Calling Out the Next In Line

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Calling Out the Next In Line

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It was with a scowl on her face that Danielle Degardin stormed down the entrance ramp to the LAW ring. Tonight, it seemed, she had big things on her mind. As usually, she was dressed impeccably, in the most finely-tailored attire her fortunes could afford, and she had a bodyguard follow silently behind her. But despite all the wealth and glamor she projected, the disdain was still evident on the Frenchwoman's face, and as she stepped through the ropes to proceed to the center of the ring, her brow furrowed in frustration as she looked out on the crowd.

"Listen up, LAW! I have a few things to say," she began. But, much to the ex-model's displeasure, the crowd hardly seemed to pay her much attention. They continued to chatter away incessantly as though she wasn't there, and the ones that were paying her any attention were booing her before she'd even made any announcements! Her teeth clenched in a scowl, Danielle's shoulders locked up and her fists balled into fists. She would not tolerate this disrespect, and she evidently needed to make her presence known!

Dani tapped at the microphone, sending a metallic screech out through the stands that caused several of the fans to groan and cover their ears. "I SAID, listen up!!" After a moment, when it became clear that the fans weren't going to take their focus off of Danielle, she began to speak again. "Yes, that's more like it. Now, where were we? Ah, yes..."

"I've had enough having to put up with this company's booking committee! I've been in LAW for a few years now, and in all that time, I've seen nothing that should lead me to believe that the promoters in charge of putting the cards together are anything but a bunch of boors who have no idea how to do their jobs properly. As a matter of fact, I suspect that whatever they're doing is a targeted effort against me! Me, of all people!" She puffed out her chest with a huff.

"Well," she added, "I've had quite enough of that! I'm not going to allow it to happen any longer - because I'm taking matters into my own hands! That's why I've decided that for my next match, I wish to take on an opponent of my choosing!"

More boos came from the fans now. Many saw Danielle's plan, and they were already convinced that the redhead, who had never been known for her talent, was trying to force a match against someone she knew wouldn't stand a chance against her. But she spat in disgust, looking back into the stands. "SILENCE! Before anyone accuses me of any ill intent, I would have you know that I've cleared this with the individuals in charge of this business," she added - conveniently leaving out how she had bribed them to let her do so - "and they've agreed to let me make my decisions! I've had enough dealing with imbeciles who aren't worth my time, or who would dare to treat me so heinously. So, for my next opponent, I'm asking to face you, Jade Cho - because I have faith you would be someone I could actually tolerate wrestling!" She beckoned with her finger, inviting Jade to make her entrance. "Step forward, and let's make a deal, shall we?"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

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Jade was simply relaxing backstage, enjoying the bit of time off she had between matches and training. She didn't like to keep still too much, she had to burn off this energy somehow. So, she took to helping some of the stagehands around. Despite her size, she was pretty physically fit, and her martial arts training from early on in her youth helped with that. She helped with a partial amount of the more 'heavy lifting'-oriented tasks as she had no clue how the technical aspects of the backstage areas worked. She was just happy to be of some help and she was going to go back to the lounge and relax when she passed by a monitor, seeing Danielle cutting a promo and becoming slightly transfixed. Jade found it peculiar, she couldn't quite understand it...but she couldn't take her eyes off the woman. Was this attraction? "Love at first sight"? Jade doubted it but...she definitely found the woman to be quite beautiful.

The young kendoka kept staring at her figure, becoming more and more attracted to each and every curve, down to the last inch of her body. Yet she was listening to every word that escaped Degardin's lips. A bit of red stretched across her face, she was wasting time...she should leave and just go back to her apartment but then...Danielle called HER name out. Out of every single name possible...for whatever reason, Jade was chosen as the would-be opponent to come out and discuss with the woman...WHY?!?!

All of a sudden, she was approached by backstage crew members and told to make her entrance. What was going on!? Why was this happening to her?!? She tidied her clothes up, thankfully being in her ring gear for the most part as it was both comfortable and made for heavy amounts of both wear and tear. It seemed like Jade didn't have much of a choice, so without further waiting...she departed for the arena, her entrance theme playing.


And so, there stood the 'Prodigy Kendoka' at the top of the ramp, her nerves were calmed down a little but it was obvious she was still a tad nervous as her composure still showed signs of shakiness. She walked down to the ring and waved to the crowd with a happy smile, being the obvious Babyface that she is. She looked at Danielle from outside the ring, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her temple before she would walk up to the apron and slip inside through the ropes. She stared at Danielle, that red blush beneath her cheeks barely visible but this close...Danielle would be able to tell. Jade was handed a microphone...oh god, her first promo in LAW...oh god, HER FIRST PROMO EVER...She took a deep breath through her nose and let out a gentle sigh before she spoke.

