Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Arlise Christiaens did not consider herself much of a schemer - that suited more her sister's purview, thinking she had the answer to everything - but tonight, after what felt like weeks of frustration, the Belgian beauty had a scheme.

A while back, the unoccupied apartment beside hers had gained an occupant - Isa Armstrong. The more Arlise had learned about this new hallmate after she moved, the more optimistic she became. Isa was not only a fellow LAW wrestler, but Arlise thought her outgoing, enthusiastic, and as a nice bonus, beautiful. Whether or not the two of them became friends as neighbors, the redhead felt optimistic that her fellow wrestler would prove no trouble as a neighbor and give her a pretty sight in the hallway every now and then when they crossed paths.

But Isa had let her down in a few ways.

Her neighbor seemed to have consistently noisy evenings, for one, at times when Lise wanted to rest to freshen up for the next day of training or wrestling - and here the Belgian thought she had an active nightlife. Some of the noise sounded like guests, some of them sparring partners, and then some nights Isa made noise all on her own. While the redhead did not consider herself unreasonable - she had lived in a tiny apartment around noisy neighbors for most of her younger life - she did end up having to visit Isa a few times to ask her for some courtesy...

...which led to the main problem. Isa brushed her off nearly every time. To call the woman cocky and impetuous would be an understatement, and their encounters as the days wore on had worn on the Belgian to the point of wanting to plot an alternative intervention.

Now, she waited, feeling devious... and a little guilty. She had approached Isa earlier in the day and, under the guise of getting to know each other with something fun and sporting, she invited Isa over for a scissor competition with specific rules she had laid out before her neighbor. Word reached her that people called Isa the "Squeeze Queen" due to her exploits, so why should she reject the proposal? Especially considering Arlise had framed it as friendly, casual, nothing to take too seriously.

As she sat on her couch in some skimpy black gym bottoms and a red bikini top, bouncing one leg, she knew she had lied. She planned to teach the woman a lesson to get her respect. She did not feel proud tricking people... but in this case, once she had squeezed Isa silly, she would have what she wanted, right? And the fibbing would not need to escalate. The idea seemed foolproof, especially considering she had dressed in a way that she hoped would disarm her neighbor even more than the prospect of the competition.

Hearing a knock at the door, Arlise popped up, smiling to herself, and headed to answer it. "Isa? That you?", she asked, sweetly, before she started to swing it open.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Isa Armstrong didn’t have any time for people telling her how to live her life.

Well, except her dad and, of course, her mum just had to look at her the right way and the Temptress could feel her spine turn to jelly.

But Arlise Christiaens, her gorgeous neighbour and frequent bane of her existence? Yeah, no.

It wasn’t as if Arlise was totally blameless either – more than once, Isa had heard the redhead ‘entertaining’ in the evenings and she’d caught at least a couple of ‘sparring partners’ sneaking away with a decided limp the next morning.

So, really, she didn’t see that her neighbour had much of a leg to stand on.

And she’d said so. In no uncertain terms. Did Isa want to fall out with Arlise? Not in the least, the red-hot redhead was great company, saucy and sassy after Isa’s Irish heart and hilariously fun to flirt with whenever they crossed paths.

Isa just wasn’t about to let her new neighbour’s stick-in-the-mud (or up another part of her anatomy) side get in the way of her enjoying her time in Japan. None of her other neighbours had said anything, after all.

All of which meant Isa hadn’t taken any convincing at all to buy into Arlise’s invitation. She’d probably have jumped just at the chance to hang out with the Belgian and get to know her better, but then Arlise had gone and thrown out the idea of a scissor contest, a hold Isa prided herself on her mastery of.

She’d jumped at the idea.

A little light squeezing, some fun times with a curvy red-haired babe and hopefully a new friend at the end of it – what wasn’t to like? Maybe Arlise would be less worried about the noise if they were making it together?

At the time agreed, therefore, Isa was right on time; she closed and locked her own door behind her, walked the few steps to Arlise’s apartment and rapped the opening chords of her intro music, swaying her hips to the beat as she did so.

The raven-haired grappler had donned a red bikini she knew flattered her figure and skin tone in equal measure, then thrown a light floaty beach dress on over the top to cover her – though even she couldn’t quite decide whether it was to keep her decent for the short walk or so she could strip it off for Arlise.

