Enemies in the own family?

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Enemies in the own family?

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Karin was just back from one long as talk with the higher ups. They talked about her new t-shirt line and other merch they put out. The numbers were great and all but they were upset with the fact that Karin refused to make underwear her starting attire for matches again. She was wearing a a button down shirt and a pair of shorts, to fight the hot weather.
The girl would walk through the backstage area, this meeting went so long she missed the dinner appointment she had with her both of her mom´s. Hua already sounded pretty disappointed on the phone, and they wanted to go to Karin favourite sushi place! The small girl would sight loudly again, when she would walk past the coffee room. Her belly all the sudden started to rumble. She would stop and turn her head, hoping to find something eatable in there. Tonight, was no match set up and so the chances of the stuff making snacks for everyone were slim to none…
But like a gift from the heavens Karin would see a huge tablet standing on one of the tables. Karin would walk up to the table and would look down to see one big meaty burger left on it and a card laying in front of it.
“free for all, test burgers for a cooperation with a fast food chain in town!”
Karin would pick up the last burger left, in fact the last food left. “Brynhild burger or stars and stripes, with extra beef!” would Karin read out loudly.
If it was the last burger and no one claimed, it so far… why not try it. Karin would open up wide and take a huge bite out of the burger.
The juices would fill her mouth and she would feel huge splash of different toppings at once. It was so heavy and still soo good at once. Karin would begin to munch down at the burger, and her frown slowly turned into a happy smile.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Backstage Serlida was walking around carrying her kendo stick that she had gotten during that promotion for the Streets of LAW video game. Ever since then, she was walking around treating the outfit as her new causal clothes wear whenever she was backstage or not wrestling for the night.

With her mother and Ana plotting ongoing after the tag team belts and the Swat Cats she was left alone to do whatever she wants to ever since she did that bloody promo beating up some fans, all three was fined a hefty sum of money but due to all their endorsement deals and Ana concert and idol work it was nothing but chump change that they paid.

Making her way to the catering area smirking as some of the stagehands flee in her presence only due to the fact that she is holding a weapon and her brutal methods of dealing with people who don't allow her to get her way, taking a lot of her mother teaching and using them to an effect that not even her mother has ever reached before.

Making her way inside the room looking for something to snack on... beside seeing a small blond eating something in the corner Serilda would walk over to the sign that said free burgers and seeing that none is left which makes a frown appear on her face knowing that the small blond in the corner was the one who took the last burger. 'Fucking bitch..' she would think to herself, walking over and making sure to bump shoulders with the other woman as she makes her way past.


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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Someone bumped into Karins shoulder and the girl would stumble to the side. “oh sorry was I standing in the way?” would Karin apologize at first. Before she turned around, stepping to the side to make way. Suddenly she saw the strange outfit of the woman next to her. Karin would stare for a short moment.
“you?!”, would she progclaim loudly when she realized that liger was standing next to her. “what are you wearing?” would she suddenly burst out loudly. “it looks like… housewife meets yakuza!” She would look up and down at Liger for a few moments. In her head she kind of had to admit that it looked hot on her, but she would never admit it loudly.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Serilda made sure that she slammed her shoulder into the other woman's own. She wanted to start something with the small blond cause of losing that PPV match between herself and Karin, she never got over that loss since it made her spiral and not just a few months later she was left laying in the locker rooms beaten up by that little bitch who got away with it due to being a champion.

So seeing the small blond again eating food that she herself wanted, Serilda was going to enjoy starting a fight between them, turning to face her foe with a smug look on her face.

'Yes, it me and just because I have a decent fashion sense compared to whatever it is you're wearing,' Serilda would say, looking Karin up and down and letting out a smug cough. ' Now, since your greedy self ate the last of the Brynhild Burgers, I have to go somewhere else to eat.'

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Karin would be about to fire back some insult to Liger, but when she was breathing in she would hear how liger complained how she eat the last burger. Karin looked down on half of the burger she still had in her hands then back up to liger. The red hair was a true bitch but Karin knew how it could be if you were really hungry. She would reach out and hold the burger leftovers to liger. “hey how about we go half?” would she offer, with a forced smile hoping to make piece with liger.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

Unread post by The Riders »

Serilda would stop and stare at the small peace offering that Karin is doing. The blond is holding out the burger and offering it to her as a sign of goodwill between them and to settle their differences ever since the match the two women had in since the PPV match.

'Oh, thank you... Here, let me do this then...' Serilda would say. Before taking her hand and slapping the burger leftovers right into Karin's face before shaking her head at the poor woman being covered in food. 'If you think some stupid idea of sharing food is going to help you, then you're either a bigger fool than I thought you was.' Said Serilda before turning around and makes her start to walk away.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Karin would stand there in shock. She would look down herself and see the burger laying on the ground. She couldn´t move for a moment unable to accept that there are such huge assholes out in the world. Karin ´wasn´t too angry about Liger throwing the burger at her, more about that fact that Liger was wasting food. Karin´s expression would slowly change form shock to anger and rage.
She looked up to see Liger walking away form her and Karin would begin to move forwards. She would walk right after liger and when she was close enough she grabbe the shoulders of the woman and spun her around Without any word she would throw her head forwards and smashed the foreheads of the two girls together as hard as she could while pulling Liger towards herself. This wasn´t a smart move or attack but Karin didn´t care. After their foreheads collide Karin would stumble away from liger feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

Unread post by The Riders »

Serilda did what she needed to do... being disrespected by Karin, of all people. The woman who got lucky at beating her and the blond had the nerve to offer her some food that she had already eaten, so you best believe that she was not going to take that from the other woman and as soon as she slapped the food away she turned and started to walk away.

What she didn't expect is how Karin caught up to her as she was spun around and letting out a cry of pain from getting head butted by the blond, dropping her kendo stick onto the floor as she pulls back holding her forehead frowning... a small bit of blood drips from a small cut 'Oh so it's going to be like that then huh.' as she rushes forward and slams into Karin.

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

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Karin would shake her head and would realize what she did. It wasn’t that she didn´t though that she coudn´t beat up Serilda easily, but she know that this woman would not stop coming after her. Karin would curse herself out for not just letting it be, before suddenly the red haired woman would slam into her chest.
Karin screamed out in shock as she was thrown backwards and stumbled until she hit the kitchencounter with her lower back, forcing a scream of pain out of her. “FUCK!”

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

Unread post by The Riders »

As soon as she heard the other woman scream out in pain from having her back slam into the kitchen counter, was all Serilda needed to hear. Not having her kendo stick in her hand was a let down cause she did want to use it on Karin, but sometimes things just happen as she would reach out and grab the woman by the hair and yank on it. ‘Not so easy this time huh up stuck-up bitch’ Serilda would say. And tossing her opponent over the table where the rest of the food was placed on.

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