Kameko Takara had waited in the backstage interview area, standing next to her was a dainty brunette who seemed to be of L.A.W. staff as an assigned interviewer. Seemed that for this upcoming match the genius minds of the booking committee scheduled a pre-match interview to build a bit of anticipation to things. Course Kameko was not one to be camera shy so she had no issues with it, no the thing that made it awkward was not the fact she was being interviewed for a match...it was who she was being interviewed with.
Blake Belladonna.
Kameko had never met this Blake before, she didn't even know she was fighting her till this day, but she had been familiar with the name Belladonna and that made a naturally uneasy air. Her father had cursed that name throughout his time training Kameko to be a wrestler, as he had many battles with a member of the Belladonna family when he was an active competitor. And he had no respect for the man, he found this "Belladonna" to be the worst kind of competitor; a cheater, a brute who tried to injure his opponent if it meant he'd get a win, and just did whatever he could to piss his father off.
As such, she was sort of engrained with the feelings of hatred to the name. And now, as fate was an ironic mistress it seemed, she was being paired up with someone of that family line. Probably his daughter if she has to guess. Probably would explain why Kameko lacked her usual bravado and had a perpetual if relaxed frown on her face as the interview seemed to speak up.
"Welcome one and all, to our great L.A.W. fans tonight promises to be quite the clash of rising stars. With me now are two of our finest looking to make their own name, Blake Belladonna and Kameko Takara~!" The announce said with a bit of fluff as the distant sound of the crowd cheering as she and this Blake moved on camera was heard. And Kameko flashed a small "V for victory" sign to the camera.
Kameko Takara