MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by Lederface »

Match Type:Standard Tag Match
Winning Condition:When one member of the team finally tapped, submitted or was pinned.

Nadia and Kurumi knew how much fun it was to do new things, Nadia for always liking to do something different, and Kurumi herself for wanting to get better, and now it looked like both girls would finally get the test to see if they could really do it well enough, Nadia and her skill with aerial movements and in general her ability with her legs helped Kurumi with her ability in striking and defense, things that Nadia also lacked a little bit, but leaving that aside, it was their time to show off in the best way they could.

With the light of the Arena illuminating only where those two girls were supposed to appear, the entrance was covered by a dense smoke, before listening to the narrator.
From the gym Rodouko, Son Kurumi Aishizawa and Nadia Fortune, and together they are.... Fulllllllll Powwwwer!!!

and so with the beginning of the song, the lights would take a light blue tone with a green one, and so the two of them would start..... to dance.
Clearly the 2 of them wanted to do that, and their lively movements on the dance floor that had been the Ramp, showed that those 2 girls seemed to be alive and full of desire to fight, so then when they got to the ring, both of them would go up, noticing among the audience that Kurumi had her Boxing gloves on, even though this was a Wrestling style fight.

Tonight we are going to get to know each other! isn't that right kuru-Kuru?.
Of course Nadis, this will be a great occasion!!!
they would say this way both waiting in the corner for the arrival of their opponents, that according to Yukari individually were quite tough, and now it would remain to know what happened if they were together.
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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella Edelstein was hyped. Finally, after having cut a promo that had the crowd in the arena jump from their seats and a first strong impact at the "We are LAW 5" PPV, the biggest PPV of LAW now, it was time for Moonrock to truly rock the Tag Team Division as their first match was about to get started.

Slipping into her usual get up, Finella grinned and looked at the iron baseball bat in her locker. "You sure I won't need it today Chris...maybe just a little?", the Hellraiser asked and looked back at her best friend and soulmate, Chris Yukine. Both musicians knew each other for a few months but managed to share a strong bond of love and friendship. Finella, the rebell, the punk, the brawling, beerjugging roughrider listened to every word of her friend.

Chris was the only one whom she let do this. If someone else would try to tell the Hellraiser what to do, they better run for their lives, but the snowhaired woman was so important to the Wolf that she listened to every word, knowing that Chris always wanted whats best for her.

She turned around and hugged Chris excitingly, pressing the surprised woman into her breasts as she cheered.
"WOOOOOOOO! Moooonroooooock! Finally our first Tag Match!", she grinned and jumped up and down in the spot.
"Let's raise some hell at them! Come on, Come on Chrissy! They are waiting for us!"
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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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"I'm sure. Let's at least try to start a little clean, OK?" Was Chris' reply as Fin put away the baseball bat. She was still a little nervous, honestly. They had a good reaction from the crowd when they cut their promo and announced their entering the tag division. And honestly, with how the two worked at We Are LAW, the rocker knew there was a few knicks in their synergy. They worked on it since, yeah, and the two had grown a lot closer over the months since.

Fin had her bad qualities, sure, but there was a lot of good ones. Ones that Chris seemed to be one of the few privy to. Her kindness, her heart, and her weakness. She had seen it since that day in the park, and it bound them. And that bond seemed to make it easier to rein the wild wolf in. Maybe not her excitement, as the wolf pulled Chris' now blushing face between her breasts and hugged her tightly. "Mmpet, goooh!" She pulled her head out eventually as Finella jumped with excitedly.

"Right," Chris soon followed with, starting to hear their theme start up. Sure she was nervous, like when she first debuted even. But with Fin with her, seeing the badass Austrian she had trained these past few months with smile, hearing the song they had completed together, something just told her it would all go OK. "Iku zo, aibou!" She gave her partner a fistbump, walking out onto the stage as the crowd cheered.

And their debuting opponents! Chris Yukine and Finella Edelstein! They are, MOOOONROOOCK!!!
Sparks exploded from the stage as the two came out, each throwing a set of devil horns into the air as the lyrics began. The two walked down the ramp, high fiving the crowd as they passed and even giving a fist bump or two along the way. The two eventually made it to the ring, Chris leaping up over the top rope and rolled her neck with a smirk.

"Sa, hope your ready to be rocked by LAW's newest tag team, Chestnut and Feline!"
Golem's Guardians

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by Lederface »

Kurumi and Nadia clearly saw that their Opponents seemed to have spectacular entrances as well, but only they knew that with that they included in their package a good fighting style, so when the 2 girls were thinking a bit, Nadia and Kurumi would look at each other, smiling at the situation and with Kurumi taking a step and entering the ring showing herself as the first one to fight, Nadia would wait as a support.

