Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Lewd moves allowed

Ren is ready for her third Apex match as she stretch and groan slightly as she can be seen wearing her signature purple mask and her black and purple leotard, ready for the match to begin as she waiting in the backstage until her theme start to play, cause her to smile as she run out of the ring and wave at her fans as she hop toward the ring, also high-five some of the audience and fan as she had a confident smile under her mask
She would slide into the ring before hop back up, hopping around the ring as she wave at her fans with a confident smirk on her face, before she would lean against the rope, as she sigh softly, waiting for her opponent to appear as she is ready for the fun to begin

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Backstage, Luiza is ready to debut her new look and hairstyle. Thinking of anything at this point to reinvent herself and maybe that might help her pick up a victory or something at this point, since nothing seems to be working for the big woman.

And yet management keeps booking her into matches only due to the fact that her losing streak has reached the double digits and still going, but sooner or later she will win a match and end that bloody streak if it is the last thing she would ever do as she flexes her arm showing off her flabby muscles to pump herself up for tonight match.

As her music plays over the speakers and she makes her way out on stage showing off her new dyed hair much to the taunts ad jeers from the fans who openly mock her, but she keeps her head held high and pulls her leotard down from behind as she marches to the ring before sliding inside and raising her hands up... which allows the crowd to mock her even more from the looks of it. Turning to face her masked opponent and frowns, knowing that this is going to be a tough match up for her... but she feels confident enough that she can steal a victory as the bell rings for the top to start.

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Ren would wink at her opponent as she had a smug smirk under er mask before she would ready herself, the tiger themed women seems to be much...bigger than her as she figures she need to use her agility and outsmart Luiza, cause her to smile more under her mask, gonna be fun as the bell ring, Ren would quickly make her way toward Luiza as she rush at her

She would quickly hop up before attempt to sandwich her thighs on Luiza's head, try to give her a headscissor take down as she proceed to attempt to take her down and turn it into a submission hold to tired her out

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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As soon as the bell was rung Luiza would come rushing forward wanting to catch her slimmer opponent off guard with a move that would say that she still got it, but she is just a step slower than her opponent was already moving and beaten her to the punch.

As Ren thighs would wrap around her head and take her down to the mat with a head scissors hold that leaves her kicking the canvas with her feet, only because Ren still has her legs around Luiza head and is squeezing tightly trying to wear her down with a submission hold.

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Ren would smile as she tighten the hold slightly, she would look down at Luiza as she made a hmm noise, this seems too easy as she tighten her hold slightly more, she would attempt to hold the submission hold only for a min before quickly let go and pulled up, why? Because it would be boring if she have the advantage all the way before she would hop backward and wink at Luiza, challenging her by letting her make the next move

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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'AAAUUGHHH' Luiza would cry out, feeling the grip around her head and neck starting to tighten up. Her feet kicking the canvas as she tries to push Ren legs apart with her hands but it feels like pushing two tree trunks aside, but to her shock her opponent lets go of the hold and even hops to her feet almost mocking her with a wink and smirk on her face.

Luiza face still red from having the tight grip around her neck staggers to her feet to face Ren challenge, going for a take down tackle to get the other woman to the canvas and allow her to mount Ren so that she can throw punches at the woman's face.

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Ren would smirk as she heard Luiza cry out in pain before she would felt her start kicking her feet around before she would finally let go as she hop up and move backward before wink at Luiza as she stretch slightly, watching Luiza start attempt to pushing herself backward as she looking at her before she would felt Luiza charge toward her and attempt to tackle her as she attempt to grab Luiza and bring her arms up to slam her on the back before she would felt herself being slammed down and being mounted before she would felt punches meet her face and loosen her bandana skull mask

Ren would lay there groaning in pain before try to throw punches back as she groan out dizzily as she hiss in pain before she would attempt to throw her off as she try to free herself "O-Okay...P-Perhaps I underestimated you"

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Luiza is putting all of her anger into these punches she is throwing at her opponent. All the humiliation in every defeat that she suffers from her opponents is being put into her fists as she is trying to knock her opponent out cold with her fists of fury.

Just when it seems that she was about to make some headway, Ren threw a punch that would connect with Luiza's jaw, knocking her off the other woman and to the mat holding her cheek. Turning her head to face the other woman with a glare on her face and stumbling to her feet, not yet finished on wanting to punch the woman's face some more.

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Ren would smirk under her mask as she punch back, it finally start to become fun as she make her way toward Luiza as she saw her stumbling before raise her left arm and proceed to grab her by the hair as she pull her right fist back, aiming to start punching her face, attempt to stun and humiliate and teasing her as she attempt to force her onto her knees

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Chaotic Dance - Ren Xiaofan vs Luíza Ishikawa

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Stumbling, trying to force herself to her feet again. Luiza would let out a groan of pain due to having her hair yanked on by Ren in a thigh grip. Her hands reaching up, trying to pull herself free from the woman's surprisingly tight grip... before a rain of punches slams into her face again, each blow keeps turning her head to that side as Luiza is forced to her knees again from every blow. Looking punch drunk as she sways from side to side, looking up at her opponent with a dazed and confused look in her eyes.

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