Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Well, this was about the most awkward thing Kameko had ever been involved in.

Kameko Takara had waited in the backstage interview area, standing next to her was a dainty brunette who seemed to be of L.A.W. staff as an assigned interviewer. Seemed that for this upcoming match the genius minds of the booking committee scheduled a pre-match interview to build a bit of anticipation to things. Course Kameko was not one to be camera shy so she had no issues with it, no the thing that made it awkward was not the fact she was being interviewed for a was who she was being interviewed with.

Blake Belladonna.

Kameko had never met this Blake before, she didn't even know she was fighting her till this day, but she had been familiar with the name Belladonna and that made a naturally uneasy air. Her father had cursed that name throughout his time training Kameko to be a wrestler, as he had many battles with a member of the Belladonna family when he was an active competitor. And he had no respect for the man, he found this "Belladonna" to be the worst kind of competitor; a cheater, a brute who tried to injure his opponent if it meant he'd get a win, and just did whatever he could to piss his father off.

As such, she was sort of engrained with the feelings of hatred to the name. And now, as fate was an ironic mistress it seemed, she was being paired up with someone of that family line. Probably his daughter if she has to guess. Probably would explain why Kameko lacked her usual bravado and had a perpetual if relaxed frown on her face as the interview seemed to speak up.

"Welcome one and all, to our great L.A.W. fans tonight promises to be quite the clash of rising stars. With me now are two of our finest looking to make their own name, Blake Belladonna and Kameko Takara~!" The announce said with a bit of fluff as the distant sound of the crowd cheering as she and this Blake moved on camera was heard. And Kameko flashed a small "V for victory" sign to the camera.
Kameko Takara

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Blake had seen her fair share of pre-match bookings to bring up the hype of any given match. Yet this was something she was not fully prepared for herself. Blake Belladonna waited in the interview area backstage. Here she was told to wait as she would be conducting an interview with her opponent. This should go well… Blake thought to herself as meeting with an opponent before a match can only end in a few ways. Not one to be shy of the cameras Blake had little worry about the questions she would be asked.

Blake had never met her opponent before either, so there is a possibility that her worries are unfounded. Blake also knew very little about her opponent outside of her very aggressive style and never say die attitude. Admittedly Kameko was one of the more annoying types Blake would have to deal with. She would also have to navigate the match carefully as with Kameko being a lean heavyweight could lead into devastating consequences for Blake. But that was later, now Blake put her focus into the interview at hand.

"Welcome one and all, to our great L.A.W. fans tonight promises to be quite the clash of rising stars. With me now are two of our finest looking to make their own name, Blake Belladonna and Kameko Takara~!" The announcer was loud as expected, allowing the audience to fully take in his energy and give it back to Blake and Kameko. As for greetings Blake kept things simple as she put on a smile and waved to the audience. Blake would have to watch for Kameko as maybe she could find something to use in this interview that could assist her in the match.

(Don’t mind the burger)
Blake Belladonna

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Course the atmosphere was mostly lively, the most tension thus far as an occasional glance with some surprising emotion behind Kameko's eyes, but nothing too overt to warrant discussion. Kameko played the good sport as Blake seemed to simply wave to the camera as she resisted the urge to snark which hey had to be a good sign. Still as the interviewer began to introduce each of the ladies to the crowd it seemed that the first question would follow next as she grinned at the pair and seemed to present the mic between them.

"Now then let's get the question I am sure everyone has on their mind. This will be open to either of you so don't be shy in answering, what are your first impressions on your opponent as we head to this anticipated showdown of you two rising stars?"

