Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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Smother K.O Match - Victory Obtained Via K.O to a Smother Move.

Well, it was time for Antonia's second Apex Qualifier. The General of the Anthill was expecting a pretty dominate victory, as she usually did. But she was at least hopeful she wouldn't be totally bored to death, as perhaps her opponent's efforts would be assuming to her. Antonia was proud of her sexy figure and very well equipped for a smother match. She sported both a busty chest, and most importantly, a large, plump, smothery behind!

The importance of Antonia's butt wasn't simply just that it was bigger than her already sizable chest. Rather, that backside was her secret, smothery weapon. Comfortable, yet tight-fitting and tightly belted booty shorts were part of the blonde bombshell's attire. Her posterior already looked great in them, but the fabric held back the full scope of her derriere's massive size. And Antonia certainly had no problem with unbuckling her belt, and pulling her shorts down to reveal this fact, before smothering someone senseless!
Entrance Theme
Whether Antonia opted to do so in this match, was yet to be seen. For now, the curvy bug's entrance themed played, as she leisurely strolled down to the ring. After climbing inside, she causally leaned against the ropes on her side of the ring, not showing any concern at all. The nerdy ant would reveal what she had already researched about her opponent, after April Castle joined her in the ring!

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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With a smirk on her face, the punk rock wrestler would make her way through the curtain, and April would spring out from behind the curtain, stepping out onto the top of the entrance ramp! She would run down to the ring, giving some high fives to her fans, who despite her losing streak, stuck with her thanks to her happy go lucky style. The spunky star would then rush towards the ring, sliding underneath the ropes and rolling up to her feet, yanking her hat off, before then letting it flick off her fingers, spinning and quickly landing it on the ring post, the crowd cheering for her once again perfectly landing the shot, making her give quick smile and wave to the crowd! With flashy spectacle out of the way, April would spin around, staring down Antonia

"Sup Ant pants, big fan of your outfit, you really rock it well!" April complimented, giving a nod to the Ant's curvy, toned physique, quite impressed with her foe! "Do you do marching to, y'know like- dadadadadada da da da da." April would then march comically, singing ants go marching without the lyrics, getting a small chuckle out of the crowd.

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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Antonia analyzed her incoming opponent, as April made her grand entrance. Ms. Castle was clearly well-liked, greeting the fans with a huge smile on her face. And the grand finale of April's performance, was flicking her hat off her fingers, and allowing it to soar onto a top ring post! The serious bug watched the performance with a stoic expression. She was more interested the amount of skill or lack thereof, that April would be bringing into the ring.

"Ant pants?" Antonia puzzled, before April preformed a silly marching and singing routine, courtesy of being amused with the blonde's outfit. "Hmmph. You are preparing for a bout. Behaving in such a way is most unprofessional." Antonia could be a judgmental stick in the mud sometimes. "However, I do appreciate you taking notice of my obviously exceptional attire. To repay the well-deserved praise you have bestowed onto me, I shall preform an analysis of you."

As typical of Ms. Aunt, she pulled out her blue Ant Gear, and the device emitted a hologram of her opponent. "Name: April Castle. Height: 5'11". Weight:142lbs. An all rounder." The general spoke in a robotic-like voice. "Despite having a noteworthy losing streak, you seem to naively maintain a happy-go-lucky attitude. Foolish, yet amusing."
Last edited by dddybee on Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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"Wait preform a analysis?" She asked, before then suddenly reading out all of April's information. "Hey come on now ain't that cheating." April asked the referee, as April seemed to get rather upset, spefically at the mention of her losing streak, as after the ant did, April suddenly would march over, and shoving the gal roughly across the face, pie facing her. "Only thing foolish is gonna be you after I slam her red ant ass into the mat!"

The crowd would react in a shocked and supportive way from the sudden mean streak from April, as it had been subtle, but the gal had slowly started to seem more aggressive, likely in part due to her losing streak.

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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Despite April's initially friendly demeanor, Antonia couldn't resist the urge to be a smart-aleck, even going as far as to bring up April's losing streak. And as such, the previously happy Ms. Castle immediately got triggered, enough to march right up to Ms. Aunt. Though taken back by the sudden anger, the arrogant ant's guard was low, not believing April would be jumping straight to violence. But then, the ticked off jobber smacked Antonia right in the face!

