hell. "Ooooww.."

April - April took a few moments, still recovering from the end of the first fall and the entirety of the second fall. She then rose up and pulled Sia up to her feet. She then pulled on Sia's arm to whip her towards the turnbuckle, but in a manner to make sure on impact Sia remained facing the corner. If that worked, She would then run at Sia and leap at her, trying to crash both of her knees into Sia's middle back.

Sia - Sia was quite overwhelmed with the sudden energy burst of her opponent and grunted when she was picked up. "Uh...lemme go you peasant...", she said as she was Irish whipped into the corner. "AAAAAH!" She crashed back first into the turnbuckle. She moaned and turned around holding to the ropes of the turnbuckle as suddenly April smashed her knees into her sore back. "UAAAAH!", she screamed and slumped down falling on her back, her legs now spreading out with the turnbuckle between them while she grabbed her back, almost convulsing in pain.

April - April smirked as she looked at Sia sitting in the corner, "Oh dear, your face is looking a little dirty, here, let me clean it off for you." She mentioned as she pulled her black hoodie off of her waist, letting it drop down beside her. She then smirked with a blush as she twisted around to grip the middle ropes at her sides as she pressed her rear deep into Sia's face and swayed her rear in a circular motion.

Sia - "What are you...noooomfffff!", she grunted as April pressed her delicious rear into her face, earning laughs for Sia and whistles for April as the proud baroness was squashed under April admittedly nice behind. Sia twisted and turned as she squirmed like a worm her arms grabbing around in the air. "Hmmfffffff!"

April - She didn't stop there, as she moved away from Sia she picked back up her black hoodie and secured it tightly around her waist once more. She then rushed over to the still sitting Sia as she leapt at her, letting her legs slip between the bottom and middle rope as she grabbed the top rope with her hands. Rising up and coming back down as she crashed her rear a few times into Sia's chest bronco buster style.

Sia - Sia gasped for air as April finally released her, but to her horror the beauty wasn't quite finished with her as she heard her walk away and coming back running. "No! Please noAAAAH!", she screamed as she got a rather interesting variation of a broncobuster, driving the air out of her body she just greedily sucked in. "Ngh! Ugh! Oof!" It hurt like hell but it was even more agonizing psychologically as it was physically.

April - After she was done with the move, she slapped the top corner turnbuckle rhythmically to pump the crowd up before pulling herself out of the corner and pulling Sia up with her, guiding her over to the ropes at the center of the ring. "Now you are going to experience what I've been training for in preparation of our match." She mentioned as she the attempted to Irish Whip Sia. If that worked, she would then step to the center of the ring and prepare herself to catch Sia and pull her off of her feet and into a bearhug of her own.

Sia - Sia groaned as April grabbed her by her hair after pumping up the crowd. She gave April a gaze of anger but also something else...appreciation. She was sent into the ropes and knew what was bound to happen so when she hit the ropes and was thrown back into the waiting arms of April she ducked and speared the British beauty and the force of them both sent them flying out on the ringside where both came to lie on the mats. "Ugh...", Sia groaned but managed to get up first, reaching for April's hair. If it worked, she would get her opponent up and send her with an Irish whip of her own into the steel steps of the ring.

April - April groaned outside of the ring as she got speared and took a tumble with Sia, she was then pulled up to her feet and whipped towards the steel steps, she dropped down and turned around as her back hit the side of the steel steps with a sickening CRACK as the steps shifted a little from the impact. April screamed out in pain as she laid on her stomach, clutching at her lower back as she sat up and crawled over to try to climb up and roll back into the ring.

Sia - 1! The ref shouted but Sia had none of it. "Where do you think you are going Babe?", she said, wrapping her arms around April from behind, squeezing her as hard as she could and then, if everything worked, she would deliver a German Suplex on the thin mats of the outside... 2!

April - April moaned out as she was pulled back against Sia and squeezed. She then hit her upper back hard against the thin mat outside the ring as she was squeezed, leaving her laying on her stomach and barely moving as her hands gripped at the back of her own neck. 3! 4!