"...Hello-..." She said, addressing Danielle. "You...called?"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by CaptainL »

When Dani announced her next challenger, many of the fans reacted with disbelief. It was an open secret that the Frenchwoman was barely trained in wrestling at all, and got by on her good looks and a few bribes alone. Despite all she insisted to the contrary, she had displayed her lack of talent multiple times in the ring, and no one had much faith in her ability. Certainly not enough to take on a woman who was respected as a prodigy in the world of martial arts, let alone a practiced kendoka when Danielle seemed like the type of woman to complain about breaking a nail if she was ever faced with a brutal beatdown. Yet, Danielle seemed absolutely convinced she could take her on, if she was calling Jade out by name to face her in her next match. Did she have a trick up her sleeve? Was she just crazy?

When a visibly anxious Jade appeared on the entrance ramp, however, it became more evident as to what the ex-model's plans were. She had seen how she could exploit the girl's timid nature and turn it against her - and then, when she won, she would have something to point to in her defense if she ever needed to make a case for how she belonged in LAW. The sight of Jade shyly stumbling through her response all but confirmed to Danielle that it would all work out, and a devious smile crept wider across the corner of her lips. So far, everything was working out beautifully!

"Yes, hello there!" Danielle said, leaning over the ropes with her arms resting atop them to settle a smug grin on the lightweight. "Indeed, I did. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I, Danielle Degardin, world-famous model, have had...shall we say, a less than glamorous career in LAW up to this point." She sighed, thinking back on more than a few humiliating defeats, before she flipped a lock of her hair back over her shoulder with a roll of her head. "And it's made me question how much of my career is being so cruelly sabotaged by those in power! That's why I want show my skills in a fair and balanced competition, so that there can be no doubt any more as to how well I can thrive in a proper bout - and I can put to rest all of these arguments from idiotic yokels who dare to suggest I can't wrestle!" She ignored the boos and the "you can't wrestle" chants that followed. "Yes, yes, I am aware that you're out of my weight class, but I'm not concerned about that - I feel as though your talents in judo are well enough to make up for that, non?"

Dani extended a hand through the ropes, offering it to Jade. "Come, now, we don't need to sit around up here! Why don't you join me in the ring, so we can discuss this face to face?"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Jade let out a slightly panicked squeak, though it was soft and her lips were away from the microphone so thankfully nobody heard it. She mulled over her options and decided to enter the ring...she couldn't just run away from a challenge, that's not why she came to LAW. She wanted to live out her dreams and represent her family and their kendo style, but if she just ran away...she'd be doing nothing short of shaming her family and their legacy altogether.

She slips through the ropes and walks around the ring, looking around at the crowd before her nervous eyes finally focused on Danielle. She walked straight up to her face, the slight blush that would've been BARELY noticeable to Danielle prior to this face-to-face encounter was now a little clearer with Jade being right up in Danielle's face, hell it was obvious that even someone in the first row of the stands could probably tell from the right angle...Jade was BEGGING in her mind that Danielle didn't notice it while they 'discussed'...speaking of...

"Well, I'm here now...and I'm sorry to hear your career in LAW hasn't been going well, if what you say is true, you're probably just getting unlucky in your happens. I mean, you try your best right? That's commendable." She said with a polite, genuine smile. "And while I do understand your plight and all, I'm still getting adjusted and used to LAW myself, I do have one question....what does THIS have to do with ME?" She asked. "I don't mean to pry the average viewer, it might look like you're trying to bully me into a match..." She said, then coming up with a really snappy line for the promo, one that she hoped wasn't seen as cheesy or corny. "...and y'know, this kind of behavior is pretty low-brow for a high-class lady like yourself." She said, getting some 'Ooos' and other such noises from the crowd as she elicited a reaction out of them with her....insult? Insult. Let's say it was an insult. After the fact, Jade waited for Danielle to speak and collect her thoughts after her 'insult' live in front of all these people.
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by CaptainL »

The fear welling up in Jade was undeniable, especially as she got closer and Danielle was able to get a better look at her. To Danielle, it left her tickled. Her grin grew even wider, and she found herself having to restrain herself from laughing at the girl's misfortune. Everything she had set out to do was, so far, working out perfectly. But she needed to keep up the act, for now. Her plan was hinging on Jade accepting the offer - if she had her on guard, then she didn't stand a chance of getting her to agree.