Kameko listened to the question presented to the pair, and with a sly grin she seemed to have an answer after she glanced at Blake."Well, seems unassuming enough. Athletic, though has that bit of shifty eye..." Kameko began to say which caused the interviewer to raise an eyebrow. Shifty was a curious word, and Kameko quickly followed up. "...well, you know. Being a Belladonna or not. Kinda an inside secret the Belladonnas are a shifty bunch who don't like to play fair, so I guess my thoughts are what kind of trick she might have up her sleeve." Kameko mused and well, this interview got spicy as Kameko seemed to hold some sort of resentment for the Belladonna family.
Last edited by godjacob on Thu May 19, 2022 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Blake would try to conduct herself normally with respect to her opponent. After all Blake has no idea who Kameko is. Outisde of her rising star status. Blake played along with Kameko being a good sport in their greetings to the crowd. Blake was never one to be the “high energy” person. So thankfully it seemed that Kameko could fill that role. Blake would find herself learning the structure of the interview very quickly. With a question asked, both of them answering followed by the next question.

"Now then let's get the question I am sure everyone has on their mind. This will be open to either of you so don't be shy in answering, what are your first impressions on your opponent as we head to this anticipated showdown of you two rising stars?"

Quite the easy question, the interviewer asked this in hopes that it would begin a conversation. Hopefully building a relationship between Blake and Kameko. One that the audience can get behind. On the surface level Blake had very little to say about Kameko outside of the obvious that everyone knew. Thankfully Kameko would start her answer first.

Kameko called Blake unassuming, athletic… and a shifty eye? Shifty eye what does that mean Blake thought to herself. But it seemed that she would follow up on what she said. What followed was something that made Blake’s eyes go wide for a quick moment. Kameko had brought up Blake’s family name. Despite not knowing Kameko it seemed that she was familiar with Blake’s family. Causing her anger to stir for a moment, which immediately impacted her response. Don’t beat around the bush, say what you really wanna say. Unless you scared this Belladonna might do something Blake said pushing Kameko to be more direct with her answer to the question. While Blake may have had her disagreements with family, a slight on their name is also hers.

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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This was getting awkward in a hurry. The interviewer had felt a tad guilty, the first question had been intended to be an easy one that would get both girls talking but she seemed to set the stage for something much messier. Still, there was the idea that conflict does draw eyes to L.A.W. and well if they could get these two heated before so much as a punch was thrown that might make for an interesting story. Certainly would be an interesting badge of honor for herself.

Course Kameko herself listened to Blake as she seemed to take issue with her answer. Not that that had been too much of a shock given the not so vague outline she painted of the Belladonna name. Not that Blake had much sympathy herself, though Blake was quick to speak up to her which got the muscular heavyweight to raise an eyebrow.

Kameko smirked back as Blake seemed to ask her to not pull her punches, and well, if she asked who was she to deny her? "Alright. What I want to say is I know your father was a no good cheat. A dirty bastard who tried to hurt people he was in the ring with and was the lowest of the low; it's what my father informed me about and he took on the man himself." Kameko answered and boy did this get intense. Seemed she flat out called Blake's father a dirty wrestler and her tone suggested her own family had no respect for the man. Kameko herself turned and looked Blake in the eye as she folded her muscular arms over her chest before she would further add on to her point. "Suppose what I want to see for myself is how far, or how little the apple falls from this family tree."

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Surely the officials of L.A.W did not think that the interview would sour so quickly, or did they? L.A.W seems to thrive off of conflict so maybe the officials were betting on such conflict to make the upcoming match. If this was the plan, it was a success as it seemed to be very personal. Only needing one question and Kameko’s provocation to do so. This neutral situation could completely become volatile very quickly.

Blake had listened to Kameko speak so plainly and negatively regarding her father. Not only that she would extend the same treatment to the Belladonna name as a whole. Yes it is very true that Blake’s standing with her family was not the best. That did not mean Blake hated them entirely, not only that an attack on her family name is also an attack on her. Something Kameko would make very clear also.