"Gaaah!" Antonia cried, taking a few steps back. She blinked in surprise at her foe and even started to blush. "I-I...I wasn't aware you were capable of...blowing up so fast." Antonia stammered, upset about not having April completely figured out. "D-Did I miscalculate?" The nerdy bug cleared her throat and started to regain her composure.

"Never mind that. How dare you forcefully send your hand in a way to make violent contact with my facial region! You shall now be dominated by the General of the Anthill!" The army ant got into a fighting stance, waiting for the bell to ring. "Oh, and having an adversary's information isn't cheating, you jughead maggot."

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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The miscalculation was obvious since April's mean streak only hand just started to show itself, the multiple loses were really starting to get to April, and it made her want to win. The referee would call for the bell after restraining April, but the punk would then quickly rush across the ring, attempting to hit a runnign dropkick right out of the gate!

If the move connected,April would go right after the ant, hitting a flurry off elbows and chops in the corner, introducing Antonia to a very violent party!
After the rush, April would glance at the crowd, smirking, shockingly having gottent the upperhand, before then rushing across the ring, boucning off the second rope in the corner, before running back at the ant, looking to hit a flying corner splash to finish off the flurry!

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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After smacking April in the face, the referee had to restrain the angry wrestler. But after the bell rang, April came straight for the ant again! April clearly wanted a piece of Antonia, and the general had to act fast. She lifted her arms and crossed them over her face, guarding herself from Ms. Castle's dropkick. But the blow still sent the blonde staggering to the corner.

And April was on Antonia in an instant, throwing a whole bunch of strikes at her! Being the martial arts prodigy the insect was, Antonia managed to block and counter some of the blows. But at least one elbow and chop would hit their marks. "Nngh! Uggh!" Antonia grunted in response, becoming highly annoyed. Afterwards, April ran back, only to come forward again with a flying corner splash attempt. "Enough!" Antonia snapped, before dodging the move, allowing April's body to smack hard into the corner post.

Afterwards, Antonia would turn April's body around to push her a standing position against the corner. If successful, the general would aim to nail April with an incapacitating liver punch! This was her signature: Ant Sting!

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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The flurry that April looked to cap off with a splash would be stopped suddenly when the ant dodged the move, instead leading to April bouncing off the turnbuckle. She groaned, twisting around, only to get punched right in the liver. April would wheeze after the impact, the only thing stopping her from dropping was the turnbuckle as her arms dangled on the ropes, spit flying out of her mouth. The thing about a liver punch compared to a punch to the jaw was similar. A punch to the jaw turns off your brain, but a punch to the liver turns off everything other then your brain.

The impact left April gasping for air her momentum stopped dead, panting and dangling there, wheezing for breath and utterly at stunned, completely at the ants mercy

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

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"Bulls eye." Antonia snickered, after having socked April hard in the liver. This of course, left the poor girl breathless and immobilized, arms draped over the ropes behind her. And being trapped in a corner only added to April's incredibly vulnerable state. "Going for that bodysplash was pretty rash, wouldn't you agree?" Antonia criticized. "Allow me to administer penalty for your foolishness." Suddenly, Antonia would turn her body around, in order to slam April with a huge hip attack. If successful, the blonde's big booty would bash into April's stomach, knocking even more wind out of the already winded girl!

"You don't seem to be handling my stings very well." The blonde taunted, after booty bumping April hard enough to hopefully cause her to fall on her bum. If all went her way, Antonia would turn her bubble butt towards April's face. Given the stimulations of this match, the crowd knew what was about to happen to her. And Ms. Aunt savored the moment first, allowing an immobilized Ms. Castle to take in her humiliation and the incoming smother!

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Re: Apex Smothers - Antonia A. Aunt vs. April Castle

Unread post by SweetHeart »

April groaned before getting hit in the stomach again, letting out a cry of pain, her eyes wide as her body shook after the impact. Not handling her sting at all, she dropped down, her legs spread wide as she was still unable to move all that much, blushing seeing the ant shaking her rear mere inches from april's face. "N-Ngh, no" She whimpered out, her arms shaking as she lifted them to block, but that would likely lead to nothing but her arms being pinned during the incoming smothering

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