Valkyrie Troupe vs. The Crossed Twins - Crossing the Valkyries

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Re: Valkyrie Troupe vs. The Crossed Twins - Crossing the Valkyries

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Driving Akiko into the mat head first with the piledriver, Megumi then dropped her body down onto the mat and took a moment to survey the result of the move. Seeing how devastated Akiko was, Megumi decided to go for the pin, placing herself on top of her opponent as she would hook one of her legs for the pinfall attempt.


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Re: Valkyrie Troupe vs. The Crossed Twins - Crossing the Valkyries

Unread post by Scourger X »

For this match, Akiko and her brother tried to strike down the Valkyries and show their worth in this league. Show that some newcomers had their stand on the league. It wasn't a show of disrespect, he did wanted that autograph and she just wished to show that both twins were no jobbers to feed the streaks and egos of the veterans.


But as much as it's wholesome to see them fight fate, it's still as futile as it gets. Akiko wasn't moving anymore, she was quite literally down for the count, which came as clear as the winner of the match, fast for everyone except to that one boy that saw his big sister's spirit broken once again.


And the crowd exploded in cheers for the victors. Megumi and Chigusa had finished the match, it was done! Done and finished, the she-beast didn't move, her face to the side with no consciousness and her brother to look at the spectacle of her defeat once more.

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Re: Valkyrie Troupe vs. The Crossed Twins - Crossing the Valkyries

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

With that, the match was over. Valkyrie Troupe emerged victorious over the other team, and Chigusa joined Megumi inside the ring as they celebrated their victory. Standing tall, the Valkyrie got their arms raised by the referee, and she smiled brightly and happily upon being declared the winners of this match.

After that, Chigusa looked at the other team and thought about talking to Daichi. But then, she decided against it, seeing how affected he was by the loss. So, both Chigusa and Megumi made their exit, leaving the ring and walking out to the back so that they could rest and recover. Overall, they got themselves another win in their records, which would improve their standing in the promotion.

Winner: Valkyrie Troupe via pinfall!

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