“It’s me,” She called back when she heard Arlise’s voice from inside, “Just your friendly neighbourhood Temptress…”

Hearing the door starting to open, Isa kept the roll of her hips going, a casually sweet smile quirking her lips as she waited.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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More of the guilt crept into Arlise's psyche when she heard Isa behind the door. For all of her neighbor's stubbornness, they did get along quite well most times that Isa didn't choose to make plentiful noise on the other side of that wall, and mid-swing, she hesitated and bit at her lower lip while she remained hidden behind the width of the door. They could still have a pleasant squeeze contest, and something better could come out of this than more bad blood, she supposed.

Then again, Isa might go straight back to her antics the next day without a thought of her new, good redheaded friend. Lise resolved herself, and swung the door the rest of the way, with the sauciest smirk on her red lips that she could manage. She lingered, leaning against the door as it rested against the wall, letting Isa get a good look at her in her tempting attire. "You must not be at the right apartment, sorry. I was waiting for a stubborn neighborhood squeeze toy." She held no malice behind the words... despite her plans.

She looked over Isa in her beach dress - she looked good in anything, no doubt - before she stepped aside to let the exotic woman enter the room. A part of her realized she took a great chance by making her way of teaching Isa a lesson involve challenging Isa - whose powerful legs no one could miss - to a headscissor contest might backfire on her, majorly. But Lise had long since learned to bet on herself, and if she got the slightest advantage (and she planned on a big one), she knew she would be in control of the beauty that stepped into her apartment. The idea got her... quite excited.

She whirled to a spot behind the couch, where she leaned with her elbows and pointed at the mat she had laid down in the middle of the room. While this might get intense, Lise did not plan for that... and if she wrestling-proofed the room, she might tip Isa off to the plan. No, one mat, perfect for some squeeze competition fun. Fun for her, anyway... "Want to get right to the fun, or should I get you something to sip first?"

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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And there she was.

Without any shame at all, Isa whistled – a single low note – and let her eyes trail all the way down Arlise’s extravagant curves and back up again. It was rare she met anyone with haunches like that; the redhead had hips for miles, stretching her black bottoms drum taut and her thighs were almost a curvy-muscled match for Isa’s.

Almost being the key word. And, given the rules of the contest they had in mind, the redhead’s burlier shoulders and arms wouldn’t be a factor. Nor would her immense cleavage, immediately and undeniably on display in her bikini top.

And in a contest of legs, Isa wouldn’t ever bet on anyone but herself.

“Well, look at you,” She grinned, totally ignoring her neighbour’s words, “And here’s me all overdressed.”

Stepping inside as invited, Isa was too busy taking in the room to really pay attention to the click of Arlise closing the door. It was basically the same as her apartment’s living area, just with nicer furniture and without the streaming set up she’d squashed into one corner. She didn’t know where the redhead did her shopping but none of her furniture was the cheap but solid flatpack stuff Isa’s place was decked out with.

The kitchen would be over there, the bedroom and bathroom back there…

And all as neat, tidy, organised and just as boring as she’d expected. Almost nothing set it apart from any other living room in any other apartment – though the wrestling mat in the middle of the open floor space did a pretty good job of making it far more interesting. Just enough space for the two of them to lie in comfort.

Her emerald gaze settled on a shelf of trophies and she spun across the room to examine them, running long fingers almost reverentially over the engraved metal only to pause as Arlise’s accented tones interrupted her thoughts.

Twisting at the waist, she found the redhead leant on the couch, presenting a view that Isa certainly couldn’t object to – the raven-haired woman was busty by any standard but Arlise handily outgunned both Isa (and her own top) in that department.

Decisions, decisions…

“Maybe we could have that drink after,” Isa suggested after a pause for thought, “After you tap out, I mean.”

Casually, she hooked her fingers under the hem of her dress, tugged it up to give Arlise a teasing, perfect side view of the prodigious curve of her flanks in the skimpy red bikini bottoms underneath.

Isa held the pose for a moment then stripped her outer garment off in one smooth motion to reveal her own outfit, discarding it casually over the chair beside her.

Turning to face the redhead, planting one hand casually on the shelf of her ample hip, Isa smiled sweetly back. She knew what she had, knew just how easily she could intimidate with the sweep of her pole-built quads and the shapely bulk of her powerhouse thighs.

“If your jaw isn’t too sore, of course.”

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Lise's outfit did the trick of keeping Isa's mind occupied, it seemed. She did her best to keep the pleasure she felt at having the other beauty appreciate her - all part of her plan - from her face, the neutral, friendly smile remaining instead of one far slyer and more mischievous. She could mentally mark that down at one reason for her to feel comfortable going through with teaching Isa this important lesson.