Sia - 5 6 Sia groaned and got up on wobbly feet as she looked on April. She wanted to get sure but hadn't time as the ref called: 7! She approached the ringside and rolled in panting.

April - 8! April slowly managed to Crawl her way over to the edge of the ring. 9 April managed to pull herself and roll into the ring before the 10, but that was about all she could do as she was still grimacing in pain as she clutched as her back and rose up to her knees facing Sia.

Sia - Sia got up too looking at her. The match was now almost an hour on its way and both women were at their edge as Sia looked April in the eyes as she got up and walked to her with open arms throwing her arms around April but waited for April to do the same as she nodded and then started to squeeze in unison with April, wanting to decide this match with a bearhug!

April - April nodded in return as Sia locked her arms around her lower back, leaving April as the one with the free arms, she wrapped her arms around Sia's upper back and grunted out as she tried to squeeze too, but Sia was squeezing the part of her back that slammed hard against the steel. This caused her to cry out in pain as she released Sia's upper back, instead wrapping her arms around Sia's neck as she buried her side of her face there. Her body shivered from the pressure, but she clenched one fist behind Sia, raising it up and down slowly, trying to get the crowd to rally for her and to help her fight through the painful submission Sia was trying to win with.

Sia – Sia was at the end of her strength too and so the bearhug wasn't as tight as it could be but tight enough as she squeezed away at April. "Nghh...I have to admit...I underestimated you...", she said in a much more neutral tone. "But just give up...I win! I always win...", the aristocrat said while getting to her feet into a standing bearhug again.

April - April whimpered into Sia's grip and moaned out as she was jerked up to standing position. She blushed hearing Sia actually compliment her and in response, she gave Sia a kiss on the cheek. She then twisted her face to rest her cheek against Sia's as she let out a sexy moan in Sia's ear as Sia squeezed her. "Nhhh, I'm not quite through just...yet..." April groaned out, she shook her arms in determination, trying to gather a second wind and hope that Sia doesn't pull her back off of her feet.

Sia - Sia shuddered as April kissed her. She wouldn't admit it but it seems that April wasn't...that bad at all... Sia gathered her last strength to get April up of her feet but it wasn't enough as her sore back suddenly cramped and she had to let go, leaning on April now, both women pressed against each other cheek to cheek in a soft embrace as Sia couldn't squeeze anymore, her hands on Aprils shapely behind. "What will you do now my sexy agent?", she said in her ear and kissed April at the corner of her lips.

April - Agh!" April cried out as she was pulled off of her feet and squeezed, however it was brief as she gasped out as Sia set her back down before her second wind could be depleted. When Sia teased what she would do and felt Sia kiss her lips, a wave of confusion set over her, but she did have a match to wind. She slid her arms around Sia's waist, making sure to leave Sia's arms free, she let out a sexy grunt as she hefted Sia up off of her feet as they were breast to breast with each other. April made sure one arm was gripped over top of the other to make sure to engulf Sia's body so only her breasts up and waist down were visible. She tensed her arms up and began to squeeze Sia tightly letting out a sexy grunt in the process as she pressed Sia tighter against her body, blushing a little more at the corner lip kiss as she shifted her face to nuzzle against the side of Sia's neck affectionately momentarily.

Sia - Sias rage against April had softened as the match progressed, was it because she was tired, because the air didn't reach her brain properly, she was just good with it. When April applied her grip in a professional way Sia gave a sharp sigh and then a loud moan as it was her turn to wrap her legs around April and her arms around her neck. Sia moaned again and gave soft screams as she was squeezed. "Baroness do you give?", the ref asked and Sia shook her head. "No... not yet..aaaaah!" She pressed her face into April's shoulder and moaned lowly into the agent's ear. " this is what you did in the meantime...

April - "Yes, but you can do me a favorite darling and don't submit so quickly." She mentioned as she shivered, enjoying the feel of Sia against her body, and Sia being less bitchy was actually...kind of nice. She squeezed Sia in short but intense bursts as her arms tensed and trembled against Sia's back. She also jerked up and down slightly as she squeezed, adding a soft bounce with each squeeze that gave the audience a nice display of Sia jiggling against her body, she smiled and shifted Sia's face away from her shoulder, but only so she could shift the side of her face to rest against Sia's breasts as she closed her eyes and smirked as she continued hugging Sia.

