Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Mara Ashford was slated to have a match tonight, but she still had enough time to prepare herself because there were several matches before that. Already clad in her wrestling outfit, Mara was wandering around backstage, having nothing better to do. Her match tonight would be a mixed match, and this would be the first mixed match that she would have in this promotion.
Mara Ashford
And the person whom she would be facing tonight would be Finlay Zeffer, one of the many graduates of the Shadow Fortress. Due to this, they had interacted with each other before, and Mara still wasn't sure whether they were actually friends or merely acquaintances, both her and Finlay got along each other just fine.

It also helped that the New Zealander was quite handsome and easy to look at. And she would admit that she did develop a tiny bit of crush on him, though so far, nothing was happening. And regardless whether she had a crush on him or not, they would meet each other in the ring, and Mara was determined to win and show that she had the making of a great wrestler.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Finlay rolled his neck as he stood back stage, preparing himself mentally and physically for the match at hand as he cracked his knuckles. Tonight he was slated for another match, this time in one that was a bit.. different, for him at least. Today he was up against Mara Ashford. The daughter of Dana, someone who had defeated him soundly before and since he went to train under her at the veteran woman's Shadow Fortress.

Something that Finlay would readily admit led to a sharp increase in both his skills and his match record. It was also through this training he had met and become acquainted with Mara. They hadn't interacted heavily, but the blonde would definitively say she was his favorite of the Ashfords. She was similar to her mother, so brazenly confident and cunning, yet also a bit more collected and subdued compared to her family. It made conversations and the occasional spars both relaxing and enjoyable.

But spars were just that spars. One inherently held back in a spar, it wasn't a proper test of one's skills. So when he was informed of this matc... He was excited. Excited to see what she could do with filters. As well as... to interact with her more. It was something that had become a highlight for him since he started training at the Shadow Fortress, and having the chance to do so in a proper match was something he was quite excited for.

Making sure his red and black gear was firmly secured and ready he would nod to himself, feeling ready for the match. 'Plenty of time though...' He thought to himself looking up at the monitor and judging by what was taking place there were still quite a few bouts before his own. Looking to the side however he saw a familiar face approaching. "Well look who it is." Finlay said to Mara as he saw her nearby before gesturing with his head for her to come closer. "Care to join me?" He asked despite the fact they were slated to fight he was at least still interested in interacting with her before hand. After all she was one of the few people he could consider to be on good terms with.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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As Mara wandered around the backstage area, she saw her upcoming opponent for tonight, Finlay. "Oh?" She immediately put her hands behind her back, smiling at the New Zealander in her effort to look coy and coquettish. She came closer to him as she gave him a warm smile. She was giddy that she got to meet Finlay before the match. "Sure!" Of course, Mara wouldn't let this opportunity slip away as she would treat herself by taking a good look at Finlay's impressive figure.

Of course, Finlay's appeal to her wasn't entirely physical. She actually enjoyed talking to him, and she sometimes wondered what kind of girls he was interested in. "So, ready for our match tonight?" Mara gave Finlay a playful wink as she stuck out her tongue. They did spar a little back then when Finlay was trained in the Shadow Fortress, though this would be their first time meeting each other in a real match. "I hope you can go easy on a fragile little maiden like me, teehee~" She tried to be subtle here, though it was clear that she was being flirtatious to the New Zealander.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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As Mara came over with that smile Finlay couldn't help but also think of the woman's mother. After all the family resemblance was uncanny, and he was fairly certain Mara tried as hard as she was able to imitate her mother and take up similar styles or tactics. It was something he wouldn't fault, especially given the latter's career. Even so that smile of hers seemed to turn a few shades brighter whenever they talked, though he wasn't sure why.

Either way she had soon made it to where he was and her words made him release a few chuckles. "Oh I'm ready." He said before giving a small grin to her. "Though I won't be going easy on you. After all you're one of the least fragile people I know. Going easy would be the same as resigning to defeat." He said, offering his own form of a compliment to Mara, after all he was one the male wrestlers known for not having any bias or holding back against female competitors so he wouldn't start today.

But he also knew Mara from his time training in Shadow Fortress and as such knew just how skilled and tough she could be when she wanted too. "Are you're siblings or mother going to be here as well or just you?" He asked curiously, knowing how simultaneously supportive yet independent that family could be, so it was hard to tell when they'd be there for others matches. At least for him.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Mara giggled upon hearing Finlay's compliment. She seemed very happy to hear it from him. "Well, since you're expecting so much from me, I guess I'm gonna go all out, then." She felt pumped up at the prospect of going all out against someone like Finlay, and it wasn't just because she had a crush on him. After all, she had quite a big aspiration in her to become a great wrestler, and she would never back down to any challenges ahead of her.

"Well, about that..." When Finlay asked her if her siblings or mother would be watching the match, Mara looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm sure Mom's gonna be watching. At least the recording of the match. Maybe she'll be commenting this match when I least expect it, who knows?" Still in coquettish pose, Mara leaned forward, looking at Finlay's handsome face.

"Say, since tomorrow we're gonna be free, would you mind if we hang out somewhere?" Mara asked, smiling playfully at the New Zealander. The girl certainly tried her hardest to appear subtle. "Whoever loses tonight's match gonna be paying for lunch~" She stuck out her tongue in a mischievous manner as she said that.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Finlay sat back and listened as Mara spoke, first declaring her intention on going all out. Something that Finlay knew to expect from her, but still smiling all the same at her declaring her intention to do so. "I wouldn't have expected anything less." He said with a nod of appreciation towards her, his mind wandering to the spars they've had, her skills and physicality, the way it felt to touch and compete with her...

Shaking his head to clear his mind of... less competitive thoughts he would raise his eyebrow at the fact the rest of the Ashford clan wouldn't be present, and that Dana herself may only potentially be. At the same time however it also... excited Finlay to some extent knowing that they wouldn't be there, at least not in that moment physically. It meant it would just be Finlay, Mara, and the crowd watching.

Soon after however Mara said something that made Finlay raise an eyebrow in thought and surprise at what Mara had said. But it wasn't unwelcome. "Well now..." He said smiling softly at her. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were asking me out on a date." He said before continuing. "But that sounds like a fun time regardless of who pays.. though it will be you since I'll be winning tonight." He said, agreeing to Mara's offer while adding a dash of competitiveness to it as well.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

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Mara tried her very best to act coy and playful to hide her excitement. "Ooh? Confident, aren't we? Well, you better bring a thick wallet tomorrow, since I'm sure I'll be winning this one~" She winked at Finlay. "Regardless, I'm looking forward to it." She beamed happily at the New Zealander. Regardless of outcome, she would be able to hang out with Finlay, and if she got lucky, then she might be able to become more than just friends with him.

And then, the backstage official came over, informing them to get ready for the match. "Oh, that's our cue. Better get ready." She looked at Finlay. "Good luck, Finlay. Don't hold back on me, okay?" She reminded him before she went ahead to prepare herself for the match.

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Re: Shadow Fraternity (For Bare)

Unread post by Bare »

'This is certainly a interesting development.' Finlay thought to himself as he focused on Mara's face, her eyes in particular. He had grown to quite admire them, and the mischievous light they often took when she got an idea about something. It was one of the highlights of sparring and training with her in the Shadow Fortress, and this new bet between them only made him all the more eager for his match with her.

"I can say the same about looking forward too it... Even if I'll be making you pay for it." He said, still bantering with Mara up until the official came and told them to get ready. Nodding seriously to them he turned to Mara and gave her a nod with a small smile. "Same to you, and trust me, I won't." He said to her before watching as she walked away, his eyes admittedly lowering to focus on her rear end as she did so.

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