Kurumi was ready, although now with those gloves on her hands she had lost her grip, she knew how to make the most of them, so she would smile.
Whoever of you 2 wants to face me, I hope you have energy for someone like me!!!.

She would say pounding her fists

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella and Chris appeared on the ramp, getting showered in a mix of cheers and boos. Both Rockers were not known for going easy at their opponents or always sticking to the rules but hey, Sex, Drugs and RocknRoll, Baby!

They walked down to the song they have written, threw devil horns in the air and Finella even stopped for selfies where some lucky guys got pressed into her boobs.

She gave Chris a wink and chuckled before they stormed the ring.
Finella jumped the turnbuckle like in her singles matches and opened a bottle of beer that she had brought to the ring, taking a bug gulp, the beverage running down and making her shirt wet.

The crowd was positively impresses enough as they hooted and hollered.
Fin grinned and jumped down, meeting with the their opponents.
She gave them a big grin.

"Nadia... Was it?", she said and reached out grabbing one of cats breasts.
"Nice. Always wanted to fight you. We crush you under our boots babes, ROCK N ROOOOLLL!", she shouted and downed the rest of her beer while fistbumping with Chris.

"Don't worry, Sis I got this.", she grinned and gave Chris another fistbump.
"Just take care of my back like you did in PPV.", she said and looked the boxer before her in the eyes.

"Oh, boxing ey? Wrong Arena, Babe.", the Wolf grinned and sent her boot into Kurumis midsection as the boxing girl came closer.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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Nadia was hoping that the situation wouldn't be as bad as Yukari said in her report, but when she noticed that it really would be a bad situation, Nadia was a bit nervous, that she felt something on her breasts and realizing that it was one of those girls, she was dumbfounded, pushing and getting scared, making her take a few steps away.

Kurumi on her side, seeing how that girl took the beer and the drink as well as throwing it away made her a little envious, so when she approached, a kick hit her right in her abdomen, but Kurumi with a smile, would have her body still intact, holding her hand on Finnela's leg and the other one clenching into a fist that would travel straight to Finnela's stomach.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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Finella grinned as she sent a kick into the side of Kurumi. She was'nt the most refined wrestler but this was no secret, in fact, Finella did'nt give much about it. She was brawler, hardhitting, brutal and quick. She left the more nuanced stuff to Chris who as a fucking expert in the ring and do to her light body, could do things some people could only dream of. That was what made their team so effective. Finella would wear their opponents down for Chris to strike with all kinds of aerial and running maneuvers to assure their win. This was their first official match and the first test run but both members of Moonrock were assured that everything would work to plan, even if Chris was a little nervous.

The Hellraiser had struck but suddenly her leg was getting caught by Kurumi. "What the-", the Hellraiser said before the gloved hand of her opponent drove itself into the stomach of the Finella, punching the air out of her.
"OOOOOFFF!", the Austrian groaned and held her midsection, her leg was still in the clutches of Kurumi. But Finella had learned the one or another thing from Chris and when Kurumi drawed back to send anothr punch into her she jumped and kicked her leg into the side of the boxers head in an Enziguri attempt on one leg.

If that one connected, she would Kurumi hopefully on the floor...

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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Kurumi knew how to use her situation of low grips and a very exposed stomach to her advantage, with Finnela taking a blow that left her for a few moments breathless, Kurumi would be ready to launch the rain of blows, but that's when she reacted and with a jump, a kick hit Kurumi in her head, she let go of Finnela, staggering a few seconds, time for Finnela to try to continue with the action before Kurumi came back

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

"ARWOOOOOO!", Finella howled and shot devilhorns in Chris direction. "See, I picked something up from our training! And you said it was useless!", the Hellraiser quiped into her partners direction before getting into action with Kurumi.
She grabbed the still standing boxing girl by the neck and held her down while looking to the crowd who started booing her as the Hellraiser throw a fist into the air.
"Let's raise some HEEEEEEEEELLL!", she screamed and threw Kurumi, who had stagered into the direction of one of the neutral corners, headfirst into the turnbuckle. She proceeded with the hits, making Kurumis forehead taste the kiss of the topturnbuckle before stopping it and shoving her into the corner.
If Kurumi was out of it enough then the Hellraiser would clasp her hands to fists.
"OVERKILL!", she screamed and with that she started a parade of lightning fast and hart hitting punches all over the body of Kurumi, sending her knuckles everywhere from top to bottom in her devastating signature move.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by Lederface »

Kurumi was dizzy from that blow and the next few seconds were not much help either, being thrown against the corner, Kurumi crashed and screamed a little in pain, seeing that Finnela was approaching, she would be with an idea in mind, pretending that she was very bad so she could respond to Finnela, so when she launched her fight cry, Kurumi would respond with an Uppecut against Finnela's chin, clearly she could take her attacks, but if she received too much where she could not, the fight would not last long.

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