Noticing Kameko’s smirk cause Blake to anger slightly. Though it did confirm to her that Kameko was attempting to rile Blake up. Directly challenging Kameko, the heavyweight would respond in kind without holding her tongue. What followed was something that Blake needed to respond to. Not that her father deserved it. But seemingly anything Blake’s father did was a reflection onto her. A dirty bastard who tried to hurt people he was in the ring with? You can’t be that dense. Look at what they did for a living idiot. I guess you’ll call me the same after losing to me. Wait maybe that is what you have in common with your father. You both being losers, I’m sure your father must have talked a big game also. I don’t even know the man. Not even decent enough to stay relevant I suppose. Yet you know my name and remember his losses. Belladonna must live rent free in your house huh?Blake said knowing full well what her response might cause. Blake did not care, if she was not one to defend herself and her family who would she defend?

Now Blake would press closer to Kameko as a show of confidence. Not backing down from Kameko’s smack talk. This exchange surely must’ve been scaring the interviewer who was in the middle of this volatile situation.

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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If this was a plan by L.A.W. even an unintentional one the interviewee seemed to not be informed about it as the situation had gotten more heated between the pair and her expression seemed to become a bit more concerned. Perhaps she'd need to cut the interview early or something but before she had a chance to get a word in Blake went on a verbal tear on Kameko.

Kameko's smirk never faded, even after her use of the word "losers" to describe her father and herself for this upcoming match. She was used to such cheap words being directed her way so even with the sting of her dad being dismissed as one. Course, just because on the outside she didn't let it show didn't mean she was gonna let Blake off easy. Oh no if she was gonna add some sparks to this heated exchange she was gonna turn it into an inferno.

"Loser huh? That's rich coming from someone who defends a scumbag who tries to kick out an opponent's leg as they make an entrance. Is that the kind of "winner" you want to stand up for? Is that the kind of "wrestling" you support? Perhaps you are the type who hits someone with a chair backstage moments before a match as well. For someone you don't even know you sure seem sensitive in protecting his good name. Seems the apple indeed isn't falling that far from this tree~" Kameko smirked back pressing right up on Blake. "If you want to show you are different by all means, you got this match to let your character show.

The interviewer seemed to gulp at this, the way Kameko was speaking and pressing it was almost like she was trying to trigger Blake best she could. So she felt compelled to least try and let cooler heads prevail.

"Uh, p-perhaps we should move onto another question. Ladies."

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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LAW certainly knew how to start a fire out of nothing. Blake and Kameko had never heard of each other before. Yet in their first meeting it is already volatile. Volatile enough that the interviewer was becoming worried for their safety. Seeing as how they were in the middle of things. Though as Blake was tearing into Kameko verbally she still didn’t back down. Even keeping that same smile of hers.

Blake was particular in her word choice. Though admittedly she was emotional on the matter. While not very well documented, Blake was not very close with her father. At least not anymore, yet it was harder to sever those familial bonds. Even with the disagreements present between them. Little did Blake know that Kameko was going to turn this fire into an inferno.

Kameko would lay into Blake and everything she said. Not letting a single stone unturned. It hurt Blake to say the least. She was made aware of the bad blood between their fathers. Yet not fully aware on the matter That’s not…. I didn’t know…. No that is not the wrestling I support. I am not someone to hit people with chairs backstage. The opposite actually….. Blake said little as she could not comeback what Kameko said. With the people at home and present shocked that Blake was at a loss for words. Showing that Kameko had gotten the better of Blake in this verbal exchange. Kameko now would press herself right on Blake challenging her character.

The interviewer naturally being worried about the situation took a step back. Cautious and careful about the situation. Blake although on the backfoot verbally and mentally. Showing her experience would quickly rebound and not allow Kameko to assert herself on Blake so easily.

Taking a deep breath, Blake would press right onto Kameko was well. With their bodies pressing against each other. I had wanted to keep this a matter between us not family. But you made it impossible. It seems as though your father’s bitterness seems to rub off on you. Even with what my father has done. One of them is well known while the other is some no name. Trust me and after this you will follow in his shoes. Maybe you can show me if the apple falls far from the loser tree. But seeing as how you’ve shown a close resemblance, I doubt it Blake said as she perked back up.