The redhead did not shy from the staring, letting Isa look all she wished. "I covered what needed covering and left free what's important for this little challenge of ours," she said, as sultry as she could manage, and patted her hand on one thigh a few times to show what she meant - as if Isa did not know. Of course, having her stomach and most of her chest on display did not qualify as important for a squeezing competition... but if it came to keeping Isa under control while she made her point, other parts of her might come into play, too.

Unfortunately, Isa did look away, leaving Lise to revert back to nervous anticipation. Happening to possess eyes, of course the Belgian's attention centered on Isa's powerful looking frame while the other woman wandered across the room. And in it - the thick hips, the muscular legs, the obvious athleticism - Lise could see herself crumbling before she managed to pull off any squeezes big enough to knock Isa out cold. Anxiously, she chewed at her lower lip and tapped her foot behind her while she leaned on the couch; if she screwed up with her timing somehow, Isa would have her unconscious.

No! No, no worrying about it now. She could pull this off - far more prepared women had fallen unconscious between Lise's legs, and Isa would offer her head willingly to Lise's thighs. Titania had nothing to worry about.

Until Isa turned back and, after a tease that gave Lise far too long to look at a dangerously thick thigh, stripped down to the most perfectly colored and snug bikini the Belgian had seen on almost anyone in her entire life.

Lise swallowed, hard, and her grey eyes took in every inch of Isa squeezed into the too-few inches of her bikini. The people who mentioned warrior goddesses surely imagined a woman who would look like Isa in so little, and Lise found her eyes settling on the pair of pythons and the space between them for what felt like three too many heartbeats. Or perhaps those were not heartbeats... she surely felt entirely different stimulation around her chest from the way she poked against her bikini top. And the room... got much warmer, too. She had pushed the thermostat far into the range of cool to avoid this...

With every ounce of her will, she focused on... first Dr. Takemi, but that did not help given what had happened between the two of them. Instead, she switched to Nat. Ah, there, that horrible image helped. She swallowed again, her throat dryer this time.

Oh shoot, what was she supposed to say to all that? She almost forgot what Isa had said. Did it matter? Lise swung from around the back of the couch, trying to turn on her own temptation once more with slow, swaying steps, as she tried to get her thoughts straight. "Well, we'll see won't we? That's what you're here for." That was... smoother than she could have hoped for - maybe she did have herself under more control these days.

Wasting no time with more dangerous staring, she rolled to the floor and stretched herself out on her side. Her best bedroom eyes accompanied the lift of one leg, and her gray eyes stuck squarely to Isa's face. "Woman enough to dive right in?"

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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“I wanted to look my best for you,” Isa smirked, watching Arlise watching her with smug, almost feline satisfaction. If there’d been any doubt in her head that the bikini was the way to go, that swallow and the snap of the redhead’s suddenly wide eyes to not far below her waist had knocked them on the head for sure.

Suddenly, it seemed like her neighbour might have realised what she was in for, maybe. A nicer girl might have let her off the hook – but Isa had never accused herself of being nice. Besides, for all their trash talk, this was just a bit of fun (even if Isa’s competitive side meant she had to keep reminding herself that she wasn’t there to actually turn Arlise into her squeeze toy).

Like she’d thought at the door, they’d swap some holds, Arlise would tap out lots (Isa maybe a couple of times)… They’d have that drink and maybe next time Isa could invite Arlise around to strut some stuff on her livestream…

Meantime though, they did have a scissor contest to decide and the redhead was taking things to the next logical step, getting down on the mat and positioning herself ready to get it started. That would have been enough but then she had to go and throw down the gauntlet.

“Oh?” Isa teased, stepping onto the mat with a hipshot strut that always worked to draw the eye where she wanted it, “I thought you were going to turn me into your squeeze toy? Where’s all that confidence gone, Lise?”

As she spoke, she was lowering herself to the mats, lying down parallel to the redhead – facing Arlise but with her upper half by the other woman’s legs and vice versa. The specific mechanics of it all were always dodgy but Isa ended up with her head pillowed on the smooth, soft skin of Arlise’s inner thigh, staring up her neighbour’s toned, muscular back past the swell of her buttocks towards her mane of crimson locks.

The redhead’s thighs were a little – alright, considerably – thicker than she’d anticipated once she’d got up close with them, her hips wider, the curves of her quads, her glutes and her hamstrings more pronounced than on first glance. Still, Isa was sure she’d got this covered. Easily. The little shiver that ran down her spine was purely because Arlise had the heating cranked down so far it was practically in Antartica and it passed almost instantly.