Luckily, everything seemed to be falling into place, as Jade proceeded into the ring to meet the redhead face to face. Her arms crossed confidently over her chest, Dani flashed Jade a smirk, straightening her back to loom above her. She was proud and in control, standing in stark contrast to the anxiety that radiated off of her target. But, at the same time, it was with a sadistic satisfaction that she knew she was this close to luring the girl into her trap. When she heard what Jade had to say, she only smiled a little wider. By the looks of it, Jade was completely oblivious to what the Frenchwoman had in store for her, but even better yet was the fact that she actually seemed to sympathize with Danielle. Even if Dani was fully prepared to show her no mercy, it still made her smile a little wider to hear such words out of her mouth. It was a pity she'd have to put her in her place.

But what came next came to Danielle as a shock, as Jade accused her of bullying her into a match! At once, the redhead's eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped in a gasp as she took a step back. To make matters worse, she had the absolute nerve to accuse her of being lowbrow! Her hand clenched tighter, and her brow furrowed in a glare. Danielle's mouth hung open as she searched for the right words to make a comeback, but she was at a loss when it came to what to say. She wanted to lash out and scream in Jade's face for even thinking to make such a disgusting attack on her dignity! But she knew she couldn't. That would have set back everything she had planned - and she straightened her back, taking in a breath as she turned her chin up with an aloof look like nothing had happened.

"Hmph! I should have you know, I do not appreciate such allegations in the slightest! I'd caution you to watch your tongue, girl...but I'll choose to humor you, just this once. The fact of the matter is, this is an offer I feel will be a mutually beneficial one. I understand you're a well-respected name in the world of kendo. A martial artist like no other - yet, when it comes to the wrestling world, you struggle to get the same attention. I understand that you're new to this promotion, and you wish to break into your stride...and I intend to offer you a match that, I feel, would be in the best interests of each of us. I will set the matter straight about where I belong, and you will get a chance to show what you are good for, too." She settled her gaze back on Jade, showing her a pleasant smile. Of course, Danielle had been careful to construct her speech in such a way that she wouldn't have to give specific details on anything she had in mind. But she was hoping the pressure would be too great for Jade to turn the offer down.

"So, what do you say?" Danielle held a hand out for Jade to shake it. "One match - on my terms - and I can help show the world where you shine, just as much as I can myself. Trust me, coming from me, this is a most gracious offer indeed - and you won't get it from anyone else!"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

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Jade noticed Danielle's reaction after her little comment, she let a little giggle slip from her lips, accidentally mocking the woman out in the open with her laughter before she could even respond. She took notice of it and composed herself, feeling less nervous than before and loosening up now after having seen first-hand what Danielle was like when she was partially flustered. She let the woman continue on about her little proposal, listening to every word and taking note of her mannerisms and whatnot. She admired Danielle's beauty as she listened with open ears, giving her full attention as she found herself becoming ever so slightly infatuated with the woman once more...perhaps those fairy tales weren't so illogical after all...

After Danielle had finished, Jade took a moment to think, eyes glancing around to the crowd and then back at Danielle, but not out of fear and nervousness, more so just trying to gauge everyone's reactions. "Well, miss...I'm terribly sorry to have offended, I just like to shoot straight with my statements. I mean, it really did seem like you could be trying to bully the new girl on the block into a fight she might not be able to win...but I'm no rookie, I'm just a new face looking to make a name for herself!!" She said, her heart now burning with an intense passion as she was finding her footing in the promo, really getting fired up as she looked into Danielle's eyes. "And by the way, 'a martial artist like no other'? That's terribly sweet of you to say." She said, cupping one side of her own face with her hand as the other held the mic. "I mean really, I'm just here to follow my dreams and promote my family's legacy, you're flattering me a bit too much here...If I wasn't mistaken, I'd think you were flirting with which I'd have to say, I'm're quite the spectacle yourself~" She said, complimenting her.

"Although...I have a hard time believing a diamond such as yourself would wanna 'get in the rough' with someone like me." She said, making a joke that'd gain some audience laughter. "But...if it's a match you want I'd be more than happy to face you. Because I didn't come to LAW to run from challenges. I never have before and I won't start by running away from you. I would rather die than turn my back in shame, dishonor is never an option and I'd never disgrace myself, my family, OR an opponent like yourself by taking the coward's way out and walking away..."