Sia - Sia moaned as she got squeezed again. "Aaah...only..." She grabbed April's head with both hands and looked her in the eyes directly. "Only if you call me hnghhha...Darling again....aaaah",she said and this time she planted a kiss right on April's mouth, doing it while April squeezed let her moan into the Englishwoman's mouth before she looked up to the stadium lights while her arms wrapped around April's head. "Auuughaaaa!", she screamed at the top of her lungs and then pressed her head in April's neck, giving sexy moans and soft kisses to April's neck. The match was quite the sight as the fans cheered for both women.

April - "Sure thing...darling." She whispered even more seductively, she arched her body backwards, forcing Sia to bend forward against her, letting Sia's breasts rest over top of her own as she slid her arms even tighter around Sia's body as both of them dripped with sweat with April definitely feeling the heat off Sia's body. She leaned her face up to clamp Sia's earlobe between her teeth, giving it a gentle nibble as she continued to bounce Sia softly with each squeeze as she was taking her time in trying to draw a submission out of her opponent, also making sure to not have Sia pass out on her, letting the bearhug be a little more sensual than a painful one.

Sia – Nevertheless, Sia would lose this one and she was a little pissed but her hormone filled brain told her that it was ok. And maybe she wanted the rematch just because she wanted to see and feel April again? She was pulled up, her breasts over Aprils as she grabbed her hair and moaned while she was tightly squeezed. When the agent than suddenly started to nibble on her ear she gave a yelp and went red. "Miss are more than the eye could see...I am...aaaaah...glad I challenged you again...", Sia said panting, her legs around April's waist while her arms trailed over Aprils back, caressing it, touching her behind and started to squeeze it and all the while she moaned and gasped in this sensual bearhug.

April - "I'm glad that we were able to come to some sort of...peaceful resolution." She mentioned as she looked Sia eye to eye, she leaned in for one more deep passionate kiss to Sia's lips. "Now if you could continue to be a darling and submit when the ref asks again, that would be delightful, then maybe we could," She mentioned with a sly grin as she shrugged her shoulders. "Continue this someplace more private?" She asked as she then switched to giving her a long-winded squeeze, making it an intense one when the ref came over again to ask if Sia submitted.

Sia - Sia moaned as she was kissed again and leaned on April's head. "Ja...I think that could be...ok...", she whispered as the ref came. "Sia, do you give?" Sia sighed and thought over it a millisecond. "Yes, aaaaagh...I give...I give...", she said and went limp after the last squeeze. Awake but done. A little trail of drool went down her lips as her eyes fluttered. "I challenge a private match sweetheart...where I will win again...", she said softly.

April - April leaned in to rest her head on Sia's forehead. "You're on." She whispered seductively, and then lowered Sia gently to rest on her knees as she then let out an exhausted sigh of relief, almost collapsing, but managed to stagger and stay on her feet as she clutched her lower back with one arm while the ref lifted her other arm up in victory. She then glanced down at Sia and winked at her and gave her a nod of respect.

Sia - Sia landed down to her feet, busted, broken and hot...oh so hot... When the ref took April's hand Sia got up and slapped it away. "Verpiss dich!",she snarled in German and held April's hand high showing that the grudge between them was buried. After that she took the hand and kissed it back of it like April was a fancy lady. "It was an honor Miss Starling...shall we go now?", she asked and offered her arm and then whispered in her ear. "If we don't resume this in my room, I will explode in 5 minutes...", she said and left a kiss on her cheek.

April - April smiled at Sia, but only to jerk Sia back into her and scoop her up for another bearhug, but this time it was completely sensual. "Well, we better make sure that doesn't happen then my dear." She mentioned as she then was careful to keep Sia locked in her arms as she exited between the ropes and dropped to the ground, carrying Sia off of her feet as she squeezed her in short bursts all the way to the exit through the entrance curtains.

Winner – April Starling

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