Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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Just when it seems that Thereisa was going to make due on her promises to Yuki. She was in the process of reaching down and grabbing her opponent by the hair again; she was going to end the match in the most brutal way she knew how and to send a warning to the other women in the Apex event going forward as the more dominant woman for the title.

At most she would go for the Frankensteiner since if she went for the Stardust Driver it would be overkill and for someone like Yuki it would injury her or worse... and she is not like that even if she wants to use that move even more since she only connected with it once and that was against Alaina in that cosplay match they did.

Turning her head around at the mention of her name seeing Astrid back on her feet and slamming her hands on the table in front of her, before frowning at the mention of being disqualified from the whole competition for only the smallest thing, and it not like she threw Yuki at the champion at all just a mishap was all it was.

'And what rules Astrid have I violated huh?.' she asks with that look on her face... barely holding in her rage at the mere motion of being disqualified due to another Ostberg putting their noses in her business. ' Seems that you're allowing yourself too much control during my match by trying to ban my finisher in this match... so much for being a fair judge instead of someone who abuses her power and showing clear bias against me ever since the match started ehh... So how is that fair?' Thereisa would say, wanting to have the other judges question on why Astrid was placed to judge her match with all the history between the woman's father and her. After saying her piece... Thereisa would toss her opponent back inside the ring giving one last look at Astrid before sliding underneath the bottom rope to keep the match going but inside she is livid and planning on using the stardust just because of what she feels is a slight against her.

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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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Everyone knew what Thereisa had planned. Already, a few gasps went through the arena, as the fans called from the stands begging Thereisa not to do it. Some were already covering their eyes, preparing themselves for what could be the end of Yuki's career - or worse. The veteran had crippled her fellow heavyweights this way; a girl of Yuki's size would be defenseless! Even Yuki herself knew she was in trouble - slumped in the corner and panting to draw the air back in her lungs, she was struggling to keep her eyes open, but when she lifted her head to look back at the veteran, it was with wide eyes and a face drained of all color.

But before Theresia could make a move, Astrid drew every eye in the arena to her. Everything went silent, save for the champion's voice, which rose with anger with each word she addressed Thereisa with. Yuki herself breathed a sigh of relief, but still she looked back at the two heavyweights with bated breath - she could hardly imagine what could happen next.

Even with Thereisa staring her dead in the eyes, Astrid wouldn't budge. She gripped the table tighter, locking a stone-faced glare on the woman in front of her. Thereisa's gaze was piercing, and even the most seasoned wrestlers could be forgiven for shrinking away from such a visage. But Astrid wouldn't be moved!

"You know full well this isn't about your finisher," the champion shot back. "It's about you throwing your opponent at me! Is this what you believe sportsmanship and good conduct to be? You would accuse me of showing bias, when you attack me when I'm not even in the match?"

Although she outwardly remained firm, inside of her, Astrid couldn't help but question herself. As she heard the other judges whisper amongst themselves, her teeth began to clench, and her fingers wrapped tighter around the table. Was she abusing her power? She just wanted to stand up for Yuki, who didn't seem to stand a chance on her own - and she knew an insult when she saw one. But she had accepted the position because she believed herself to be such an advocate for the sport of wrestling that she would be able to judge it accordingly and to the best of her abilities - and now, had she let that promise down?

Astrid was still standing over the table, rigid as she watched Thereisa haul Yuki back into the ring before following her inside. She watched as she pulled the girl up the ropes, putting her in just the right position for a Stardust Driver. Even as she tried to hold in her composure, Astrid could barely keep herself from trembling. If Yuki took this move, the damage could be debilitating!

But what Astrid didn't know - nor did Thereisa - was that when the Norsewoman had tried to stop the action, it only left Yuki with more time to think, and to catch her breath. Had Thereisa hit this move right away, Yuki would already be knocked senseless. But now she had just enough time to act! She was sore, her head was throbbing, and she didn't know if she'd have enough left in her to last much longer. But if she acted quickly, she might still have a chance! And, when she found herself being hoisted up along the ropes, she realized what it was she could do! It would be a dangerous gamble, but if it all paid off..!

Clenching her teeth, Yuki steeled her nerves. She needed to wait for just the right moment, letting Thereisa pull her back. As she jumped up to throw her legs onto Yuki's shoulders, the load was almost too much to bear; Yuki teetered, threatening to be pulled down by the sheer weight of Thereisa's body. But just as the heavyweight flipped herself back through the air, Yuki would reach out with her own legs, looking to grab her head on the way down! Ordinarily she could never hope to flip a woman of Thereisa's size. But if she could use the leverage and momentum of the move in progress, she might be able to swing Thereisa upside down and reverse this move into her finisher, the Kazikura Destroyer!
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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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Everything was set up for the big finish. She already had her opponent on the rights before Astrid stuck her nose in her business, but even then everything was fine due to Yuki still being somewhat out of it making it easy to set her up for the Stardust Driver.

But Thereisa forgot that even the most scrappy wrestler would still fight to the end, something that she used to do during her ill-fated baby face run when she first started out, and now Yuki was doing the same to her taking advantage of the time that she gotten from Astrid and Thereisa jawing back and forth with each other.