At the same time as she positioned her own head, the Temptress had parted her legs, pulling the upper of her two limbs back at a more than ninety degree angle in a far showier split than she strictly needed. Offering up her own, brawny leg as the resting place for Arlise, patting it with one hand.

“Ready for an early night?” She teased again, her confidence unwavering.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Isa did look her best. The best. And she knew it. Arlise planned to remain the predator for this competition, and she checked herself - roughly - to ensure she did not become the prey. She imagined Isa the type to catch prey often; surely, that must have caused all the noise in her room every night. Thinking about that noise helped with the redhead's resolve and with her resolve not to end up humiliated in her entrapment attempt. Isa might have called herself the temptress, but Lise could be the successful seductress long enough to make this happen.

She believed the raised leg would help as she took to the floor. Isa seemed generally unphased however... and Arlise tried to appear unphased as she watched the dangerous competitor pop onto the mats to join her. She stopped her staring with a long, blink of her eyes, but when she could tell Isa did not watch her - she watched Isa. And hid her concerns behind a cool, sensual smirk. "I can't demoralize you now... I'll do that when you're stuck between my thighs," the redhead crooned, equally as coolly and sensually. She had never noticed how convincing she could sound when distracted, anxious... until recently, anyway. She should use that trait more often.

When she felt Isa's head rest against her inner thigh - a tickle of hair alongside her warm skin - Lise shivered, and not because of the cool room. Having people offer themselves up between her legs did not happen often (and she could give Isa respect for doing it), and the feeling struck her as quite intimate. She lowered her leg slightly to start situating the other woman where she wanted her, and she...

...stared. A long, long time, at Isa's burly thigh as the other woman patted and presented it. It looked as if it could crack steel. Doubt pounded in Arlise's chest and ears, and she might have thought she trembled with nervous anticipation if she didn't know better. That was just her stomach tying in knots, an all too familiar feeling.

Tentatively, she lowered her head to not seem suspicious, but she tried to think quickly... if she wanted this to work, it must happen now. For a brief, tantalizing second when she had no immediate idea, she rested her head against the warmth of Isa's thigh and stared at the woman's rear in those gorgeous red bottoms, feeling blood pound between her legs.

Then - she had it. "Ack, hold on...", Lise said, leaning her head out of the bear trap and reaching for her red hair. "It hurts and it's noisy when my hair gets in my ears. And would you..." What was the English word? Oh, she had to keep her composure. "...stick... tuck your chin a little closer, please?" She reached with her other hand to indicate the spot where she wanted Isa to situate, right where her full cheeks pinched together, and parted her thick thighs just enough to give Isa adjustment room.

Her heart almost beat out of her chest.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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“I didn’t realise your snoring was that loud…” Isa threw back in response, utterly unflustered by Arlise’s visible confidence wherever she’d summoned it from. That was just going to make it more fun!

Isa occupied the time while she waited by tugging her own hair back, securing it into a loose ponytail with a rubber band she’d worn around a wrist. Nothing fancy, she just needed it out of the way for this. Getting it caught or pulled wouldn’t be fun in the slightest.

Soon enough though, she felt Arlise’s hair pressing against her skin. Perfect – time to get this show on the road.

But, as she began to bring her leg down like the sword of Damocles on Arlise’s neck, the redhead interjected – asking Isa to hold on.

Isa paused in lowering her leg, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. Was Arlise really backing out? As it turned out, no, the redhead just hadn’t dealt with her hair.

Or she just wanted a moment or two longer before she got squeezed.

And she wanted Isa to get closer in.

Hmm. Well. Fair enough, she supposed. On both counts. Even if they were just there for a little friendly competition, no doubt Arlise wanted to show what she could do before she lost.

“Sure,” She agreed, curling her leg into a loose figure-four shape – her ankle wasn’t tucked behind the opposite knee, her embrace wasn’t even remotely tight around Arlise but it was close enough to remind the redhead of their threatening presence while giving her space to fix her hair. “Just make sure you get in there nice and tight too.”

There was a moment’s hesitation. Because of course there was. Even though Isa trusted Arlise – she had to or this would be a monumentally stupid idea – there was that natural reluctance to just stick her head right into a flesh and blood noose made of the thickest, strongest muscles in the other woman’s body.

Then Isa did as Arlise had asked, inching her face forward. Forward.

The pale, fulsome globes of Arlise’s glutes loomed intimidatingly close, what had been a flattering cut on her workout bottoms now almost threatening.