She continued on, gaining more favor with the audience who were steadily listening to her declaration. "I've had my fair share of losses coming up during my years of training and it's only made me stronger for it. I've got nothing to prove to anyone here, I know what I'm good for so while I appreciate the offer...I don't need your help in figuring out where I shine the brightest at. I already know what my goals are and I already know that I have the skills...but I'll not only humbly accept your 'gracious offer'...but I'll also declare here and now, no matter the rules...on my pride as the heiress to the Cho Family, I'll beat you at your game Danielle. You can count on that, 'kay?" She said with a wide smile, the audience erupting in a loud roar of applause as the kendoka had quickly adapted and rebounded, no longer seeming like a nervous wreck all of a sudden. "So name the rules, I'm eager to hear what you have in store."
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by CaptainL »

She might have been quick to stifle it, but Danielle heard the giggle coming from Jade, and it caused her eyelid to twitch as the tension welled up inside of her. She knew she was being mocked, and that was the last thing she wanted - it almost made her want to crush this annoying little brat right here where she stood! But she straightened her back and took in a deep breath, reminding herself that it was no time for this now. She still had a point to make, and her plan hinged upon Jade agreeing to her terms.

Luckily, her attempts at flattering Jade seemed to work, as the lightweight thanked her for the praise, and even acknowledged her own stunning beauty to boot! Dani chuckled to herself, standing taller with a grin that grew wider across her face. That was what she always wanted to hear, and when she was increasingly getting more and more scorn from this audience of neandertals who couldn't appreciate grace and refinement when they saw it, it brought her a sense of pride and satisfaction that was all too rare for her liking. But as she went on, discussing her dedication to her cause and how she would never run away or back down, that was what really stood out as music to Danielle's ears. At that moment, Danielle knew that everything would go off without a hitch. She had to bite her lip just to keep herself from breaking out into a grin right then and there. Jade's words had already sealed her fate, and she knew that whatever she challenged Jade to, she would have no choice but to accept!

"Oh, believe me," she said, clapping her hands together, "no matter whether you win or lose, I know it will be something these people will never forget! For my stipulations, I name only these things! First and foremost...your training may be in the sword, but a true warrior, as you must know, needs no weapons. A true warrior should be able to rise to any challenge, no matter how great, even if they should be without anything to fall back on! And that's why I want to see you prove to me, Jade Cho, that you're capable of triumph without any such tools to save you. That's why, in fact, I want to face a softcore bed match!!"

The reaction Danielle got was mixed. While some were amused at the prospect, and others excited for it, just as many saw through her facade. Danielle hoped that by targeting a rising star, and booking a match that was designed to handicap her and prevent her from drawing on the discipline she was good at, she could get an easy win, while at the same time boosting her record with a win over someone that everyone believed should have been beyond her level. But it was too late to back out now, as Dani was quick to remind Jade as she shot back a grin in her direction.

"That means we'll wrestle on a mattress in place of the ring right here. No striking, and no kendo sticks - just grappling, with our bodies to rely on alone! And we can't forget our attire...~" Danielle walked to her bodyguard, who now revealed the reason he was here - from his pocket, he handed Danielle a set of lacy pink panties with a matching bra, attached to a hanger, that she held up high over her head for the crowd to see. Already, many were cheering from the prospect of seeing Jade and Danielle grappling in their underwear, which the redhead confirmed as she held the bra over her chest. "This is what I'll be wearing, and I expect you to follow suit!" Knowing how flustered Jade was getting, Dani flipped back her hair and winked teasingly in her direction. She knew this would do even more to her, and she took joy in her reactions.

"And, lastly! There's one more request I would like to make!" The ex-model took a few steps across the ring, closing in on Jade, before she leaned in to meet her eye-to-eye with a sinister smirk. "Nothing motivates me like high stakes. We like our gambling, back home in Cote d'Azur, and I'm sure that you'll put forth your best effort if you know you have something on the line! So, little girl..." She leaned even closer, practically bent over at the waist now. "How does POW sound?~"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Once more, Jade listened on to what Danielle had in store for her, but then the tone of everything shifted...the atmosphere inside the ring changed as Danielle went on about what a 'true warrior' should rely on, that they should be skilled enough to not rely on weapons...a fair standard, for when one has none at their disposal, they themselves need to become their weapon. Plus, Jade was plenty experienced in hand-to-hand combat so she didn't have much of a worry...however, what came next not only surprised the young kendoka prodigy but shocked her to her very core.