As soon as she did her free fall to rotate and send Yuki to the canvas with the driver move... The other woman was able to use that momentum and able to snatch Thereisa's head in between her legs, falling downn till instead of her opponent head being spoiled to the canvas it was Thereisa's own taking Kazikura Destroyer eith a sickening thud... '

Auuughhh' the big woman would cry out falling backward into her knees before slumping to the mat in a twitching stunned heap leaving herself easy pickings for her opponent to take advantage of.

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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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Everything was counting on this. If Yuki didn't make the right choice now, it would all be over - the match, and perhaps even her career, for all she knew; she could only imagine the damage she'd be facing if Thereisa slammed her head-first into the ring from such a height. Her muscles went stiff and the hairs bristled on the back of her neck as her heart quickened in her chest. Some women would have frozen then and there, like a deer in the headlights. But Yuki was different. At such a pivotal moment, Yuki knew she had another choice - to turn this to her advanage, and steal back the win. She would need to act now if she wanted to even stand a chance, but that was a chance she would take!

Just as Theresia's feet left the ropes, the Japanese girl kicked out her legs, and as she threw her weight backward, she was able to swing Thereisa toward the mat instead! It happened so quickly, the fans could barely follow what was going on - but when they saw the positions of the two wrestlers exchange, they knew what was about to happen. A cheer broke through the stands, and it only grew louder a second later, as Theresia struck the mat hard, shaking the ropes with her impact!

Breaking off of her opponent, Yuki rolled to the side, getting up on her hands and knees. She flicked her head back to clear some hair from her eyes, but she looked up with a bright smile nonetheless. She had faced a close brush with certain defeat, and she had escaped at the last minute, with not a second to spare. That alone was a victory for her - but of course, there was more work to be done.

Seeing Thereisa was down, Yuki saw her chance. She sprung on top of the heavyweight, grabbing for her leg to pull it back for the pin, and the referee fell at her side to begin the count!

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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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As soon as the final smack of the mat from the ref was heard the crowd stood to their feet in awe.

As the crowd chants and cheers seeing the underdog Yuki win a massive victory over someone like Thereisa, the ref calls for the bell to be rung and goes over to raise the smaller woman's arm in the air.

Stunned is the only thing that is going through Thereisa's mind as she was caught unaware of dealing with Astrid and that meddling had cost her an easy victory in her eyes, what worse is losing to a lightweight wrestler since she doesn't respect that weight class or their champion and here she is losing to one of them.

'Aaaaahhhhh' she let out a scream of anger and frustration at losing. She sits up holding the back of her neck while glaring at her opponent while getting to her feet, stumbles a bit from the pain, and towering over the smaller woman with a hard glare on her face.

'Next time fight me without your little helper... Enjoy your tainted victory.' Thereisa spits out disgust and anger in her tone.

She is furious as she turns around and slides out of the ring... Makes a beeline over to the judge's table her eyes not leaving Astrid's form for costing her this match, but before she can get close the judge's security comes out blocking the enraged woman's path trying to hold her back.

'That's the second time, your blasted family has gotten involved in my business... There will not be a third time Astrid your time is running out and I will take that belt from you... Or your career' Thereisa would say before walking past fuming and heading backstage, deciding while making her way backstage that it was time to call this blood feud to the forefront.

'Serilda and Ana are going to enjoy Die wilde Jagd (The Wild Hunt) '

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Re: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Yuki Kazikura

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At last, there it was. The count of three - and with it, the sound of the bell, followed closely by that of the whole arena erupting in cheers! Yuki still hadn't come down from the adrenaline rush that came with her come-from-behind victory. Her heart was still pounding, and she was still panting for breath, even as the referee lifted up her arm in triumph. It was only seconds ago she was sure she was making a close brush with defeat, if not worse. But as she looked up to see the fans cheering for her, chanting her name and clapping their hands, a bright smile broke across her face. No one had expected her to win - certainly, no one expected her to come back from the Stardust Driver - but Yuki had defied the odds. She wasn't sure before if she would have what it took to stand among the ranks of LAW's main eventers, but if there was ever a time to be sure of it, it would be now. Bowing her head, the Japanese girl let a few tears of joy roll down her cheeks. "Thank you...all of you," she whispered under her breath.

However, Yuki's celebrations would be cut short, as Thereisa let out a roar of anger just by her side. She let out a gasp, the color draining from her face as she looked up with a jolt to see Thereisa glaring down at her. Even when she had just won, even when she had proven to herself that she had what it took to succeed, she suddenly felt like she was caught in the crosshairs of her rage, and certain doom was staring her down. That was enough to make her forget everything.

But it wasn't Yuki who the veteran set her sights on - it was Astrid herself. As weary as she was, the strain Thereisa had forced herself through wasn't enough to hold her back as she charged out of the ring, running straight for the judges' table. The other judges ducked underneath the table for cover, and even Astrid herself jumped to her feet, readying herself for a confrontation. But before any fists could be thrown, security stepped in, getting in between the two rivals at the last minute.

Astrid let out a huff, her shoulders slumping as she sat back down. But she didn't take her eyes off Thereisa as she hurled threats her way. Her fingers wrapped tighter around the edges of the table as she leaned over it, and her teeth clenched. Yuki might have won the match, but it seemed like other matters were already brewing...

Winner by Pinfall: Yuki Kazikura
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