What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey Kiernan, LAW's worst interviewer, which was a title she proudly held, was moping as she cradled her cup of coffee in hand, staring at a mirror set up backstage. She looked sad. It was a terrible time. She had gotten all pressed up, her make-up was done by the LAW backstage staff, and probably most importantly, she was barred from leaving the arena, and found that out after three attempts to leave beforehand. She heaved a sad sigh, coming to the realization that she was about to have to do yet another interview. A very, very horrible tragedy. She wondered why today couldn't have just been some kind of meeting she slept through instead. No, instead she had to interview some Mika Yukuza girl. A horrendous state of affairs.

One stage hand walked up to her and smiled. "Heeeey Casey... You're up here soon," she said delicately, as if to not upset her.

"Asami, you are my best friend here," said Casey Kiernan morosely.

"My name is still Izumi, and no I'm not," replied the poor stage hand, shaking her head.

"Izumi, I meant... like... within my radius right now," replied Casey, gesturing with one hand around her as she continued to stare into the mirror. "Do you ever consider... what you're doing? How you got here? What circumstances of events led you to have to work here... at a wrestling show of all things?"

Izumi stared at Casey before shortly shaking her head. "No, I pretty much... understand it all, really."

"I just wonder if there's a life--after this. After wrestling, I mean. Not death, or anything depressing like that. Not that wrestling isn't already depressing enough. But..." Kiernan trailed off, hanging her head. "There has to be more..."

There was a long silence until Izumi spoke up again. "...I'm just here to tell you that your segment is up next."

Taking a deep breath, Casey turned, giving Izumi's shoulder a squeeze. "You're one of the good ones. I hope you can leave here sooner than I can." She would then begin to walk away, pause, then turn back, placing a hand on the bewildered stage hand's shoulder again. "I didn't mean that. I want to leave here sooner. Like today. Like yesterday." Izumi, not knowing what else to do, simply pat Casey's comforting hand before nodding towards the stage. Casey would then sigh and walk back to her stage with coffee in hand. It was unfortunately time.

Pouting as she waited for her signal, she tried to dull the pain with a sip of coffee. Not even that sweet drink could help. The countdown came before a loud, generic, poppy song played and Casey prepared herself. Stepping through the curtain to face the crowd, she instantly smiled cheerfully, waving to the crowd, briefly dancing to the song with coffee in hand and blew kisses to the waiting crowd. The stage was loud, tacky, and had two cozy chairs and a small table between them, with a giant sign hanging from the ceiling that glowed saying "WHAT'S HAPPENIN'! With Casey Kiernan" on it.

When the song ended, Casey Kiernan took a seat and got comfortable in her seat, taking a sip of her coffee before sighing with a smile on her face. She placed that cup of joe on the table and spoke now. "Helloooooooo LAW! Thank you for tuning in to Whaaaaaaat's Happening! With Casey Kiernan! And I'm your host, as you all know, Casey Kiernan! And today, we're about to find out collectively, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat's..." Casey took out her notecards to refresh herself, peeking at one before looking back up. "Happenin' with the newcomer, Mika Yukuza!"

"And today, we're going to find out more about her... being a wrestler. That is... also a female. And... you know, she does... female wrestler stuff. I don't want to give it all away!"
said Casey, trying to save her introduction, poorly. "So let's give it up for my guest... Mika Yukuza! Come on down!" Then, Mika's theme song began to play, signaling to the wrestler that it was her turn to make her entrance!

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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A talk show, huh? Mika was already starting to make waves in LAW and now she was quickly invited on a talk show in order to introduce herself. This posed a major problem for Mika as her previous life was something she was determined to forget about and Mika did not put the gears in her brain into motion into coming up with a new life story. All that people had known about her was that her name is Mika and she trained in Japan for a few months before being signed into LAW. Nothing more was thought of as Mika never wanted to bring her personal life into this new career. Mika was backstage in a green room environment as she took a cigarette out of her personal box to light it with her gargoyle lighter and the sweet nicotine started flowing through her lungs.

Mika sat down on the couch enjoying her cigarette not sure if she was even allowed to do it, but this was an emergency and she only smoked in cases during it. Mika took another swig blowing out smoke and enjoyed her nice cig before a stagehand came in through the door. Mika yelped throwing down her cig and stomping on it quickly before kicking the object under the couch away from view. Luckily, the stagehand took a few seconds to check her clipboard before addressing that Mika was on and Mika adjusted her red jacket blowing a sigh of relief. She took a look in the mirror adjusting her outfit.

Scare a bitch, why don’t cha? Aight, it’s cool, it’s cool.

Mika heard Kendrick Lamar’s first verse of her song as she rushed out of the room getting ready as she came through the curtain to big cheers from the crowd. She threw up a large scream to the crowd to get them hyped up skipping towards the host on the stage and Mika waved to the fans before taking her seat on the nice cushy chair. Mika crossed her legs and put both hands together not really ready for the interview, but she was about to make the most of it.
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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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Casey Kiernan looked through her notecards as Mika arrived, not paying her much mind to her as she attempted to study for this interview. ...But studying was really boring. But still, she might as well at least present an aura of caring. Barely taking in the words she wrote, she shrugged. A few awkward moments passed, like Casey didn't even notice Mika was there, before she looked up. "OH! Shoot. Hi! Hello Mika!"