Only to suddenly get a great deal closer as Isa felt a strong hand cup the back of her skull and shove her forward, forcing her in deep – her mouth and nose buried deep between the globes of Arlise’s muscular rump.

Nothing below Isa’s emerald eyes would be visible and they widened in shock. And maybe a little fear. Suddenly a little unsure, she went to close her own legs – just in case.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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Despite convincing herself that she did not risk shaking, Arlise's fingers did... tremble a bit, as the hand brushed through her hair to push bunches of it away from her ears. She pursed her lips and internally screamed at how her confidence had started breaking down now, at her best moment to act. She breathed in once, trying to soak in calm - she had Isa's head and Isa did not truly have hers yet, though one thigh waited mere inches below her cheek while the other curled up above her, ready, tempting, waiting.

That calming breath caught when she felt Isa nestle closer to her faintly covered rear and... an excited part of her. Her heartbeat somehow managed to find another octave. This was Arlise's time. The Belgian spent the briefest moment gathering her strength - and grinding her teeth.

Then, she acted. One hand planted against the thigh above her head, and her other hand reached back. She fumbled the shortest second, bumping her wrist against her own ass, before her fingers wound into Isa's hair. She did not fumble in cupping her hand around the back of Isa's head, and she shifted her knees wider for a heart-stopping second so she could shift Isa's head in tighter. She did not stop pulling until she felt Isa's lips and nose tucked... very tightly against her, and then her legs slammed shut again. She dared, for a spare second, to look back - and she saw only two surprised eyes staring back at her. Lise almost moaned.

But Isa's legs moved. Knowing she could not merely hold them back, Lise arched her back as far as she could, burying Isa deeper into her rear in the process, to get her head as far away from her squeeze "partner's" thighs as possible. And then she resorted to a tactic that did not make her proud... but it seemed practical to her rushed, anxious mind.

She reached for Isa's feet and tickled them. Intensely.

Silly though this might have felt, the other end of her acted far more aggressively. Her ankles slapped together, and Arlise, chewing her lower lip, poured all the power she could muster in this side position into squeezing Isa's head. Doubting that power, Lise kept one hand tickling while the other reached back to tug on Isa's head again, with all intentions to knock her out as quickly as her legs could manage.

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Re: Squeeze Thy Neighbor (for Liesmith)

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When she looked back on this, later, Isa would kick herself for not realising what Arlise was doing. In the cold light of the next morning, it all seemed so obvious.

In the moment, though, it didn’t occur to her. It all just seemed like part of the game they’d been playing, where they talked it all up like the competitive fighters they were. But then the actual contest would be friendly, just a little playful fun between neighbours.

Even having her head forced in tight between the redhead’s plump lower limbs wasn’t fun but it didn’t really set any bells ringing. Sure, it was a bit aggressive – Isa grumbled imperceptibly into the fleshy gag – but it wasn’t like Arlise was doing anything wrong.

She was just reminding herself of that, closing her legs down around Arlise’s head with the full intent of putting her in exactly the same boat, when the redhead pulled the rug out from under her.

First, Isa realised that Arlise’s hand was pressed against her upper thigh, holding it back. Meaty as Arlise’s biceps might be, there was no way they could measure up to Isa’s quads – but Isa hadn’t been using anything like her full power, meaning for crucial heartbeats the redhead had been stopping her legs closing.

That was enough to send an icy trail of panic down her spine. Then Arlise turned it into a full fledged river as she arched her back, pulling her head out from between the trap of Isa’s closing legs and outright entombing Isa in a prison of the redhead’s toned glutes.

She might still have been able to turn things around; instinctively, Isa grabbed at Arlise’s legs, tugging at the curvy hamstrings that laced the back of powerhouse thighs but any struggle between her own arms and Arlise’s haunches was lopsided to the point of bad comedy. At the same time, her legs were still closing in, her calf trying to hook behind her neighbour’s head before the redhead could make good her escape.

Only for Arlise’s fingers to close on her bare sole. Isa’s eyes went wide again, then she was howling helplessly in laughter as the redhead’s sharp nails danced a rapid-fire tattoo across her naked, vulnerable sole. Her legs fell away, leaving Arlise to pull fully free.

And leaving Isa already breathless when the redhead’s legs clamped down around her neck and jaw, adductor muscles like steel cables squeezing so tight that the flesh of Isa’s throat caved, giving way to the sudden and awful pressure. Green eyes went wide, the brunette howled her protest into the tomb of Arlise’s glutes, beginning to kick and thrash as she guessed what her neighbour intended for her.

Already she could feel her pulse pounding in her skull.

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