*SO! The next question, what do you ladies hope to get out of this match

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Kameko smirked a bit, seemed her comments about Blake's father and the kind of person he was really caught her on the back foot. Kameko knew she was in the right, and based on the reaction of her soon to be opponent she had known it too. The way she seemed to almost quiver back as Kameko seemed to press forward subtly only further showed the effect her words had upon her.

Blake stuttered a weak response, she was struggling to even look at her much less offer some kind of retort as Kameko's smirk seemed to grow a touch smug. "Yeah, not easy trying to talk all high and mighty given the low path your family has taken to get here, is it~?" Kameko mused with what some would see as a reasonable level of spite. Course, most would see Kameko as poking the bear as she extended her own grudge of Blake's father to the girl herself and seemed to be the one antagonizing the situation. "Hell if you don't believe me, let's call your old man up. Sure he'd be happy to try and spin a cheap shot to the back of the ankle as "strategy" or hell even show you old footage of their bouts my dad has." Kameko mused, as she seemed to press further on with even arguing to have physical proof of the crimes of Blake's father. Which only added heat to the intensity between them.

Course, Blake would not be silent for long, and resorted to insults it seemed to get back into this. Calling her father out as a no name "loser" and that Kameko is well to following her example. Blaming that bitter energy for his shortcomings, which only caused Kameko to frown. How dare this girl...after everything her father did to ruin her own dad's career, she has the gull to argue it was his fault for what happened and somehow he failed in a strength of character!? That he deserves to be revered despite being a cruel, dirty coward just cause of his "success" which caused her eyebrows to flare up and she twitched in anger.

"How dare..." Kameko began to say, before the interviewer attempted to cut her off by asking a question. Which was enough to let Kameko sigh out and prevent her from ranting at the insulting language Blake used, as she decided to take the chance to bounce off that question earnestly.

"What I hope to get out of this? What I hope is to prove the Belladonnas are a bunch of frauds, who could never compete in an honest contest by putting their new heiress of the family name in her place. Showing everyone the real qualities to be a success in this business. And of course who is number 1~" Kameko declared with an earnest spunk to her delivery and that smirk flashing with full pride.

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Re: Seeds of War: Blake Belladonna vs. Kameko Takara

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Kameko is quite the spiteful one. Digging up the remains of what their fathers left in the ring. Despite Blake not on the greatest terms with her family. She had to defend them, still that did not make facing the truth head on any easier. Naturally though Blake being a master of her emotions would not lash out, or even cower behind flimsy words. Instead she would fire back just as Kameko did.

Admittedly that is much easier said than done. So naturally Blake first let out a weak response. Something Kameko would latch onto and use for herself. Here she was bringing Blake’s family down, with video proof at that. That much wasn’t a surprise to Blake, she had seen her fair share of the footage. Waving the gesture off Blake would not be silent any longer. Laying into Kameko about her father and naming him as a loser. Naturally Blake needed to respond somehow to what Kameko was saying. This seemed to be the best avenue to do so. Laying on the idea of “no excuses”

Now that both women have taken shots at both of their fathers. Tensions were very high to say the least. The likelihood of fists being thrown were looking more possible by the second. That much was evident with Kameko’s face flaring up in anger. Blake kept her calm and cool expression. Just to show that she had nothing to fear in regards to Kameko even if she did throw a punch. Thankfully the interviewer cut off Kameko’s response by asking a question.

Kameko being the one to stoke the flame would use this chance to pounce on Blake with her response. What came of it was Kameko claiming she would prove the Belladonnas as frauds. With Blake the one Kameko is going to make an example out of. Blake simply sighed now fully composed despite the instability she exhibited before. That all? Blake said plainly dismissing what Kameko had just said Listen to be completely honest, I didn’t know anything about you before this. I’m sure my dad has made plenty of enemies. But I don’t know how many times I have to say that I am my own person! Not him or anyone else! But you wanted to make this about family. Alright then, you had no reason to hate me before. Now you are going to get that reason when your father watches this match. To see yet another Belladonna winning” Blake said exuding the same confidence. But also exuding a different sort of energy unlike her. If one could put a word on it, it would have to be violent.

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