She flashed an awkward, big smile and then took her coffee once more. "Welcome to the show, and welcome to LAW! Happy to have you here, like I'm sure you're happy to be here too," said Casey before letting out a loud, forced laugh. "But okay, okay. I'm going to start this interview how I always do and then just ask... Whaaaaaaat's Happenin'!?" Kiernan would then give her guest the floor to speak, leaning back and sipping her coffee.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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Mika would wait as she saw Claire read through her notecards, but she would notice her guest before fumbling over her words and forcing out a persona for the cameras. Mika chuckled to herself as she let the host speak and then got asked the question everyone was waiting to hear. Mika took a while to think of how exactly to respond to Claire’s question stroking her chin before clearing her throat.

What’s happenin’? I’ll tell y’all what is happening….your girl is here to dominate. Few months I have been training my hardest to be here in LAW and I’m going straight past all the other chicas to get to the Middleweight Championship. Then, I’m taking out Lillian and Mika will be sitting in the locker room with that title. Is that good enough of an answer, chica? Bueno?

Mika asked and looked over at Claire developing a bit of a heel persona, but just spitting her facts. She was simply here to blast past the competition and get straight to the top. Mika then chuckled again as she took off her sunglasses.

You gonna be okay, chica? You seem unprepared? Cual es el problema?” Mika asked as she felt a little concerned.
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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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Casey Kiernan just stared with an uncomfortable smile on her face as Mika spoke, furrowing her brow slightly as she glanced away towards the crowd, clearly not buying into any of that too much before hearing her guest spoke to her in a more hushed tone. "...What? Oh, no. I'm not prepared at all," replied Kiernan casually.

Then she spoke into her microphone again. "Yeah, that's just you and everyone else saying the same thing and then not even getting close. I mean--usually you say you're different but honestly, how different is any wrestler than any other one? Not very. Not very much at all," said Casey before shrugging with a smile on her face.

"So let's move past the rah rah taking the company by storm stuff and focus on what people really care about! Like..." Casey took a deep breath, giving her notecards a bored look over. "Okay, here's one. You are from 'Parts Unknown'. I don't... I don't know. What is that? That's not a place. Where are you actually from?" asked Kiernan, shrugging and then taking another sip of her coffee.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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You calling me a fucking joke, chica?” Mika asked as she looked over in the eyes of the host. “The reason no one has done it yet is that they talk enough shit and get they ass beat down the card! You don’t think I can do it, do ya? You think that I just talk tough?

Mika looked away as the crowd started murmuring and the Hispanic chick huffed crossing her arms before relenting as the next question was asked of her.

It is a place. A place that’s none of your business! But, for context, I’m from Japan. That’s all you need to know, carbon.

Mika wasn’t really fond of these questions and she did not like this Claire girl just shrugging off her threats. She came simply to LAW in order to kick some ass and take some gold along the way. Any other reason would just be ridiculous in her eyes as glory was the only thing on her radar. Sure, Mika likes the name recognition and getting paid lots of money to beat people up, but holding up a title means more and puts her name in the brains of everyone that crossed her.
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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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Casey Kiernan seemed disinterested in Mika's aggression, just peering at her over the rim of her coffee mug as she sipped it with skepticism. "...So. Then... you should just be saying you're from Japan," she shrugged, glancing around. "...I didn't call you a joke though. I'm just asking questions. I think. I asked a question, right?" She paused, glancing up and thinking on that before nodding in confirmation. "...Yeah, yeah. I definitely did."

Looking over her note cards again, she heaved a sigh and then said, "Okay, so let's try another one, sure." Muttering under her breath, she rolled her eyes, reclining in her seat. She could not look more disinterested if she tried. "Alright, so... What do you do in Japan? Tell me and I guess the LAW... people--fans. Whatever they are. Tell them about... Mika Yukuza before she was wrestling. Let's hear it." Casey shrugged, tossing a few notecards over her shoulder.

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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

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Mika had to choke back some gasping as the dreaded question reared it’s ugly head at her. Her past…..put on full display for a live audience. A past….she was so determined to forget and yet, her dumbass mind told her that an interview with a very rude host was a good idea. Mika sat back in her seat allowing a few minutes of clarity and retreated to her creative skills in order to craft the perfect facade story she could muster on the spot. She thought about everything she learned about Japan over her training and decided that would be the best place to go for ideas.

Alright, I’m the daughter of a fisherman and Japan’s fishing industry is pretty big so you could say he made a lot of money meaning I had a nice life with him. I was pretty popular in school and had some academic successes. However, I will say that I did run with the wrong crowd at one point…a big part of the reason I never went to college. My mother was never around as much as I would like so I never really knew her. The people I got involved with love fast cars and the street racing circuit of Tokyo. Many run-ins with police and….other high officials. That’s all in the past and I then discovered wrestling.

Mika wasn’t sure how much of her story would be seen as the truth as she scanned the audience for looks of skepticism, but they seemed genuinely interested in the short tale. Hopefully, Claire would be just as gullible and not press her further. That was the last thing she needed.
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Re: What's Happenin'! with Mika Yukuza

Unread post by Dubski »

Casey Kiernan squinted at Mika at first, then became interested in one of her notecards, starting to fold it as her guest spoke, seemingly only halfway paying attention to her. She hummed a bit to herself, tilting her head, and then when Yukuza was done, Casey took her note card, now a tiny paper airplane, and tossed it down the ramp... and it dive bombed immediately.

She looked over to Mika and shrugged. "Alright, so I just gather you were in a gang or something like Fast 3: Tokyo Drift. Which... cool, sure. Tell me more about you being a thug before you became a wrestler. That stuff seems more interesting. And use many words to talk because we have a lot more time to kill, soooooo..." Casey would wave Mika onward, leaning back in her seat and take her coffee in hand, taking a sip.

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