The young woman's face burned red all over upon hearing the words slip from Danielle's lips: 'a softcore bed match'...that statement kept ringing through her mind as her eyes shifted downward, the front strands of hair hanging in front of her obscuring her blushing face as she remained quiet. It was silent for a few moments before Jade decided to speak up and answer Danielle's challenge.

"You know...when I said that you were flirting with me earlier, I was just teasing you back...but now you're asking me to get in bed with you and grapple around until one of us ends up on top?" She said, stopping as she raised her head...that fiery passion still there as she smiled. "Miss Danielle~...if you wanted to ask me out, you should've just said so~" She playfully flirted with her. "Honestly the fact that you're going THIS far just to get me in bed with you? Wow, what an must think I'm prettier than a lot of other nice gals here." She went on, stopping and then seeing the outfit that Danielle was planning on wearing. She kept her smirk up, blushing harder now. She was about to speak again but then Danielle had 'one more request' she had in mind. "High stakes" the model called it, a POW match...Jade had heard of those, the loser would become the winner's "prisoner" and be forced to do whatever they pleased for a whole day. It intrigued Jade a lot now that she was thinking about it, it made her nervous but also curious, and eventually...she took the bait as her inner desires suddenly took over her decision-making against her better judgement.

"So correct me if I'm wrong...You're inviting me to a wrestling match on a bed in skimpy attire where the loser has to be the winner's prisoner? Danielle...I didn't think you could be any more appealing to me. As for my answer to your little challenge..." She said, trailing off and secretly biting her lip as she tilted her head to the side. She would walk up closer to Danielle and stand on the tips of her toes, pressing her chest to Danielle's slightly as she blushed.

"It's a date~..." She simply said. "I'll be sure to look nice, just for you."
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by CaptainL »

Danielle could pick up on the moment the true nature of her challenge hit Jade, and she could practically feel her heart sink. A smug grin played over her face as she leaned in closer; she could hardly keep herself from bursting into laughter at the poor girl's expense. She had her wrapped around her finger, challenging her to a match she couldn't possibly win, and making sure that merely taking part in it would be a blow to her pride - and it was that same pride that kept Jade from daring to turn the offer down! Every part of her plan was falling into place beautifully!

But the next word out of Jade's mouth caused Dani to freeze in place. She blinked a few times, looking back at Jade with a look of confusion - one that soon turned to a narrow-eyed angry glare as her cheeks flushed and her fists balled at her sides. Jade really thought she was flirting with her!? Of course not! One moment ago, Danielle had been confident that she was in control, and that her plans could only lead to her target's utter humiliation. But now, that same feeling had been turned back on her! The very insinuation was enraging - even more so that it won a few giggles from the crowd!

"W-What..!?" she exclaimed, stomping a foot on the ground. "Insolent cur! What makes you think I would ever want to sully my good name with such a repulsive thought?! That I would want to debase myself with some lowly, meaningless-"

Before Danielle could say any more, however, her bodyguard placed a hand on her shoulder, and in an instant she was reminded of where she was. She blinked a few times, a blush settling across her face, before she crossed her arms and straightened her back as though nothing had ever happened. "Hmph...well, then! I see that you agree to the plan, so I see no reason to belabor the point any further! In one week, we meet again in the ring. And until then..." She narrowed her eyes toward Jade. "I'll have plenty of fun imagining all the ways I can enjoy my time with you as my prisoner!"

It wasn't long after saying that, however, that Danielle realized how suggestive her threat had been. She blushed, but as she straightened her back she bit at the inside of her cheek before turning aside. "Ah, anyway...I must be off!"
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Re: Calling Out the Next In Line

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Jade smirked, seeing that she had touched QUITE the nerve with Danielle given all of her comments. Before Danielle could leave though, Jade would be quick to follow up with one more comment. "Oh trust me, next week in the ring, this match is going to be anything BUT meaningless~" She commented, giving her a teasing wink as she herself blushed a little while giggling soon after.

Her face burned up even further upon hearing the last of Danielle's was suggestive indeed, and it caused Jade to get flustered once again as she laughed. "Well if you're just going to say it, I guess I'll do the same...see you next week, Danielle~" She teased. She enjoyed the presence of all the spectators in the crowd as her theme song played once more, and then minutes after everything was said and done, Jade made her departure from the ring, slipping through the ropes, hopping down the apron, and returning to the backstage area after a short walk up the ramp...

One week of training...She could do this...She could win this...She was nervous, worried, and emotional about the whole thing...but above all else, for better or for worse...regardless of if she won or lost, Jade Cho was excited.
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